I got to tired to continue this last night, sorry..

Here is my random thoughts.. with a few tough truths thrown in. I've lived in AZ, CA, MT, ND, MS, NV, and spent months at a time in a few other states for work. I also have family in MT, MI, AZ, TX, GA, NY, ND, SD, WY, UT, MS, MO, OR, FL, CA, TN, AL. editing.. I keep thinking of more and more states LOL... I come from a huge family spaced all over the US..
"There is no common ground to be found with Republicans"
We are seriously going to have to "agree to disagree" on this point. I stand firm in my views based on my life experiences and I understand that you stand firm in yours. I am not saying to go out seeking republicans or become a republican. I am saying in order to beat covid (and trump) we ALL - the human race - need to communicate better.. The common ground is survival.
I never said to give up per se or "barter" anything. I implied compromise is necessary and the context in which I intended was compromise on behalf of the republicans. They need to compromise. The only thing we need to do is be kind, and informative. Communicate with our communities. Not make assumptions, and be cruel.. Isn't that what this side of the parties represents anyways?
Big picture-little picture
1st link is reputable site and even though that is from 2016 - the points it makes are still relevant. I have been saying the same to people in my life for the last 30 years. Things are changing. The white man's rule is OVER. Finally, for fucks sakes. I am as happy about this as you are.
Completely agree that demographics are shifting throughout not just the US, but the entire world.. I'm 100% aware and personally involved, my children are 2 races. I've also protested for the rights of immigrants. The world is a big beautiful place that I would like to wander.. I believe in equality and the freedoms to do so..
2nd link is center-left bias. It makes me sad that folks read such places. That is just as much danger as the russians.. because it is not the straight truth. At best is twisted facts based on personal opinions. I did not read, sorry..
I've spent some time in California..specifically Sacramento and the Bay Area, as recently as 2019. Mostly for work. I loved CA so please don't take this wrong but I am not impressed. The homeless population is unbelievably disheartening. I remember being SO sad. Plus, shit.. shit everywhere.. The people are great though. San Diego was amazing.
Do you know CA most recent rankings scorecard? Atleast, that I can currently find in a brief search.. Fiscal Stability #42 Opportunity #49. Regardless of how well "politics" are doing or not, the state as a whole is not doing well. Here's a few good links with more info.. as this all will certainly have effect on politics.
No, California's Finances Are Not Back In Black
This link below is interesting because the #1 reason is the gov't - political..
The Top 4 Reasons California is Unsubstainable
White entitlement
Is there still too much? Absolutely..
Does it explain why today seems so fraught? Not so much..
Many "white" republicans are tired of this. They weren't racist to begin with. They view as things were fine (yes, very uneducated.) They had no bias or hatred, they were just living their lives. Some of those people are turning racist just due to the current state of affairs. That is their ignorance, of course. Some just want us to all get along, they are the peacemakers. Some want chaos, they are the problems. Your theories are based on the assumption that people are defined by their party. They really are not, they are defined by their lives and personal experiences.. imho.
In Conclusion..
I agree, this 2020-30 is not going to be fun. No one is expecting fun. I do not fear republican rule in 2024, because I truly envision change. The republican party is dead. They did it to themselves in less than 4 years. American people have had enough. Trump lost popular vote, republicans have certainly not gained voters.
I'm super happy to hear about a win.. I can imagine. I don't watch the news... but I watch live. That's why I have twitter.. (plus.. poker twitter is fkn hilarious) Don't need the new with folks everywhere taking videos. Life live feed via twitter daily. All over the US.. so I'm pretty well up to date on whats going on out there, without leaving my house. Folks are broadcasting live..
Your tiny picture is my BIG picture. Love your family, friends, and other humans in general. Keep them close. Life is too damn short. Stop taking it for granted. Take it from someone who knows.
I wish I could have a drink, bahaha. Not a drinker... alcoholism runs in the family too. I'm a toker

the black sheep. I really hope you are doing well also

I have a cousin in Bend, OR.. so beautiful there. Rains (gloomy) too much in that state for me, but it is surely gorgeous. I need my vitamin D!