RIP - Ron Paul's political career


New Member
also those delegates aren't necessarily committed to the candidates. Especially if a candidate drops out. They also won't actually be selected until much later right before the convention. Right now those numbers are just tentative promises. You can bet your ass Ron Paul's delgates are though, thats the point I tried to make earlier, its the undecied that voted for santorum....and Santorum is not even on the ballot in several states....he don't have the funds to go national...Paul could pickup Perrys and Santorums later....this is far from over


New Member
Also interesting facts, Romney got the exact same votes as he did last year...didn't get the nomination in the end

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Every other news outlet says that's incorrect due to changes in voting laws. I'd rather enjoy my new batch of amber glass than read about Iowa's election rules right now, so IDK, we'll see. I guess he could have as many as 7 delegates or as few as zero. Calling this election a "tie" is a big LOL. Make no mistake about it, this is a crushing defeat for Ron Paul. He had this in the bad less than a weak ago but choked before the finish line. He won't recover from this. He'll keep campaigning, but he's done.

Buddy Ganga

Active Member
The establishments anti establishment candidate..

How many ways does a person have to be rejected and denied before they give up ?
I'll tell you the answer after Paul finally gives up or dies...

Next he will run as a third party candidate..

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Which will divide the GOP and O'Bama is handed the Presidency on a silver platter. I can see him being that petty. Especially after the Huntsman tweet. No class.


New Member
Every other news outlet says that's incorrect due to changes in voting laws. I'd rather enjoy my new batch of amber glass than read about Iowa's election rules right now, so IDK, we'll see. I guess he could have as many as 7 delegates or as few as zero. Calling this election a "tie" is a big LOL. Make no mistake about it, this is a crushing defeat for Ron Paul. He had this in the bad less than a weak ago but choked before the finish line. He won't recover from this. He'll keep campaigning, but he's done.
Its not really a lie but the truth is nobody can know how many delgates each will get till basically they are all full of shit..its like a pre-game analysis done by fans of one team..

what we can say is that Ron Paul did very well tbh, much better than many predicted, far from unelectable..the independts and liberals came out in record numbers and voted for him...It is often said there is only 3 tickets out of Iowa and Ron Paul got one of those tickets...while santorums ticket doesn't even count really its like a huckabee repeat except 100x more ridiculous..because the dude is driving around in a pickup truck solo, isn't on several ballots, and is broke.

Mitt Romney got the exact same votes he always gets...that can't be good for him really...he did lose...

I think Dr. Paul has a really good chance when to the more liberal states simply because he is the only anti-war option..we will is definitely not "over" and this thread is just silly and childish.


Well-Known Member
Just making sure there isn't bias behind the merger threats. I really don't care either way as long as it's fair to all which, no offense UB, you kind of do a poor job of. I understand it's difficult, though.
I am not sure the last time a mod did ANYTHING that everyone was happy about. In fact, it might have never happened.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
He's only a bad mod when he bashes Holy Ron the Paul. May His sacred vaginal speculum bless you and hold you in it's cold metal embrace. Amen.


Well-Known Member
Stay tuned, it's not over yet, Ron Paul is just getting started.


Well-Known Member
I am not sure the last time a mod did ANYTHING that everyone was happy about. In fact, it might have never happened.
I actually support UB in his cause of cleaning up the RP spam. I just felt it needed to be said that he should be fair to all. His opinions of RP tend to drive him more than anything.

What ever.


Active Member
I am willing to bet every single former Bachmanite votes RP as he is the only Conservative left.

The most likely outcome and results over the next 4 years; Romney gets the GOP, Paul runs as an Indy, GOP is DECIMATED, Obama wins and forces war with Iran, Oil goes through the roof, Dollar collapses or nearly collapses and is either slowed or saved by massive QE, we are all made much poorer, Gold goes through the roof and Obama forces gold confiscation and sets generic price to protect dollar just like FDR did.
(just for the record i beleive the exact same thing would play out if Romney or any other stuffed suit GOP candidate won the presidency)