Well-Known Member
Ever seen a black guy with a sunburn. Looks like a ripe bing cherry. Don't seem to peal like my burns always do tho.
And what your telling me you got a problem with Aunt Jemima? Her descendants are fucking livid about the rebranding, and quite frankly, I would be too.
Lol nothing like us pink skins. I get a fucking sunburn if i leave the blinds open during the day. Us pinkeys have very little melanin and sun burn incredibly easily in comparison to basically anyone of color. A few hours of direct sunlight in the summer would put me in the hospital with 3rd degree burns. A person of color might want to put some lotion on that night.
That and jumping were just for the laughs... Or the haters.... whatever. The sunburn part was all fact though. Anyone of color has a major natural advantage when it comes to being in the sunlight due to their extra melanin production. Yes. Black people can get a sun burn. But what the sun does to me in an hour takes allll day for them. The sun also does not age their skin nearly as much as us pinks and due to the natural protection from the melanin they are far less likely to get skin cancer. I can honestly say, as far as genetics are concerned, i would rather be anything but pink. Pinkeys got all the health problems.Dick size
So worried. Its literally all I think about.yawn
White racists get owned and then start walking around quacking with the look of ducks that got hit on the head. (see Lincoln quotes)
No wonder they are worried about maintaining their white privilege. .
lulzSo worried. Its literally all I think about.
President Joe Blow. Nobody fucking cares. Puppets. The whole lot of em.lulz
The racists talking about "racism" scuttled away like cockroaches with the light on. You, on the other hand just started babbling. I admit it's not that different from your other posts.
President Joe Biden. Sounds nice. Nice and clean, free of corruption.
President Joe Biden.
Seems like the only brand that sticks to Joe these days.
Trump is going to lose badly.
We'll see.Seems like the only brand that sticks to Joe these days.
Trump is going to lose badly.
Yeah. Gore won popular too. Vote communism because Trump says dumb shit on Twitter. Yeah that makes sense.We thought that back in '16 too but the stupid electoral/correctoral college screwed us up. WTF is that BS when Killary won by over 3 million votes!
Not that I liked her either but a music grinder's trained monkey would have made a better president.
Bernie! How we miss you now!
Get off your collective asses and go vote for anything other than the Dumpster fire!
President Joe Blow. Nobody fucking cares. Puppets. The whole lot of em.
Wood definitely cuts best/easiest when its still fresh so I'm not sure what your saying.... The courts are going to have a hell of a time doing fuck all? Yeah i can see that....Pretty much true but hopefully he picks a smart black lady running mate that can take over when he blows a gasket and gets taken out mid-term.
I'm Canadian so I don't get to vote but when you 'Merican guys fuck up like you did getting Trump we all suffer. The whole world is suffering thanks to that idiot. And what's wrong with the idiots that are supposed to advise him? Sure he's stacked the deck and I for one was totally and happily surprised when his stacked supreme court ruled against him not only once but twice in the same week! There is hope for some sort of sanity.
Let sanity prevail and get his sorry ass out of the White House this Nov/January so the world can get back on an even keel. How much damage can he do if he loses in Nov before he's officially gone in Jan 2021 tho. We haven't been as close to a nuclear war since the Bay of Pigs fiasco that Kennedy saved us from.
I'm dying to see how his sorry ass gets shredded once he's out and the courts can get at him. Like a new chain saw through well-aged wood lol.
Wood definitely cuts best/easiest when its still fresh so I'm not sure what your saying.... The courts are going to have a hell of a time doing fuck all? Yeah i can see that....
The founding fathers didnt want political parties. That was never part of the game. This whole choosing between a douche bag and a turd sandwich thing is getting really fucking old.Yeah. Gore won popular too. Vote communism because Trump says dumb shit on Twitter. Yeah that makes sense.
So what part of this smacks of communism to you? Putin wants Trump back in because he kisses ass but the Chinese want Biden as he is an actual diplomat much like Obama was.
I think either are shitty forms of communism but like the Republican's true values they have all strayed from their ideals into fascism.
I'm a lefty kind of guy but really relate to a lot of what the Republican's original values meant. Freedom from any gov't interference and lots less gov't is a great thing but hasn't been real with any Repub rule for decades.
The gun thing. Meh. I got guns but if anyone thinks rednecks with AK47s are going to stop a corrupt president from wiping them out is smoking too much crack. I can actually believe in a new civil war in the US but it will likely happen that the armed forces will take the side of the rebels before siding with Trump. He's so obviously off the rails from the direction the founding fathers set the train on. Any true patriot will have to oppose corrupt actions that Trump may try to take. If not the world is FUBAR.
The founding fathers didnt want political parties. That was never part of the game. This whole choosing between a douche bag and a turd sandwich thing is getting really fucking old.
If i had to pick, id chose to live in Russia over China every time. They both suck but at least their is plenty of vodka in russia. Of course communist China wants Biden. If its communism or fascism, I'll take fascism. The RonaVirus just gave Trump the ultimate enemy to perpetuate a fascist ideal.
I think the whole barrel has been sour for a couple centuries now. Politics was never supposed to be a full blown career, it was supposed to be something people did because they wanted to do it, not because they could make a living off it. Its not my type of show, but House of Cards does a good job of laying out what is essentially a game that these crooks play for a living. Political parties should be illegal. Even though its not possible, I want to see Elon Musk running this country (and im saying that as someone who fucking hates electric cars). The man is a genius and I believe he would be the best thing thats happened to the US since... well.... ever. The man has dreams. Big dreams. And he accomplishes them. There is so much going on in the world and the president of the United States literally need to be a genius. I say either Elon Musk or Joe Exotic for 2020. I will accept no other president.We shouldn't need to choose from a pair of bad apples. We just need to get rid of the bad apples we got so the whole barrel doesn't go bad.
Sorry to school you on your constitutional law but musk can’t ever be president, he wasn’t born in the US.I think the whole barrel has been sour for a couple centuries now. Politics was never supposed to be a full blown career, it was supposed to be something people did because they wanted to do it, not because they could make a living off it. Its not my type of show, but House of Cards does a good job of laying out what is essentially a game that these crooks play for a living. Political parties should be illegal. Even though its not possible, I want to see Elon Musk running this country (and im saying that as someone who fucking hates electric cars). The man is a genius and I believe he would be the best thing thats happened to the US since... well.... ever. The man has dreams. Big dreams. And he accomplishes them. There is so much going on in the world and the president of the United States literally need to be a genius. I say either Elon Musk or Joe Exotic for 2020. I will accept no other president.
And back to what i was saying about russia vs china. Id rather cease to exist than have to suffer through existing in either of those hell holes.