Republicans fuck America, again

Yea, well I'm coming back with fuck 'em if they're a POS Republican.
They alone decided to jump into Trump's boat (Nazis come too mind) & they alone are responsible for the shit storm we are in now.
I have no pity at all for Republicans, they have been lying & fucking over the average American citizen for decades.
Let them all get COVID-19 and fucking die.
This country (World?) would be a better place.

My dad is the best man I've ever known. I don't want him to die. He has no idea what's going on in the white house, russia, on and on. He votes based on what's best for his survivability, as do we all.

Americans on farms, ranches, in oil fields, coal mines, running small businesses, etc, all over America..many good republicans do exist. Many are voting Biden this year.. Perhaps it's not right to call them "republicans" but that is what they are registered as, currently.

They have been for many many years.. and likely will continue to be - due to policy effecting their livelihood's. That doesn't mean their vote is "set in stone." I know for a fact my dad and a few other republican family members voted for Obama 1 term.

Real change takes time, it doesn't happen overnight. It surely doesn't happen through cruelty. These people are not bad people, and are not on board with the "current" republican party you speak of. That is what I am trying to explain..
If I was you I would get really familiar with the Russian attack that our country is under using trolls on every side of every issue to whip up Americans to the point of radicalization.

I am sorry, not going to dig into the russian attack further than I already do. I am aware and "woke" if you will. My brain can only digest so much and it literally starts to hurt.. lol o_O

I do speak with my family and friends about such things, to keep them aware as well. This kinda goes right back to my point.. communication.. us coming togather.. we are fighting something much bigger than what we are currently giving credit for.. but we are also truly coming togather in numerous ways. We need more of that (coming together) is all I'm saying.. Go on.. (:

"I disagree, last night in Portland no Trump Federal goonsquad and surprise no violence. Very few people have been ingured/killed"

I disagree with your disagreement. I watch violence live, daily, all over the US. For months now.. I am not specifically referring to the current enviroment in Portland, (or anywhere) but the USA as a whole.

"people who were extremely vulnerable to being brainwashed becoming radicalized and don't have anyone in their family or friends to help pull them back from the propaganda, and moments of 'Karen'ing'"

Oh there is def lot's of "Karen'ing" going on.. on all sides! Lord have mercy. People need to take some ACCOUNTABILITY and do better. Pull ourselves back from the propaganda. Quit watching the bullshit on tv and poisoning our brains/thoughts with fake and misleading news/opinions/twisted truths. There is TONS of reputable sites, experts, studies, live "reality tv" happening everywhere, literally. There is media bias charts for a reason! Stay within the green square.. for unbiased news based on fact.

More people need to take accountablity for their misguided beliefs; do the research, follow the scientists and experts, know your media sources and biases, quit spreading falsities and propaganda. If sources are ever caught in a lie, stop reading them or watching them! They are the real threat to poisoning everyone's mind. WE seriously need more fucking common sense. We are brainwashing ourselves..

Don't take this personally. It's just how I talk. Said with a smile(:

The biggest problem I think is the people who are brainwashed into dismissing science and causing things like Measels to become an issue once again.

I agree. I can't comprehend how anyone can dismiss science. 5500 years of science. :wall::wall::wall:
With the exception of CA which had it in check, all the rest of the red states that support Trump are getting hit hardest 6 months after it started, all of America's peer counties have it under control and are reopening with sensible restrictions. Many from the south migrated to places like OK after the civil war destroyed much of the south. Though many people in other states are fear driven racist morons too, they all support Trump and many believe him too! It is a racist tribe and cult of personality, no better the Rev Jim Jones, the Koolaid metaphor is apt, they will drink from a bitter cup.
Sean Hannity on reopening ",Florida and Texas got it right"Screenshot_20200801-121331.png
The South historically is home to the more ignorant section of the population and it has to do with religion and racism. The rich landowners/slaveowners convinced the poor sharecroppers that they were poor but God would one day reward them In heaven. They were also convinced that as bad as they had it they weren't as bad as black slaves. They vote against better conditions for themselves and more tax breaks for the rich because those same actions would benefit minorities. It continues until this day. They have lower education and lower health and standards of living. These are the people Trump tricked into voting for him and they are dying to stay by his side.

Of all the history there is to know, I understand the history of the south the best. 12 years there as a bi-racial family, and experienced/learned a lot. MS flag camee down (2020) FINALLY! (: Schools are de-segrated all throughout the state (2017) FINALLY! (: I could go on and on about the road to change in the deep south. It would needs it's own thread LOL.

It's been a long time coming..a work in progress.. and there is still a lot to be done. There is still "secret" proms, and the KKK is very "relevant.." for lack of a better term. I'll save all this for another time though. The situation in the south weighs heavily on my mind and is largely a part of my viewpoints..
And again, a Democrat will have to fix the mess left by the Republicans.
Most recent example is what Obama had to face after Bush, the worst economic situation since the Great Depression.
Obama saved this country, but yet in the mind of a Republican/Trump supporter he was a failure.
Let me be a fortune teller.
Biden will win the election & be left with the largest pile of shit in the history of this country to rectify.
One way or the other, he will succeed, but then the idiots in this country will elect a Republican again, because there has NEVER been a continuous Democratic administration (FDR doesn't count)
We vacillate back & forth, again & again between Democrats & Republicans never acknowledging/understanding the fucking fact that Republicans are a fucking disaster usually.
What too do?
Well, in my case, it usually consists of lot's of drugs & alcohol too dull the pain.
Pretty sad, eh?

You're almost making my point with this one. LOL.. we are almost there.

Obama did well, a few republicans even admittedly voted for him.. Yes, in the mind of a "pro-trump republican" they are bad people.

No one is required to vote as they are registered... only some states in caucasses and primarys.. but not the general elections. Many registered "republicans" will vote Biden.. have and do vote pro democratic issues, and are not terrible people. They are just living their lives.. uninformed about much of what we speak of. That's the point of raising awareness.. to what's real.

I feel like yall are seriously putting to much assumption in "everyone watches, reads, and digests" as much media as yall do. Many people do not have time for that, or simply don't want to. That makes them worthy of scorn?! For being uninformed or busy with their lives on their dot of the world?

In my case it consists of thc and cbd. A few other natural rememdies. It is sad, huh.. (: the world I mean
I am sorry, not going to dig into the russian attack further than I already do. I am aware and "woke" if you will. My brain can only digest so much and it literally starts to hurt.. lol o_O

I do speak with my family and friends about such things, to keep them aware as well. This kinda goes right back to my point.. communication.. us coming togather.. we are fighting something much bigger than what we are currently giving credit for.. but we are also truly coming togather in numerous ways. We need more of that (coming together) is all I'm saying.. Go on.. (:
I defiantly agree with us needing to all be more connected. It just sucks it is also a time that we have a pandemic.
I disagree with your disagreement. I watch violence live, daily, all over the US. For months now.. I am not specifically referring to the current enviroment in Portland, (or anywhere) but the USA as a whole.
Do you actually think this are getting worse?

I would argue that things have always been like they are now, and due to Russia and Trump amplifying how people are viewing it nonstop is what is being changed.

And that if we rationally looked at outside of Trump's and his minions behavior, things are generally getting better everywhere outside of the people who don't want the changes, but it is not like they are acting much worse, just more are getting caught on camera acting like they have always acted.
Oh there is def lot's of "Karen'ing" going on.. on all sides! Lord have mercy. People need to take some ACCOUNTABILITY and do better. Pull ourselves back from the propaganda. Quit watching the bullshit on tv and poisoning our brains/thoughts with fake and misleading news/opinions/twisted truths. There is TONS of reputable sites, experts, studies, live "reality tv" happening everywhere, literally. There is media bias charts for a reason! Stay within the green square.. for unbiased news based on fact.
It is not the news media that is making people 'Karen'. It is the fact that people are being trolled from both sides of every argument and being taught to get so intensely focused on it that they don't realize that the person defending them and the person attacking them are both the same person, who is using this opportunity to make them mad by calling them the exact things they teach people to say while trolling them.

That the repetition of having to defend against trolls nonstop and if they can't having another troll come in and attack them with the desriptors that they are radicalizing them with until the point someone says the right combination of words in real life set them off and they 'Karen'.

This is why I was mentioning that you should take the time to read the Russian stuff the Senate put out at least. But I understand it is a lot, hopefully you'll see it enough around here when I post it that it all starts to come together what is happening with the attack that no human is immune to.

More people need to take accountablity for their misguided beliefs; do the research, follow the scientists and experts, know your media sources and biases, quit spreading falsities and propaganda. If sources are ever caught in a lie, stop reading them or watching them! They are the real threat to poisoning everyone's mind. WE seriously need more fucking common sense. We are brainwashing ourselves..

Don't take this personally. It's just how I talk. Said with a smile(:
Yes I agree fully, do the research and listen to the scientist and experts that have not lied to you and I will go further in saying, listen to them while they are under oath and read their reports and check everything you think you know on ap news.

And the Russians are brainwashing us. I don't think we can blame ourselves for creating fake news websites and hiring and militarizing hundreds of internet trolls with near-unlimited resources to use to spam us nonstop with highly specific tools.

We can however blame ourselves for giving the Russian military all of our data online that they were able to use to pair with the information that Trump gave them to attack us down to the voting district we live in.
I defiantly agree with us needing to all be more connected. It just sucks it is also a time that we have a pandemic.

The pandemic (on top of our war against trump/republican party) is the exact reason we need to further connect.. If we have any hope of controlling or beating the pandemic... things need to change. In many ways.

Do you actually think this are getting worse?

I would argue that things have always been like they are now, and due to Russia and Trump amplifying how people are viewing it nonstop is what is being changed.

Yes, socially and politically America is worse off than it was at the time of the Rodney King beating. I am 40, and I've experienced a lot throughout my lifetime. Grew up with the "old ways.." entered adulthood when everything was changing with the internet, cellphones, technology etc. 20ish years later the entire world has literally changed in numerous ways. That's life.. and I've paid attention my entire life..

Change is good... things will always change. We just need to take more accountability.. to ensure that they are always changing for the better..

And that if we rationally looked at outside of Trump's and his minions behavior, things are generally getting better everywhere outside of the people who don't want the changes, but it is not like they are acting much worse, just more are getting caught on camera acting like they have always acted.

That is not true imo. Things are not getting "better" everywhere. Folks are more entitled than ever - of all races.. Many are acting much worse. They've been getting caught on camera for 20 years now.. it's def getting worse.

It is not the news media that is making people 'Karen'. It is the fact that people are being trolled from both sides of every argument... by the same person...

Disagree sorry. Again.. accountability. People are "karen'ing" because deep deep deep down inside they are KARENS. Seriously. People hide their true selves well... and in times such as these, the truth comes to light.. I experienced that all too well during Katrina, and her aftermath..

Many people are to blame for the "content" they allow into their life. The choices they make. The people they are influenced by. WE all have a choice in our actions. For the most part... I'm not referencing the slight percentage with no choice in what they do. I'm speaking of us as a whole nation. Americans.

This is why I was mentioning that you should take the time to read the Russian stuff the Senate put out at least. But I understand it is a lot, hopefully you'll see it enough around here when I post it...

I will, I promise..

Yes I agree fully, do the research and listen to the scientist and experts that have not lied to you and I will go further in saying, listen to them while they are under oath and read their reports and check everything you think you know on ap news.

Exactly... AP.. Reuters.. Bloomberg

FOX, MSNBC & CNN all score poorly on both science content and neutral bias scales.. considered a "fair" interpretation of the news at best. "Fair" is not always accurate. I personally would rather be shown a factual point of view than a "fair" one, concerning most parts of life. Life is certainly not always fair, when doing what's right..

And the Russians are brainwashing us. I don't think we can blame ourselves for creating fake news websites and hiring and militarizing hundreds of internet trolls with near-unlimited resources to use to spam us nonstop with highly specific tools.

We can however blame ourselves for giving the Russian military all of our data online that they were able to use to pair with the information that Trump gave them to attack us down to the voting district we live in.

When I said we are brainwashing ourselves..I am saying that we are allowing it to happen. Accountability. No we can't blame ourself for the "creation of such things" but we can blame ourselves for our willingness to participate. You don't have to "click" those sites. You don't have to have strangers on your social media's. I have FB since 2008, and have 423 friends. They are either my family or people that I personally know... NO russians allowed. Those "unlimited resources and specific tools" are only viable if we ALLOW them into our lives. We need more awareness... so that folks stop unintentionally allowing such things to happen. Imho.

WE have to take accountability for what's happening, as much as we blame the russians and trump for doing it, if we want true change. WE need to limit our contacts to people we actually know (not strangers, or even brief aqaintances.) WE have to make sure we are not letting our email content be infiltrated. WE have to make sure we only partake in reputable research, studies, and media (such as Reuters/AP - green box sources) so that we get an unbiased view with FACTS. WE have to talk to our families and friends (even the not so bad can be nice sometimes republicans) about what is happening in our world...and then maybe WE can all make a difference..

This is just a few examples.. again getting rather long (: I am enjoying the discourse though... so thank you! Communication is key!
The pandemic (on top of our war against trump/republican party) is the exact reason we need to further connect.. If we have any hope of controlling or beating the pandemic... things need to change. In many ways.
Sure, but not in person, which comes with distinct differences and a steep learning curve.

Yes, socially and politically America is worse off than it was at the time of the Rodney King beating. I am 40, and I've experienced a lot throughout my lifetime. Grew up with the "old ways.." entered adulthood when everything was changing with the internet, cellphones, technology etc. 20ish years later the entire world has literally changed in numerous ways. That's life.. and I've paid attention my entire life..

Change is good... things will always change. We just need to take more accountability.. to ensure that they are always changing for the better..
But we also need to stay firmly planted in reality.

Since you were born I don't know how you would be able to honestly say that women are not better able to achieve success in the workplace and in education today than in 1980. Gay rights? Virtually non-existent really in 1980s even into the late 90s early 2000s people it was far more common to see gay people discriminated against.

Are many problems still persistent, absolutely.

Are something like infrastructure necessarily worse today as nothing was done to fix them in the 80's, for sure. So yes something are worse, but it was not an escalation from what it was in the 1980's.

That is why I say the racism/sexism/etc is not worse today, it is just more noticeable because of the technology you cited.

That is not true imo. Things are not getting "better" everywhere. Folks are more entitled than ever - of all races.. Many are acting much worse. They've been getting caught on camera for 20 years now.. it's def getting worse.
I think you ignored the second part of that sentence. I said '...outside of the people who don't want the changes'.

How are people 'more entitled'? And how are they 'acting much worse'? And why are you picking the timeframe of 20 years, what do you think minority kids in the city were uploading the camera phones they didn't have onto? Realistically the internet communication started having a impact around 2006, and a bit later around 2012 was when the tools to mass communicate started having an impact.

If you said people are more willing to share their opinions lately sure, but I again push back and say that the violence you are seeing far more regularly is simply because it is being caught on cameras now, and being spammed out to the portions of the population that are far more likely to have a strong response to them by the Russian military to get Trump re-elected, making everything seem much more recent of a phenomena.

Disagree sorry. Again.. accountability. People are "karen'ing" because deep deep deep down inside they are KARENS. Seriously. People hide their true selves well... and in times such as these, the truth comes to light.. I experienced that all too well during Katrina, and her aftermath..

Many people are to blame for the "content" they allow into their life. The choices they make. The people they are influenced by. WE all have a choice in our actions. For the most part... I'm not referencing the slight percentage with no choice in what they do. I'm speaking of us as a whole nation. Americans.
Ok I see some middle ground here. I do not mean that the trolling is causing them to have the impulse to act the way that they are in public when they 'Karen', but it does help people hone their inner Karen to the point that when they are now in public, it is more of a instant response, because they have had this 'karen' over and over again online and slip right into doing it in public.

The major thing though is the ability to get people who know each other in real life to have the perfect equal and opposite 'Karen' moment when they trip over land-mines that militarized trolls who know you intimately because they have access to everything you do online and the AI programming to use it against you and your real life social circle to trigger the optimal (to cause a argument) responses.

I will, I promise..
Cool, as an American I really don't see us finding common ground until we get some herd immunity with this attack Russians are conducting by hijacking the vulnerable in our country.

FOX, MSNBC & CNN all score poorly on both science content and neutral bias scales.. considered a "fair" interpretation of the news at best. "Fair" is not always accurate. I personally would rather be shown a factual point of view than a "fair" one, concerning most parts of life. Life is certainly not always fair, when doing what's right..
It is important to understand the difference between reporting and opinion with these companies.

WE have to take accountability for what's happening, as much as we blame the russians and trump for doing it, if we want true change. WE need to limit our contacts to people we actually know (not strangers, or even brief aqaintances.) WE have to make sure we are not letting our email content be infiltrated. WE have to make sure we only partake in reputable research, studies, and media (such as Reuters/AP - green box sources) so that we get an unbiased view with FACTS. WE have to talk to our families and friends (even the not so bad can be nice sometimes republicans) about what is happening in our world...and then maybe WE can all make a difference..
Trump and the Republicans (our elected officials) are leaving us exposed on purpose, so there is a lot of truth to it being our own fault.

You should note, just because you 'know' people doesn't mean that they are not getting convinced by a bunch of trolls they think are their friends of a bunch of crazy shit. Also it doesn't mean that those accounts don't get used by foreign trolls and don't realize it because they quit using that media. And even then that doesn't mean that someone doesn't use their social media to make some money by spreading propaganda.

Basically just never be too comfortable you know who you are talking with (or who is recording the content) while online, because it all can get used against you at anytime in the future when you are having a particularly shit day.
Yeah, thats what i thought mate.
So the hardest hit areas have lesser population density but much higher than average religious density.
Could religion be a factor in it?
I've said from the get go that I found it pretty ironic that 84% of the world's population are religious (72% if you don't count bhudism).
So for everyone that dies there's a 72-84% chance they believe that iether god will save them.
Or if they die that it was gods will and was ultimately for a greater good.
Has anyone else questioned this yet?
says the atheist lol
Sure, but not in person, which comes with distinct differences and a steep learning curve.

But we also need to stay firmly planted in reality.

Since you were born I don't know how you would be able to honestly say that women are not better able to achieve success in the workplace and in education today than in 1980. Gay rights? Virtually non-existent really in 1980s even into the late 90s early 2000s people it was far more common to see gay people discriminated against.

Are many problems still persistent, absolutely.

Are something like infrastructure necessarily worse today as nothing was done to fix them in the 80's, for sure. So yes something are worse, but it was not an escalation from what it was in the 1980's.

That is why I say the racism/sexism/etc is not worse today, it is just more noticeable because of the technology you cited.

I think you ignored the second part of that sentence. I said '...outside of the people who don't want the changes'.

How are people 'more entitled'? And how are they 'acting much worse'? And why are you picking the timeframe of 20 years, what do you think minority kids in the city were uploading the camera phones they didn't have onto? Realistically the internet communication started having a impact around 2006, and a bit later around 2012 was when the tools to mass communicate started having an impact.

If you said people are more willing to share their opinions lately sure, but I again push back and say that the violence you are seeing far more regularly is simply because it is being caught on cameras now, and being spammed out to the portions of the population that are far more likely to have a strong response to them by the Russian military to get Trump re-elected, making everything seem much more recent of a phenomena.

Ok I see some middle ground here. I do not mean that the trolling is causing them to have the impulse to act the way that they are in public when they 'Karen', but it does help people hone their inner Karen to the point that when they are now in public, it is more of a instant response, because they have had this 'karen' over and over again online and slip right into doing it in public.

The major thing though is the ability to get people who know each other in real life to have the perfect equal and opposite 'Karen' moment when they trip over land-mines that militarized trolls who know you intimately because they have access to everything you do online and the AI programming to use it against you and your real life social circle to trigger the optimal (to cause a argument) responses.

Cool, as an American I really don't see us finding common ground until we get some herd immunity with this attack Russians are conducting by hijacking the vulnerable in our country.

It is important to understand the difference between reporting and opinion with these companies.

Trump and the Republicans (our elected officials) are leaving us exposed on purpose, so there is a lot of truth to it being our own fault.

You should note, just because you 'know' people doesn't mean that they are not getting convinced by a bunch of trolls they think are their friends of a bunch of crazy shit. Also it doesn't mean that those accounts don't get used by foreign trolls and don't realize it because they quit using that media. And even then that doesn't mean that someone doesn't use their social media to make some money by spreading propaganda.

Basically just never be too comfortable you know who you are talking with (or who is recording the content) while online, because it all can get used against you at anytime in the future when you are having a particularly shit day.

I'm going to try to keep short ap... lol. Where did I say anything about being "in person?" I have 100% maintained the importance of social distancing, 6 ft apart, wearing masks, and staying home unless necessary - and yes, I do consider protesting "necessary."

If you're confused because I'm using the words "coming together" I mean it as this: Stop judging and hating on strangers based on assumptions, or their "registered party." Half of those folks are too busy/lazy to pay attention, 100 million don't even vote!!

Have the hard conversations, get more people to vote (we thought hillary would win too), spread the real facts on dangers of covid, encourage others to change, etc.! Come together as Americans.. I don't understand the "steep learning curve" of coming together. We've been doing it online socially for 20+ years...

Where did I say anything about women, or how far we have came? I was born in 79, so I don't know much about the 80's workplace enviroment other than 430am on the ranch and farm LOL. I started working in 95. Don't want to delve off into women's rights or LGBT rights. I am very much pro-equality in all circumstances. We still have a long way to go. I must have missed something here, or mis-spoke. I will read back later, sorry..

Right now I'm more interested in the rights we are currently losing.. amongst other things. I see covid as our top concern atm, trump is just a symptom that we shall soon be free of.. Problems.. I see them everywhere.. because I am "firmly planted in reality" rather than fake news. I base my thoughts and decisions on experiences, experts, and people's behavioral patterns.

I was using the words "20ish years" in context of how much the world changed since I was 20. Many things changed, quickly. Tons of good changes!

What do you mean by "realistic" internet communication? I got my first cell in 2001. The internet started to be widely used in 91. By 96-97 (I was in high school) I was all over the internet in various chatrooms, gaming sites. By 97 the first social media site was born - 6 degrees. In 99 folks started blogging. By early 2000 Linkedln was born, MySpace too. Then Photobucket and Flickr.. Wifi cell by 2004, pictures too. You tube in 2005, followed by FB and Twitter in 2006. Mobile apps in 2008..

I understand we may not agree on things, and that's ok. I hope you still consider me as American, as I do you. This type discussion is why I don't quite fit in on the "left" side either. I seriously think many people need to take a look around and take more accountability for their actions and their destiny's than they currently are.

That is what I mean when I say "entitled." Is there issues we've needed to fix for 100's of years. Hell yes - and we must fix them. Changes to be made? For sure! Are there malicious folks out there who are also taking advantage of the current times to play "victim" by inciting situations that would have otherwise not occured? YES, as well.. of all races, in many places.

Blaming technology instead of taking accountability is an often used excuse.. I do believe technology has had a huge effect on our personalities as a whole though. Plus, people straight up no longer communicate for the most part. Everything is digital, not enough is genuine. Life is starting to feel as chaotic as Fake News.

Idk.. I'm super tired. (: I did not mean to imply that the world is "so much worse" than it was. Many aspects of life have definitely improved along the way..
I got to tired to continue this last night, sorry..(:
Here is my random thoughts.. with a few tough truths thrown in. I've lived in AZ, CA, MT, ND, MS, NV, and spent months at a time in a few other states for work. I also have family in MT, MI, AZ, TX, GA, NY, ND, SD, WY, UT, MS, MO, OR, FL, CA, TN, AL. editing.. I keep thinking of more and more states LOL... I come from a huge family spaced all over the US..

"There is no common ground to be found with Republicans"
We are seriously going to have to "agree to disagree" on this point. I stand firm in my views based on my life experiences and I understand that you stand firm in yours. I am not saying to go out seeking republicans or become a republican. I am saying in order to beat covid (and trump) we ALL - the human race - need to communicate better.. The common ground is survival.

I never said to give up per se or "barter" anything. I implied compromise is necessary and the context in which I intended was compromise on behalf of the republicans. They need to compromise. The only thing we need to do is be kind, and informative. Communicate with our communities. Not make assumptions, and be cruel.. Isn't that what this side of the parties represents anyways?

Big picture-little picture
1st link is reputable site and even though that is from 2016 - the points it makes are still relevant. I have been saying the same to people in my life for the last 30 years. Things are changing. The white man's rule is OVER. Finally, for fucks sakes. I am as happy about this as you are.

Completely agree that demographics are shifting throughout not just the US, but the entire world.. I'm 100% aware and personally involved, my children are 2 races. I've also protested for the rights of immigrants. The world is a big beautiful place that I would like to wander.. I believe in equality and the freedoms to do so..

2nd link is center-left bias. It makes me sad that folks read such places. That is just as much danger as the russians.. because it is not the straight truth. At best is twisted facts based on personal opinions. I did not read, sorry..

I've spent some time in California..specifically Sacramento and the Bay Area, as recently as 2019. Mostly for work. I loved CA so please don't take this wrong but I am not impressed. The homeless population is unbelievably disheartening. I remember being SO sad. Plus, shit.. shit everywhere.. The people are great though. San Diego was amazing.

Do you know CA most recent rankings scorecard? Atleast, that I can currently find in a brief search.. Fiscal Stability #42 Opportunity #49. Regardless of how well "politics" are doing or not, the state as a whole is not doing well. Here's a few good links with more info.. as this all will certainly have effect on politics.

No, California's Finances Are Not Back In Black

This link below is interesting because the #1 reason is the gov't - political..
The Top 4 Reasons California is Unsubstainable

White entitlement
Is there still too much? Absolutely..
Does it explain why today seems so fraught? Not so much..
Many "white" republicans are tired of this. They weren't racist to begin with. They view as things were fine (yes, very uneducated.) They had no bias or hatred, they were just living their lives. Some of those people are turning racist just due to the current state of affairs. That is their ignorance, of course. Some just want us to all get along, they are the peacemakers. Some want chaos, they are the problems. Your theories are based on the assumption that people are defined by their party. They really are not, they are defined by their lives and personal experiences.. imho.

In Conclusion..
I agree, this 2020-30 is not going to be fun. No one is expecting fun. I do not fear republican rule in 2024, because I truly envision change. The republican party is dead. They did it to themselves in less than 4 years. American people have had enough. Trump lost popular vote, republicans have certainly not gained voters.

I'm super happy to hear about a win.. I can imagine. I don't watch the news... but I watch live. That's why I have twitter.. (plus.. poker twitter is fkn hilarious) Don't need the new with folks everywhere taking videos. Life live feed via twitter daily. All over the US.. so I'm pretty well up to date on whats going on out there, without leaving my house. Folks are broadcasting live..

Your tiny picture is my BIG picture. Love your family, friends, and other humans in general. Keep them close. Life is too damn short. Stop taking it for granted. Take it from someone who knows.

I wish I could have a drink, bahaha. Not a drinker... alcoholism runs in the family too. I'm a toker:leaf:the black sheep. I really hope you are doing well also(: I have a cousin in Bend, OR.. so beautiful there. Rains (gloomy) too much in that state for me, but it is surely gorgeous. I need my vitamin D!
I'll pick at the elements of your post without going into every point. I'll circle back after we've discussed,

Common ground with Republicans.

First, please be specific. When you say "common ground with Republicans", what do you mean by that in terms of policy? Global warming? Voter suppression? How to manage the epidemic? Public vs private schools? Women's rights? Where is this common ground to be found. Be specific. I'm listening.

How do we go forward with Republicans when every initiative Obama tried to introduce was symied by them. Please be specific. We have many problems: Economy collapsed, epidemic rampaging, global warming for examples, feel free to add to the list everybody. What does "finding common ground mean in real terms?
I'll pick at the elements of your post without going into every point. I'll circle back after we've discussed,

Common ground with Republicans.

First, please be specific. When you say "common ground with Republicans", what do you mean by that in terms of policy? Global warming? Voter suppression? How to manage the epidemic? Public vs private schools? Women's rights? Where is this common ground to be found. Be specific. I'm listening.

How do we go forward with Republicans when every initiative Obama tried to introduce was symied by them. Please be specific. We have many problems: Economy collapsed, epidemic rampaging, global warming for examples, feel free to add to the list everybody. What does "finding common ground mean in real terms?
You can toss them out of office, but your family is another matter, golf is a common topic as is the weather...
You can toss them out of office, but your family is another matter, golf is a common topic as is the weather...
My post was to queen, asking her to clarify what she meant when she said that that Democrats should find common ground with Republicans.

What I'm asking others is, what problems other than global warming, the epidemic, and crashed economy should we list. Then maybe we can discuss what "common ground" looks like between Democrats and Republicans.
If this tracks off the east coast of Florida and strengthens over warm water, it could explode into a hurricane and go up the coast just off shore like a buzz saw causing chaos and massive destruction in Covid Hell, with an incompetent government and response. Evacuation shelters are breeding grounds for covid and millions might be forced from the shelter of their homes into high risk environments, if one doesn't get ya the other one will. Maybe Donald will nuke it, a half dozen warheads set to max detonated simultaneously at depth might do the job Donald, finish off the south in a radioactive cloud of fall out, rain and glory! The rural south will be glowing with appreciation.... Sharpie time again folks, set them Alabamians scrambling once more, hitting the road in the middle of a pandemic over bullshit.
Tropical Storm Isaias Aims For Florida Amid Pandemic | NBC Nightly News
Looking at NBC satellite radar imagery, it looks like an H bomb explosion, it just blew up south of the Bahamas. Next it will organize an eye as it begins rotation and moves north west over the warm waters of the gulf stream.

As of last week, according to Trump's census bureau, the richest country in the world had 14 million food deprived families with children. Imagine having your kids go hungry, become weakened and vulnerable to illness in the midst of a Pandemic, with no income or healthcare coverage. Imagine that number growing greatly soon and many millions evicted from their homes, then imagine the banking system freezing up (2008 ) with Trump in charge, as the economy and banking system collapse, your bank card could become useless, even if you have lots of money in the closed bank, there is not enough cash printed these days for a run on the banks. I don't mean to be a downer, but these are distinct possibilities, with Donald anything is possible, usually bad. Putting in a garden might not have been a bad idea, last spring...

We might end up sending food aid and care packages to America, Canadian families could be sending food packages to American relatives, except Donald will have destroyed the USPS by then, so much for compassion, couriers maybe, if they are really starving, or perhaps they could move close to the border and Canadian relatives and other kind souls could throw food across the border for them, except Trump's goons might be patrolling it, when they kick them out of America's cities.
I'll pick at the elements of your post without going into every point. I'll circle back after we've discussed,

Common ground with Republicans.

First, please be specific. When you say "common ground with Republicans", what do you mean by that in terms of policy? Global warming? Voter suppression? How to manage the epidemic? Public vs private schools? Women's rights? Where is this common ground to be found. Be specific. I'm listening.

How do we go forward with Republicans when every initiative Obama tried to introduce was symied by them. Please be specific. We have many problems: Economy collapsed, epidemic rampaging, global warming for examples, feel free to add to the list everybody. What does "finding common ground mean in real terms?

Sure. I am just trying to say imho, in order to beat covid and trump & co republican lunatics... we ALL (the good people in the human race) need to communicate better. The current common ground is survive and thrive..

My message is simple. I seen a lot of fake news and misinformed Americans which makes it obvious people are not talking and relaying the true concerns to each other.. as they should be. I think it's important to raise awareness that we are losing sight of what's most important.

Be open to communication with everyone.. (except malicious folks) because that is the only way to change minds. Changing minds is how you eventually implement change. If you view "all republicans" as bad people and are not open minded enough to realize that many of them want change to.. how will you ever see compromise? Often, people just need to be shown another perspective, or a better way..

Quite literally the ONLY political point I have been making is from a social aspect - that in the current state of affairs I believe that if we are to treat all deserving people (not just likeminded ones) with more respect and have more open communication... we have better chances to sway minds and turn more people into democratic voters. In the long run.. that effects policy.. in the best way.. on both sides.

The ranchers, the farmers, the oil field workers, coal miners, rail roaders, contractors, many small business owners, people who are voting Republican for policy due to their livelihoods, and not disrespect. Those people..

We need to be more openminded right now. Coming together. Not be choosing sides based on 'party registration' because I know damn well I don't always vote based on my 'party' affiliations and I'm quite sure many other Americans don't either..

I do realize how much Republicans "shut everything down" concerning democratic policy.. totally get it. That's exactly why we need more of them voting Democratic! So we can elect more, which in the long run will create the change that everyone is actually looking for.

I just don't see how the "real" change is going to happen if Adults keep acting like they are currently. War is not the only way to peace. Imho. When you force folks to "chose a side" or gtfo, you will never get them to "choose" your side.. you have to give them a good reason why first. Respectfully :leaf:

I'll happily finish this out with you, as you have been respectful to me in discourse.. but I think I'm done discussing politics on riu. It's been fun (:

I don't feel my opinion (based on facts and experience) aka 'wacky words of wisdom' - are welcome here. Which is too bad. I'm probably the closest thing yall were gonna get to a 'decent right wing republican' as someone wished for earlier. Reminder - I am NOT a republican. Always been Independent.

Thank you for listening. I'm listening too (:
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Sure. I am just trying to say imho, in order to beat covid and trump & co republican lunatics... we ALL (the good people in the human race) need to communicate better. The current common ground is survive and thrive..

My message is simple. I seen a lot of fake news and misinformed Americans which makes it obvious people are not talking and relaying the true concerns to each other.. as they should be. I think it's important to raise awareness that we are losing sight of what's most important.

Be open to communication with everyone.. (except malicious folks) because that is the only way to change minds. Changing minds is how you eventually implement change. If you view "all republicans" as bad people and are not open minded enough to realize that many of them want change to.. how will you ever see compromise? Often, people just need to be shown another perspective, or a better way..

Quite literally the ONLY political point I have been making is from a social aspect - that in the current state of affairs I believe that if we are to treat all deserving people (not just likeminded ones) with more respect and have more open communication... we have better chances to sway minds and turn more people into democratic voters. In the long run.. that effects policy.. in the best way.. on both sides.

The ranchers, the farmers, the oil field workers, coal miners, rail roaders, contractors, many small business owners, people who are voting Republican for policy due to their livelihoods, and not disrespect. Those people..

We need to be more openminded right now. Coming together. Not be choosing sides based on 'party registration' because I know damn well I don't always vote based on my 'party' affiliations and I'm quite sure many other Americans don't either..

I do realize how much Republicans "shut everything down" concerning democratic policy.. totally get it. That's exactly why we need more of them voting Democratic! So we can elect more, which in the long run will create the change that everyone is actually looking for.

I just don't see how the "real" change is going to happen if Adults keep acting like they are currently. War is not the only way to peace. Imho. When you force folks to "chose a side" or gtfo, you will never get them to "choose" your side.. you have to give them a good reason why first. Respectfully :leaf:

I'll happily finish this out with you, as you have been respectful to me in discourse.. but I think I'm done discussing politics on riu. It's been fun (:

I don't feel my opinion (based on facts and experience) aka 'wacky words of wisdom' - are welcome here. Which is too bad. I'm probably the closest thing yall were gonna get to a 'decent right wing republican' as someone wished for earlier. Reminder - I am NOT a republican. Always been Independent.

Thank you for listening. I'm listening too (:
I'm open minded when we can agree on the facts.

How do I meet in the middle when the right, that would be Republicans deny that global warming isn't caused by fossil fuel burning that releases carbon into the atmosphere? The facts say it is.

How do I meet in the middle with people who say masks aren't an effective means of reducing the rate of coronavirus transmission? The facts say it does.

How do I meet in the middle with people who say systemic racism in the US system doesn't exist? The facts say it does exist and black and Hispanic people are economically deprived due to it.

I do listen. My support for Joe Biden is my attempt at finding common ground.

I posted a Dixie Chicks music video that plays with spousal abuse. How does one find common ground with an abusive spouse who refuses to see their behavior as wrong?

So, I reject this idea that I need to find common ground with these serial abusers. I'm not advocating killing them IRL but I do advocate stopping them from their abuse by whatever means necessary, virtually suffocating them. That would still be voting them out of office when I can and opposing them in the streets when I can't. Because wrong is wrong and there is no point in finding common ground with people who can't accept the fact that they are wrong. They need to start listening too.