Republicans fuck America, again

I'm open minded when we can agree on the facts.

How do I meet in the middle when the right, that would be Republicans deny that global warming isn't caused by fossil fuel burning that releases carbon into the atmosphere? The facts say it is.

How do I meet in the middle with people who say masks aren't an effective means of reducing the rate of coronavirus transmission? The facts say it does.

How do I meet in the middle with people who say systemic racism in the US system doesn't exist? The facts say it does exist and black and Hispanic people are economically deprived due to it.

I do listen. My support for Joe Biden is my attempt at finding common ground.

I posted a Dixie Chicks music video that plays with spousal abuse. How does one find common ground with an abusive spouse who refuses to see their behavior as wrong?

So, I reject this idea that I need to find common ground with these serial abusers. I'm not advocating killing them IRL but I do advocate stopping them from their abuse by whatever means necessary, virtually suffocating them. That would still be voting them out of office when I can and opposing them in the streets when I can't. Because wrong is wrong and there is no point in finding common ground with people who can't accept the fact that they are wrong. They need to start listening too.

Perhaps I should edit the way I stated that so it is clearer..? Idk cuz I've pretty much been saying the same thing for days. The common ground is "communication" in order to survive and thrive.

No one said YOU have to change your beliefs based on facts, the idea is to TALK them into changing theirs... so they are more aligned with ours... that is how you create compromise. When people can show someone a proven better way of life, in a respectful manner.. that is the fastest, most effortless path to change. SHOW them the facts on covid, climate change, etc. Those who are open to discussion.. It won't work with everyone, but it will work with some..

I currently don't see hardly anyone doing that here, in politics. I see a bunch of folks acting like trolls tho.. There's no brainstorming, only bullying, and the spreading of even MORE fake & twisted news propaganda between each other. NO 'side' seems to have all the facts right..

It's truly disheartening.. and another reason I spoke up. I finally made an account in Feb, and didn't say a thing until July. I just don't understand how shit can be so bad and everyone would rather just bully each other online rather than talk decent to change minds to save lives.

Feels like no one really gives a fuck... even those who claim so passionately that they do.. How do we get others to see our viewpoints and look at things we view as dangers - if we don't talk to them about it, because they are a republican?

The only point I've been making is communication of FACTS with each other. To conversate about our current situation, respectfully. Lose the assumptions.. All this 'extra' stuff get's brought in by many trying to find 1000 excuses why to "hate all republicans" and that "sides must be chosen."

That is what I don't understand. There is plenty of "grey" area here, and that fact is being denied... over and over again.
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Perhaps I should edit the way I stated that so it is clearer..? Idk cuz I've pretty much been saying the same thing for days. The common ground is "communication" in order to survive and thrive.

No one said YOU have to change your beliefs based on facts, the idea is to TALK them into changing theirs... so they are more aligned with ours... that is how you create compromise. When people can show someone a proven better way of life, in a respectful manner.. that is the fastest, most effortless path to change. SHOW them the facts on covid, climate change, etc. Those who are open to discussion.. It won't work with everyone, but it will work with some..

I currently don't see hardly anyone doing that here, in politics. I see a bunch of folks acting like trolls tho.. There's no brainstorming, only bullying, and the spreading of even MORE fake & twisted news propaganda between each other. NO 'side' seems to have all the facts right..

It's truly disheartening.. and another reason I spoke up. I finally made an account in Feb, and didn't say a thing until July. I just don't understand how shit can be so bad and everyone would rather just bully each other online rather than talk decent to change minds to save lives.

Feels like no one really gives a fuck... even those who claim so passionately that they do.. How do we get others to see our viewpoints and look at things we view as dangers - if we don't talk to them about it, because they are a republican?

The only point I've been making is communication of FACTS with each other. To conversate about our current situation, respectfully. Lose the assumptions.. All this 'extra' stuff get's brought in by many trying to find 1000 excuses why to "hate all republicans" and that "sides must be chosen."

That is what I don't understand. There is plenty of "grey" area here, and that fact is being denied... over and over again.
Sorry, I didn't read the whole thing, I just read to: The common ground is "communication"

Republicans are directing and not communicating. It's you who don't get it. Democrats are windbags and mocked for it by them. There is plenty of communication. It's just one way.
IQ 78 in action, dumb bastard didn't register, or know his polling station with a camera crew following him around, jenius... Mail in voting eh.
Trump Mails It In: Newly Unearthed 'Access Hollywood' Tape
It is about how republicans are fucking America, I got a feeling America is gonna fuck them back. Not even if Jesus himself descended from heaven and endorsed Trump would it be enough, unless he promise refugee statues in heaven, then all bets are off, but then again he'd be a trumper then and not to be trusted...

Is Trump Sowing Doubt About The Credibility Of The Election As A Campaign Strategy? | MSNBC

Faced with sagging polls, terrible economic indicators and a failing coronavirus strategy, President Trump is staring at a possible loss in November. In recent days he’s stepped up his attacks on mail-in voting and is suggesting that results of the upcoming election can’t be trusted.
Stick around 'til the end - Greg from FL makes it worth the wait

"Can you imagine going to Mar-a-Lago to see the museum from the current president? I hope that they got an outdoor shower after you go in there because you're going to need it."
Sorry, I didn't read the whole thing, I just read to: The common ground is "communication"

Republicans are directing and not communicating. It's you who don't get it. Democrats are windbags and mocked for it by them. There is plenty of communication. It's just one way.

Lol.. It's pretty obvious who struggles with communication here..

The person who says "sorry, I only read the first 2 1/2 sentences" of a reply they requested.. says other people are not communicating. Go figure.. Interesting insincere apology too.. more gaslighting. Impressive.

Are you also implying that all republicans "abuse" their spouses??

From an openminded point of view that "leans" to the left and voted 100% democratic the last 3 election cycle, I call bullshit.

You honestly do not appear to want true change in any way. Just a hateful agenda of what "you" think is best, and fuck what anyone else thinks or what is best for them. Lots of complaints and excuses, but no solutions.

"Me Me Me" mentality that far too many American's currently have. There is 331,000,000 people in this nation...

No matter how much sense a person makes - come back with the same irrelevant shit that has nothing to do with what I said.. You are twisting my words to suit how you feel.. Is this your road to peace?

You speak of republicans as if they are all strictly politicians. It's 100% clear you haven't read much of anything I've said. Or atleast haven't comprehended it. That's your choice but don't come along asking questions if you can't be "bothered" with replies.. It does crack me up, I can't help it. It's so simple.

How is a republican to talk to you when you already have your mind made up? YOU are the one not communicating. In all your statements, you skip right over any chance of "communication."

Like I said.. you didn't read :wall: Goodnight :wall:
Tropical Storm Isaias Sputtering in Bahamas, Will Approach Florida Overnight, Then Race Up East Coast

At a Glance
Conditions in Florida are slowly deteriorating in Florida.
Tropical storm conditions are expected Sunday in South Florida.
Then scrape up the Florida coast through Monday morning.
It will then head for the Carolinas later Monday and Monday night as a tropical storm.
The tropical storm will then race through the Northeast Tuesday into Wednesday.
Tropical Storm Isaias Sputtering in Bahamas, Will Approach Florida Overnight, Then Race Up East Coast
View attachment 4641949

At a Glance
Conditions in Florida are slowly deteriorating in Florida.
Tropical storm conditions are expected Sunday in South Florida.
Then scrape up the Florida coast through Monday morning.
It will then head for the Carolinas later Monday and Monday night as a tropical storm.
The tropical storm will then race through the Northeast Tuesday into Wednesday.
It's not that big of a deal. Happens every year in those parts.
It's not that big of a deal. Happens every year in those parts.
I thought it might be bad the way it suddenly blew up, in any case they don't need more greif evacuating into even more life threatening danger at a shelter. Millions on the road in these conditions could make the covid crises there much worse, they also can't afford to lose hospital capacity and have many elderly. I was concerned.
I'm going to try to keep short ap... lol. Where did I say anything about being "in person?" I have 100% maintained the importance of social distancing, 6 ft apart, wearing masks, and staying home unless necessary - and yes, I do consider protesting "necessary."
Where did I say you said that?

My message is simple. I seen a lot of fake news and misinformed Americans which makes it obvious people are not talking and relaying the true concerns to each other.. as they should be. I think it's important to raise awareness that we are losing sight of what's most important.
And yet you liked everyone of that guys posts last night where he was spreading propaganda or 'fake news' because as you felt 'CannaOnerStar actually has many valid points on the US..' . The problem is that partially true is the same as mostly full of shit.

If you're confused because I'm using the words "coming together" I mean it as this: Stop judging and hating on strangers based on assumptions, or their "registered party." Half of those folks are too busy/lazy to pay attention, 100 million don't even vote!!
You making shit up about me 'hating on strangers' about their 'registered party' is on you. I actually go out of my way to not call people racists because they vote for Republicans. Hell I even go as far as not calling them racists for falling for the racist propaganda.

I was using the words "20ish years" in context of how much the world changed since I was 20. Many things changed, quickly. Tons of good changes!

What do you mean by "realistic" internet communication? I got my first cell in 2001. The internet started to be widely used in 91. By 96-97 (I was in high school) I was all over the internet in various chatrooms, gaming sites. By 97 the first social media site was born - 6 degrees. In 99 folks started blogging. By early 2000 Linkedln was born, MySpace too. Then Photobucket and Flickr.. Wifi cell by 2004, pictures too. You tube in 2005, followed by FB and Twitter in 2006. Mobile apps in 2008..
Impressive that you had all that by early 2000.

What I mean by 'realistic internet communication' I mean that when looking at when content from videos being recorded of issues facing the minority communities like police brutality and easily uploaded, there are many things that should be considered. First is people having the tech that was very pricy for a kid in the city in 2008 when the first iPhone came out. Sure there were some camera phones that you could get about 30 pictures before you had to delete or upload to your computer, but that is not the same by a mile with where we are at today with everyone camera at the ready all the time. We see far more now than ever before as a society. And mostly that has come in the last 10 years.

And that is why I put the point out there that things 'seem' worse because online propaganda has gotten extremely sophisticated in the tools it is using to pinpoint what you care about based on all of your online data that you communicate out to the world. This is what the Russians hacked starting to have the greatest impacts in our society in 2014 when they decided to hack our 2016 election to get Trump elected.
I understand we may not agree on things, and that's ok. I hope you still consider me as American, as I do you. This type discussion is why I don't quite fit in on the "left" side either. I seriously think many people need to take a look around and take more accountability for their actions and their destiny's than they currently are.
I found the way you were white knighting the dude making illuminitti conspiracies and their 'both siding' suspect, but I don't have any reason to doubt you are an American.

I agree that people should take more accountability for their actions. I will also go further in saying, that people need to take more accountability in what it is that they think they know, and how they can inadvertently create cover for the trolls that would see our democracy fall.

That is what I mean when I say "entitled." Is there issues we've needed to fix for 100's of years. Hell yes - and we must fix them. Changes to be made? For sure! Are there malicious folks out there who are also taking advantage of the current times to play "victim" by inciting situations that would have otherwise not occured? YES, as well.. of all races, in many places.
What is the point of the race part being mixed in with this? Do you not see the attacks being done in the name of these peaceful protests as a way to paint the BLM movement as some sort of boogey man for the Republicans in office to use as a scare tactic?
Blaming technology instead of taking accountability is an often used excuse.. I do believe technology has had a huge effect on our personalities as a whole though. Plus, people straight up no longer communicate for the most part. Everything is digital, not enough is genuine. Life is starting to feel as chaotic as Fake News.
I would say that the naivety of people who don't understand the power of data analyst are living in a bubble.

That the personality profiles on every American that is being used to target us and our family and friends with the exact propaganda that we will most likely fall for. This is not rocket science, even if it might use a lot of the same math.

Peoples reactions to digital sources is very genuine. And there might be a good reason that 'life is starting to feel as chaotic as Fake News' (whichever you mean by invoking this particular phrase) I am guessing.
Perhaps I should edit the way I stated that so it is clearer..? Idk cuz I've pretty much been saying the same thing for days. The common ground is "communication" in order to survive and thrive.

No one said YOU have to change your beliefs based on facts, the idea is to TALK them into changing theirs... so they are more aligned with ours... that is how you create compromise. When people can show someone a proven better way of life, in a respectful manner.. that is the fastest, most effortless path to change. SHOW them the facts on covid, climate change, etc. Those who are open to discussion.. It won't work with everyone, but it will work with some..

I currently don't see hardly anyone doing that here, in politics. I see a bunch of folks acting like trolls tho.. There's no brainstorming, only bullying, and the spreading of even MORE fake & twisted news propaganda between each other. NO 'side' seems to have all the facts right..

It's truly disheartening.. and another reason I spoke up. I finally made an account in Feb, and didn't say a thing until July. I just don't understand how shit can be so bad and everyone would rather just bully each other online rather than talk decent to change minds to save lives.

Feels like no one really gives a fuck... even those who claim so passionately that they do.. How do we get others to see our viewpoints and look at things we view as dangers - if we don't talk to them about it, because they are a republican?

The only point I've been making is communication of FACTS with each other. To conversate about our current situation, respectfully. Lose the assumptions.. All this 'extra' stuff get's brought in by many trying to find 1000 excuses why to "hate all republicans" and that "sides must be chosen."

That is what I don't understand. There is plenty of "grey" area here, and that fact is being denied... over and over again.
To be fair to @Fogdog it is incredibly hard to get past that first sentence and not just say fuck it and give up trying to talk reason with you when you keep conflating 'Republicans' with the vast majority of Republican politicians and Trump's cult.

And it gets even harder once you start calling everything people are posting in here as 'fake and twisted', when some of us stay firmly planted in reality and are actively trying to help people to learn the difference between the lies and fake cat fishing accounts and the people who would do our democracy harm.
To be fair to @Fogdog it is incredibly hard to get past that first sentence and not just say fuck it and give up trying to talk reason with you when you keep conflating 'Republicans' with the vast majority of Republican politicians and Trump's cult.

And it gets even harder once you start calling everything people are posting in here as 'fake and twisted', when some of us stay firmly planted in reality and are actively trying to help people to learn the difference between the lies and fake cat fishing accounts and the people who would do our democracy harm.
Thanks, you nailed my reason for stopping reading. But I'm not stopping with Republican politicians and leaders as a group when I say we have no common ground to discuss. Trump has a very stable 40% approval rating. One cannot support Republican leadership without supporting systemic racism, fascist cops, burn fossil fuels as if there is no harm, pour pesticides and nutrient salts onto the ground where most goes into the rivers and so forth. Until they start following facts like you do, I don't see the point in seeking common ground. That said, there was a "big shift" lately when Trump's approval rating dropped from 43-ish percent to 40% and I'm grateful to that 3%.

It's like a wife trying to reason with her wife beating husband. He has the power and is getting what he wants. The best course of action in that regard is for the abused spouse to remove the abuser from her life. Trump's supporters, all 40% or so that remain are showing that they have no motivation to listen. They are directing, not communicating, not listening, not trying to find common ground. They can change but it's up to them. Until their behavior costs them enough to cause pain they won't change. No reason to. For the last 150 years, white men have held most of the power and that's what Trump's supporters are fighting to keep.

Earl has to go. Warning, harsh image of domestic violence.
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Stick around 'til the end - Greg from FL makes it worth the wait

"Can you imagine going to Mar-a-Lago to see the museum from the current president? I hope that they got an outdoor shower after you go in there because you're going to need it."

it'll be like Mr. Toad's Wild Ride with a Trump* re-branding then you'll be taken through the gift shop at the end.
Lol.. It's pretty obvious who struggles with communication here..

The person who says "sorry, I only read the first 2 1/2 sentences" of a reply they requested.. says other people are not communicating. Go figure.. Interesting insincere apology too.. more gaslighting. Impressive.

Are you also implying that all republicans "abuse" their spouses??

From an openminded point of view that "leans" to the left and voted 100% democratic the last 3 election cycle, I call bullshit.

You honestly do not appear to want true change in any way. Just a hateful agenda of what "you" think is best, and fuck what anyone else thinks or what is best for them. Lots of complaints and excuses, but no solutions.

"Me Me Me" mentality that far too many American's currently have. There is 331,000,000 people in this nation...

No matter how much sense a person makes - come back with the same irrelevant shit that has nothing to do with what I said.. You are twisting my words to suit how you feel.. Is this your road to peace?

You speak of republicans as if they are all strictly politicians. It's 100% clear you haven't read much of anything I've said. Or atleast haven't comprehended it. That's your choice but don't come along asking questions if you can't be "bothered" with replies.. It does crack me up, I can't help it. It's so simple.

How is a republican to talk to you when you already have your mind made up? YOU are the one not communicating. In all your statements, you skip right over any chance of "communication."

Like I said.. you didn't read :wall: Goodnight :wall:
I couldn't read the rest of your missive because it was based upon a false premise IMO. Once you lost me with your assumption, I couldn't read the rest of your post. From my POV, saying "The common ground is "communication" (between right wingers and center-left liberals) is like saying the earth is flat and then trying to explain the celestial sphere to me. I can't listen past the first line.

Your theory is that the way out is through open communication and listening. Am I right?

I ask you then to show me objective or written evidence that there is a large contingent of the 40% or so of Trump's supporters are trying to communicate with liberals, Democrats, or the Black Lives Matters movement. I can show you tons of information coming from the liberal side of this country that is facts based and is an attempt to communicate. I hold you up as an example too.
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I thought it might be bad the way it suddenly blew up, in any case they don't need more greif evacuating into even more life threatening danger at a shelter. Millions on the road in these conditions could make the covid crises there much worse, they also can't afford to lose hospital capacity and have many elderly. I was concerned.
There is going to be some flooding. Those areas will be hard hit. It's a Tropical Storm, winds projected as of last night to be no more than 75 mph and mostly 45 or less.

"As Tropical Storm Isaias moves along Florida’s coast, Brevard County officials have opened a storm shelter “in an abundance of caution.” "

Joke: How are a Texas divorce and an Oklahoma Tornado alike?

ans: Somebody loses their trailer home.
Thanks, you nailed my reason for stopping reading. But I'm not stopping with Republican politicians and leaders as a group when I say we have no common ground to discuss. Trump has a very stable 40% approval rating. One can't support Republican leadership without supporting systemic racism, fascist cops, burn fossil fuels as if there is no harm, pour pesticides and nutrient salts onto the ground where most goes into the rivers and so forth. Until they start following facts like you do, I don't see the point in seeking common ground. That said, there was a "big shift" lately when Trump's approval rating dropped from 43-ish percent to 40% and I'm grateful to that 3%.

It's like a wife trying to reason with her wife beating husband. He has the power and is getting what he wants. The best course of action in that regard is for the abused spouse to remove the abuser from her life. Trump's supporters, all 40% or so that remain are showing that they have no motivation to listen. They are directing, not communicating, not listening, not trying to find common ground. They can change but it's up to them. Until their behavior costs them enough to cause pain they won't change. No reason to. For the last 150 years, white men have held most of the power and that's what Trump's supporters are fighting to keep.

Earl has to go. Warning, harsh image of domestic violence.
That is kind of why I am hopeful in the face of everything that is going on. Trump has to continue to pump out his lies to keep giving his troll army something to try to keep the 30% or so of our population inside of his cult. And the more visible he is doing it, the more people will be forced into admitting how horrendously full of shit he actually is.

Up until now I could see how a rational person could have actively avoided news outside of the couple times they tune into Fox/Sinclair 'local tv news stations' and hate radio from time to time could be snowballed into having a rational response to ignoring what all the actual news stations are broadcasting and having to form a single opinion.

Think about the fact that almost everyone on the major platforms and forums like this one are unable to log in and not have a mountain of spam to try to keep up with if they want to be 'informed' in that forum, and if they don't realize that as they move around and read the comments/troll headlines the same militarized trolls are making it seem like some convergence of logic when it is really smoke and mirrors.

Using your wife analogy, the wife beater can only blame it on being drunk if they are drunk when they are beating their wife. After they have to get their frustrations with the world out on her while sober, they can't claim to be a 'mean drunk' anymore.
This is what it has come to folks, you are now the ILLEGAL ALIENS who carry a plague, I expect "caravans" of the destitute next! Shunned by civilization, the mark of Trump upon your foreheads...

Americans, Go Home: Canadians Track U.S. Boaters Sneaking Across The Border

Canadians are typically seen as pretty friendly people, and until the coronavirus pandemic, most were happy to welcome Americans.

But when the coronavirus began to quickly spread in March, the U.S. and Canada shut their shared border to all nonessential traffic.

Since then, Canada's border patrol has effectively prevented caravans of Americans — and their RVs and their campers — from surging across the border as they normally do each summer.

But Americans can be crafty.

Some have managed to enter Canada by telling border patrol officers that they are on their way to Alaska. This is known as the "Alaska loophole."

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police fined several Americans who were hiking near Lake Louise in Alberta. Lake Louise is not on the way to Alaska.

Fed up, Canada announced last week that it is cracking down on Americans who apparently don't know which way is north.

The Americans are coming, the Americans are coming

Foreigners are also arriving by boat, often on sailboats and luxury yachts. Many seek refuge in British Columbia's protected inland waters and marine parks, which are home to pods of killer whales and abundant wildlife.
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