Sept. 6, 2021 - Homeless & Unemployed in America with Delta


Well-Known Member
Fuck January 6th, 2021, that was only a date that will be taught in future History classes and probably be known as the "Day of the Trump Insurrection"
"Oh my, what a horrible day that was"
"Oh yea, it did suck, didn't it?"
It really means nothing actually, it will prove to be insignificant in relationship with September 6th, 2021 which is much, much more significant,
That is the day that the Federal unemployment program, the Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation (PEUC), which extended how long workers can receive benefits ends & over 7.5 million Americans whose state unemployment benifits had expired & ended already, are on their fucking own.
But it gets better.
Coupled with that loss of income, the SCROTUS's decision made on Thursday voiding/nullifying the CDC's moratorium on evictions gives the green light to landlords & Sheriffs departments to start tossing almost 4 fucking million people into the streets, but not just any street, COVID-19/Delta virus infected streets.
This at a time when a mulitude of states are/have runout of ICU beds and seen spikes in cases in the last 2 weeks not seen since January.
California Hospital Beds Are Running Out As Covid Rises (
And everyone, every single entity dealing with the Virus agrees that it will, not possibly or maybe, but it will definitely get worse by December, with no end in sight until everyone is vaccinated (shoot the unvaccinated?/works for me :) )
And what has this Congress & this President done to prevent this from occuring/happening right now in front of our eyes.
From what I can see, NOT A FUCKING THING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Do you know where Congress is now?
ON FUCKING VACATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THEM?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We're the greatest/A#1/most Fabulous Nation on Earth?
WE FUCKING SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dispute it
You know what I keep thinking?
That this is all Trump's fault & that if he wasn't born/elected this wouldn't be happening.
But, that not true.
We were like this all along, but now COVID-19 has smashed us in the face with the reality of the consequences of our selfishness & arrogance & greed.
Old saying
"Reality Sucks"
Yes, it does it seems, doesn't it?



Certainly agree with the part on hospitals and everything else, but plenty of people that have a rental are scraping by just like their renter. Gotta cut it off at some point, but I'd have preferred they didn't just throw money out to everyone and instead gave it to people that actually needed it, then there'd be more leftover, which could be used to extend the duration of assistance to those that still need it.
Fuck January 6th, 2021, that was only a date that will be taught in future History classes and probably be known as the "Day of the Trump Insurrection"
"Oh my, what a horrible day that was"
"Oh yea, it did suck, didn't it?"
It really means nothing actually, it will prove to be insignificant in relationship with September 6th, 2021 which is much, much more significant,
That is the day that the Federal unemployment program, the Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation (PEUC), which extended how long workers can receive benefits ends & over 7.5 million Americans whose state unemployment benifits had expired & ended already, are on their fucking own.
But it gets better.
Coupled with that loss of income, the SCROTUS's decision made on Thursday voiding/nullifying the CDC's moratorium on evictions gives the green light to landlords & Sheriffs departments to start tossing almost 4 fucking million people into the streets, but not just any street, COVID-19/Delta virus infected streets.
This at a time when a mulitude of states are/have runout of ICU beds and seen spikes in cases in the last 2 weeks not seen since January.
California Hospital Beds Are Running Out As Covid Rises (
And everyone, every single entity dealing with the Virus agrees that it will, not possibly or maybe, but it will definitely get worse by December, with no end in sight until everyone is vaccinated (shoot the unvaccinated?/works for me :) )
And what has this Congress & this President done to prevent this from occuring/happening right now in front of our eyes.
From what I can see, NOT A FUCKING THING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Do you know where Congress is now?
ON FUCKING VACATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THEM?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We're the greatest/A#1/most Fabulous Nation on Earth?
WE FUCKING SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dispute it
You know what I keep thinking?
That this is all Trump's fault & that if he wasn't born/elected this wouldn't be happening.
But, that not true.
We were like this all along, but now COVID-19 has smashed us in the face with the reality of the consequences of our selfishness & arrogance & greed.
Old saying
"Reality Sucks"
Yes, it does it seems, doesn't it?

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this is really weird UI ends 9/4, and they're saying all programs will be exhausted and even if you have money in your account you can't have it. usually at this juncture the dems would be screaming because this pandemic is far from over, not of our doing, and it needs to have an extension but nothing- crickets. so i'm thinking there's something else; word on the street from those in charge said they understand there will be (but don't say i told you because i'm not sure of the details). well it should be in the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 under UI guess i'll have to go look.

i predicted 4th QTR to be the worst in our history and it's coming to fruition in slow motion right before our eyes and we are powerless to do anything. + you can't strap down those fuckers who refuse the vaccine- this is because of them.

shifting gears i found the most awesome place for a real slush suits for your dog. i noticed last year he got snow in his fur up to his chest, so i wanted to buy something that covers it.

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Certainly agree with the part on hospitals and everything else, but plenty of people that have a rental are scraping by just like their renter. Gotta cut it off at some point, but I'd have preferred they didn't just throw money out to everyone and instead gave it to people that actually needed it, then there'd be more leftover, which could be used to extend the duration of assistance to those that still need it.
Made me think of this guy.
Made me think of this guy.
I would really like to know why at this late date, billions of $'s of emergency funding has been left unused.
The Treasury Department announced last week that state and local officials doled out just $3 billion in aid over the course of the first half of the year, or roughly 6.6% of the $45 billion program intended to keep millions of renters in their homes.
Is it incompetency or politics?
I just don't get it
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I would really like to know why at this late date, billions of $'s of emergency funding has been left unused.
The Treasury Department announced last week that state and local officials doled out just $3 billion in aid over the course of the first half of the year, or roughly 6.6% of the $45 billion program intended to keep millions of renters in their homes.
Is it ncompetency or politics?
I just don't get it
1. Landlords want to evict as many people as they can so they can sell their low rent properties for more money cashing them out.

2. Republicans on the state level want to use people getting kicked out as a political football.

3. Republicans on the federal level want to divert these funds away from people in need to use the evictions as a political football.

4. Local/state officials want access to that money to pay for their pet projects.

5. People get fed up with the red tape and say fuck it.
I would really like to know why at this late date, billions of $'s of emergency funding has been left unused.
The Treasury Department announced last week that state and local officials doled out just $3 billion in aid over the course of the first half of the year, or roughly 6.6% of the $45 billion program intended to keep millions of renters in their homes.
Is it ncompetency or politics?
I just don't get it

states aren't distributing it..just like they refused the $300 UI for everyone..just like my SSDI application had no one working on it.

you're forgetting- CRUELTY IS THE POINT. there are still plenty of Trumpers in charge; Biden hasn't gotten to them all yet..he's been working on it but will take time to get them all.
people that have a rental are scraping by just like their renter
True statement
The money is out there for landlords to receive, why the fuck isn't it being used (I stated this earlier)
This is fucked up, on the way to being unbelievably fucked up.
The landlord with no tenants or money
The tenant with no home and no money
Lockdowns imminent (my town this week reinstated mask mandates after lifting them in June/16 dead last month)
This is totally a mess.
Things can't get worse right?
Well, it seems for those living in Alabama/Mississippi/Georgia things are defintly going to get worse starting tomorrow due to the hurricane.
I sorta hate to say it, because I don't really like those states that much, (except Georgia/it's blue :) ) but say a prayer or light a candle or whatever seems appropriate for those people in that storms path.
Some positive Energy couldn't hurt, right? (my hippie side is coming out :) )
If I can do it, so can you
They will need it
Yea, while I'm in a hippie state of mind, I might as well play this tune :)
Peace out/stay safe :)

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I believe I told you guys how bad things would get a while ago but you didn’t want to hear it, you know everything cause you circle jerk each other, now reality is setting eh ? Ha
I believe I told you guys how bad things would get a while ago but you didn’t want to hear it, you know everything cause you circle jerk each other, now reality is setting eh ? Ha
lmao way to go nostradomus. How ever could it have been predicted that a global pandemic and worst economic recession in history would have been bad?

Man everyone was so blindsided by this Republican cycle of dumping a shit storm on the incoming Democratic POTUS, it has only happened every time a Republican president has been in office since Reagan.
1. Landlords want to evict as many people as they can so they can sell their low rent properties for more money cashing them out.

2. Republicans on the state level want to use people getting kicked out as a political football.

3. Republicans on the federal level want to divert these funds away from people in need to use the evictions as a political football.

4. Local/state officials want access to that money to pay for their pet projects.

5. People get fed up with the red tape and say fuck it.
Yes, it does seem to be politically motivated seeing as all the states holding up the disbursement of the funds are Conservative Red states.
Yea, we don't want your stinking Federal aid, especially if it's from Socialist/Communist/Radical Lefties like Biden.
We'll starve ourselves & go homeless before that happens.
But, when it comes time to build more homeless shelters or jails that will be needed, and oh yea, they will be needed, then you'll see them coming to Washington begging for funds.
The Red states have destroyed themselves, they really have.
Just watch the carnage left behind as a result of their utter stupidity.
And you know who will pick them up & shake them off?
A fucking Democrat
Go figure
You guys think anyone who dosent subscribe to your cult rhetoric is a asshole or racist piece of shit, most people see how brainwashed you guys are ;)
That old troll?

This is literally one of the worst echo chambers on the interwebs , but I bet you guys don’t think it is one just a place for facts lol
lmao, disingenuous AF showing once again.