Religion, or lack of, open discussion/FRIENDLY debate.

what part doesn't make it past the skull? wont? or, change my mind?

i've seen the evidence placed in front of me and im still asking for when they absolutely concluded that god doesn't exist. because that evidence DOESN'T exist. you cant prove god doesn't exist.

why dont you just read what people write cuz apparently you either choose not to, or forget how, NOTHING you can say will ever change my mind, nor will it break down the christian religion. you and others may not believe or agree, but dont think you can make others disbelieve. no one has that power of persuasion on me.

sorry to say.
Don't you think that's kind of a bad thing, that you can hold something so high like that? Basing your entire life on something seems a bit extreme right? Imagine that something you based your entire life on turned out to be a lie! Could you handle it? Think that has anything to do with this situation?

All of this is simple hypothetical, I'm not trying to offend anyone...
simple fact is, me being religious doesnt hurt anyone, absolutely no one, and if there is no god, and if im wrong, then how am i gonna be sad? if what you and science and atheists say is true and when you die, its just curtains close fade to black, not like im going to know anyway. however i dont believe thats the case anyway. religion is a part of my life. and always will be.
Yup wont change your mind but your comparison of slavery and religion are so far off even being anywhere close. Slavery as refered to by you was abolished and outlawed and has stopped in relation to the United States and most other countries but not all. religion and its evils continues stioll today. All the evil that churchs and priest do still is active and going strong so your compariosns are the furthest from even being relevant but it is in america your right to worship as you please so if thats what you need then Im fine with that everyone needs a good story sometimes
do you not see your slights, and intolerances? completely rude, after i've tried to say have your beliefs and allow mw mine, i'll respect yours but let me have mine.

i guess i dont understand the continued slights, and intolerance
i have one question i often ask christians do you believe that non believers or people of other beliefs go to hell automatically regardless of if they were good people or not.
no, not necessarily.
and even if so, we're not to be judgemental, i dont base opinions off whether or not someone believes, but if we/i can help someone i will, and if they wanna talk ill talk.

because the vast similarities to other religions could mean that it had the telephone effect, most was relayed orally, you take a all that info and spread it in diff directions, its gonna change, have differences, and similarities, but i dont think god will send them to hell, because they only knew what they knew and believed still.

non believers, that im not sure, those who strive to be good ppl and not harm others i believe will prob wont go to hell.

why do you ask?
just because i feel that anyone who feels that good moral people atheist or other go to hell for not worshiping jesus is totally lost and have a sick hateful mentality and dont understand what jesus was trying to teach in the first place. i of course dont believe any of that hellfire crap but nonetheless i find it offensive that some religious people regardless of who i am as a person think i will burn in hell but a molesting priest or murderer can repent and be 'saved'. i just dont see how any logical rational person can be involved with such obvious madness.
It doesn't matter what your "personal" beliefs are. Only the OFFICIAL doctrine (bible) is the word of G*D for Christians. Thus, all non believers suffer eternal damnation. It's not your choice. This is the glaring fallacy of the modern day church.
I think the bible was a book written by someone who was smoked out and then he was like"Man you need to read this book its real deep and stuff" to his buddy who lit up read it and it blew his mind with all the stories and he shared it and they shared it and it became the number bestr seller of its time.There is no heaven or hell. Those terms refer to how you live your life while here on earth you can think your choices and actions and how you live makes it your own heaven or your miserable and live your own personal hell life meaning you make heaven or hell yourself by you own choices.
the more im learning the more i dislike christianity currently im watching a series of documentaries about the crusades wow absolute evil doings i had no idea. the more history i learn the more disdain i have.
oh the more history you watch or learn and study you will wonder how any sensible person can support the horrors associated with religion and its cause
your just taught growing up in the us that the muslims are the nasty ones but particularly back then the christians were the murderers and invaders for no real reason beyond greed.
how about those who tried to persecute christians, or murder christians? how about all the good christianity has done, and continues to do, not the people who use the name to get money, the non profits who daily feed the homeless and lost. again, i will say it,no matter what you TRY to do, you will not sway me, nor abolish christianity, how many ppl do you think have tried? and you're special how?

are you the chosen ones, special above all others? no

you will not, sorry to inform you.
yeah that has happened to im sure. im not trying to sway anyone. all im saying is when you learn the history of christianity from an unbiased source you will find that the christian faith as a whole is the most violent of all throughout history and has the most blood on its hands. christianity contradicts itself constantly with regards to what its supposed to be about and its actual actions around the world.
I think the bible was a book written by someone who was smoked out and then he was like"Man you need to read this book its real deep and stuff" to his buddy who lit up read it and it blew his mind with all the stories and he shared it and they shared it and it became the number bestr seller of its time.There is no heaven or hell. Those terms refer to how you live your life while here on earth you can think your choices and actions and how you live makes it your own heaven or your miserable and live your own personal hell life meaning you make heaven or hell yourself by you own choices.

Magic mushroomss are plentiful in Israel :blsmoke: