Religion, or lack of, open discussion/FRIENDLY debate.

how about those who tried to persecute christians, or murder christians? how about all the good christianity has done, and continues to do, not the people who use the name to get money, the non profits who daily feed the homeless and lost. again, i will say it,no matter what you TRY to do, you will not sway me, nor abolish christianity, how many ppl do you think have tried? and you're special how?

are you the chosen ones, special above all others? no

you will not, sorry to inform you.

No one is trying to sway you. Breaking free from the myth would be one of the hardest things you'd ever do. Most cannot.......
No one is trying to sway you. Breaking free from the myth would be one of the hardest things you'd ever do. Most cannot.......

Seriously, it's only a matter of time, and time is on the side of reality.

Christianity and indeed all religions will one day become extinct, exactly how the Neo-con republican ideology is these days.

It'll become embarrassing to believe in a religion, eventually a social taboo that nobody will take seriously.

Reason, logic...REALITY will provail.

I have no problem in the belief that jesus did walk. I do however start to wonder about things like, Most religions say the earth is only 10000 to 15000 years old. Also there are no scriptures in the bible that say anything about dinosuars. If i was writing a book to tell people of the past present and future. I think i would have to tell them to be carefull around the twenty foot tall lizards running around or the giant ones flying. Ya know. I need proof. Im not saying anything bad about beleavers. I have read the bible front to back. I didnt memorize it but there are many stories that stuck out. People today are basing their beliefs on a book that was written more than 2000 years ago. then rewritten again because certain Kings didnt like the way some things sounded. Hince New King James version. I want there to be something else after this. But odds are, I gonna end up like plant food. I challenge any one to prove me wrong based on facts. I could talk about this for days.
Well speaking from the prespective of an quote unquote "Christian". Its' hard and difficult at best for a Christian or any Religion to break away from God, or gods they worship b/c the essence of what their God, or gods maybe is very REal.

Those in the know use that knowledge to manipulate people for whatever purpose it maybe....

It only works as long as the person is content with the given doctrine, and care not for the TRUTH, so they accept it because they either lost the Will, never had it, or is presently living a falsehood, wich is more often the usual case.....

the same can be said vice versa for the same harden atheist who chooses that path as well.....

No matter, All will succumb Peewizzeed

:spew:Relgion & Atheist Alike
But odds are, I gonna end up like plant food. I challenge any one to prove me wrong based on facts. I could talk about this for days.

Wishful thinking, I would've guessed more along the lines of Maggot Food , :lol: j/k

good to see mo naybors around :peace:
Seriously, it's only a matter of time, and time is on the side of reality.

Christianity and indeed all religions will one day become extinct, exactly how the Neo-con republican ideology is these days.

It'll become embarrassing to believe in a religion, eventually a social taboo that nobody will take seriously.

Reason, logic...REALITY will provail.


Do Star Wars & Star Trek fall into that REality as Well? Because it's presently being called Science Fiction, but Reason and Logic compels it to be Non Fictional.

Is it a denial of the Truth? Complacency? or Simply Science Fiction...
Do Star Wars & Star Trek fall into that REality as Well? Because it's presently being called Science Fiction, but Reason and Logic compels it to be Non Fictional.

Is it a denial of the Truth? Complacency? or Simply Science Fiction...
Science fiction is merely a genre of fiction.

Kindly explain how the two examples you cite could be construed as non-fiction.
Science fiction is merely a genre of fiction.

Kindly explain how the two examples you cite could be construed as non-fiction.

Well, Not Speaking in the Literal Sense, but the basis of the Examples is that Man will one Day Colonize / Explore Space, the dialogue is merely lagniappe, entertainment....

But it could stand as fiction as Well, Who says Man will be around that long Anyway, Right? But if we are, what's the plan, go down with the Ship, Is that what we are planning for.....

It may be all theoretical science, but I believe that our planet / solar system, will die out like all the other planets / solar systems and our children / Man if still alive will have to leave, theoretically speaking that is.....

That was my meaning, Kind Sir :peace:
Well, Not Speaking in the Literal Sense, but the basis of the Examples is that Man will one Day Colonize / Explore Space, the dialogue is merely lagniappe, entertainment....

But it could stand as fiction as Well, Who says Man will be around that long Anyway, Right? But if we are, what's the plan, go down with the Ship, Is that what we are planning for.....

It may be all theoretical science, but I believe that our planet / solar system, will die out like all the other planets / solar systems and our children / Man if still alive will have to leave, theoretically speaking that is.....

That was my meaning, Kind Sir :peace:
I see. In that case, the subject of expanded colonization in space is in the realm of reality (non-fiction) as evidenced mankind's ventures into habitation in space (See MIR and the ISS).

In addition, speculation on the existence of life outside our atmosphere is very quickly moving into the realm of possibility. As example, see the ever increasing number of planets discovered outside our solar system as our technology increases. Both of those topics are discussed in non-fiction and science fiction alike.
That always troubled me, too. Canada has hockey players on their money, as well as a portrait of the living Monarch. ... Nothing about God, as far as I know.

You ever see any shows about the conspiracy theories attached to the design of US money? ... Talk about nuts.... wowee...

Yeah! I'm from Canada and nothing about god on our currency. AND we're not allowed to have Christmas celebrations at school, even if the majority celebrates it, just because the minority will get offended. I do think that our country was founded on Christian beliefs and practices (although I am not christian) and think that some of the tradition can at least continue without having someone with much less Canadian heritage taking offense to it. I apologize if all of this has been said already, I was too lazy to read the whole thread :p
But seriously, how can you doubt that there is a creator, if not a god (although they would be the same, i guess)? if not more than one? Look around! there is so much out there that can't be explained by purely science. Again, I'm not a christian, but to deny the obvious existence of some level of at least one supernatural being is ignorant. (in my opinion)
But, it all comes down to faith, and if you are strong in your faith than nothing I say or someone else can say that will change it, and that is what makes the human race so interesting.

Thanks for reading :)

Only reason we have in god we trust now is that we do not actually have enough gold in the vaults to back the circulation or currency so really your trusting in god that shit will spend since it has no real backed value anymore...would rather it not be on there and that we stopped adding color to our money making it look like monopoly cash. the old small faced currency was the best but as long as we do not go to coin cash Im ok. the day we try to go european with coin only cash Im makin my own lol
whether there is something beyond our limited ability to understand the universe or not is of little importance. religion only causes problems and should be separate from schools etc.. let your parents teach you what they want but religion should be private in all applications and forced on no one.