Religion, or lack of, open discussion/FRIENDLY debate.

whether there is something beyond our limited ability to understand the universe or not is of little importance. religion only causes problems and should be separate from schools etc.. let your parents teach you what they want but religion should be private in all applications and forced on no one.
i think this says it all :peace:
yeah if you want to be atheist great if you want religion great if you have your own feelings on something greater great but leave everyone else the fuck alone. then again only the religious want to force there wills onto others in doing so it seems they weaken there point. it seems like there disturbed by anyone who thinks differently. my point is if your easily shaken or angered by others feelings different than your own then how strong do you really believe in your religion? religion is outdated and only divides people. why cant people believe in something without seeing others as deserving punishment for different views even if there as moral as the group who wants them persecuted ridiculous.
yeah im no fan of any religion but the ones that actively try to convert anger me. i know some exist where you have to want to join thats less irritating 'to each his own' fine by me leave me be and i will likewise.
the same can be said about ALOT of atheists, if the subject is brought up, an atheist will alot of times argue how we are wrong and make us try to see our errors, isn't that tryin to press beliefs?

i'll discuss the matter, even debate, but on a regular, idc if you believe or not, not my problem, so "then again only the religious want to force there wills onto others in doing so it seems they weaken there point." is an inaccurate statement, more so of a generalization.
seriously? this again? i left because it was like arguing to a child, yes i do know its history, however it isn't the same today, i dont understand what that has anything to do with my post, and actually atheism is a belief, a belief that there is nothing but man, and because it cant be proven as fact as of now, it stands as a belief, not religion, but it IS a belief.

maybe this time i wont get the same reply that i've gotten so often here.

"oh duhr you must not know christianity's history"

ok christians killed at some point, show me a group of followers (religious/gov't/villiage) that hasn't or hasn't been involved in so, also, what christians do you see today killing in the name of god?

oh wait, thats right its muslims this time.
and btw, you bringing up "history" has no bearing on what individuals TODAY do.

i dont force my belief, i discuss, debate if its mutual, otherwise i dont care what you believe. again, days of old are not the actions of today.
i bet there is doctrine of the big conspiracy, in any way, none of this is addressing my post, so since there is no response then i'll be on my way.

thanks for the OH SO stimulating convo.

Captn I dont really see you asking any questions just making your statement so nothing to answer. Im athestist and don't push it to anyone. I will state my opinion on religion and why i think so but religion as of today just from the outside not a good thing to me as there is so much sexual abuse, child molestation, and declared war between different beliefs to me basically its a child molestors hide out run by those who like war...Those who are into that being todays religion are welcome to enjoy as long as they can sit an admit thats what they are apart of as that is the fact of what the church and religion have evolved into currently.
whether there is something beyond our limited ability to understand the universe or not is of little importance. religion only causes problems and should be separate from schools etc.. let your parents teach you what they want but religion should be private in all applications and forced on no one.

I agree, religion should be kept separate from schools and whatever, but not so harshly that we can't even have a christmas concert at a high school becasue of the word christmas. It's gotten to the point that it's not even a religious holiday anymore.
And for religion being forced on people, I really think that parents are the number one reason for forcing religion on children. It has nothing to do with children being educated in religion, it's what they're told to believe so they never question it. My girlfriend has this problem. She is the daughter of a baptist pastor and has trouble with her family daily because of my beliefs. They won't even allow her to be with someone who isn't christian... to me that's fucking ridiculous.
christmass technoly isnt a christian holiday but a pagen holiday that has been transformed and then formed to fit the christan view. It actually has no date importance to christianity but is important to the pageans.I personally think of it as just asomething we as people like and use for our winter break up and is great family fun if kept as just christmass and not pertaing to anything but the humane spirit if giving and family
Captn I dont really see you asking any questions just making your statement so nothing to answer. Im athestist and don't push it to anyone. I will state my opinion on religion and why i think so but religion as of today just from the outside not a good thing to me as there is so much sexual abuse, child molestation, and declared war between different beliefs to me basically its a child molestors hide out run by those who like war...Those who are into that being todays religion are welcome to enjoy as long as they can sit an admit thats what they are apart of as that is the fact of what the church and religion have evolved into currently.

This post is redundant....but I agree, we should start doing background checks on family households, and if there are members of that family who have committed immoral/unlawful crimes...the entire lot should executed.
It has nothing to do with the individual, their bred that way imo...but I guess that's just my opinion as well
I don't overly care what type of holiday Christmas is, lol I just care that it's a holiday that MOST people (in North America at least) celebrate and it has been removed why? because it's a religious thing? pff, fuck that, why not just get rid of easter and anything else with ties to religion too.