Specific Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
I don't know about you guys...but I'm starting to Like this trollying character! I mean really like!


Well-Known Member
Ohh Chewy you know of the multi-verse. Very nice. Ever seen any of Robert Thurman's dicsussions?


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Lest you accuse her of being a shamless Husserl (or even a big Socrates), c2g can really Plato my humor, which occupies an odd Nietzsche.
I must go to the store ... it's the Schopen hauer. cn
You know you just pwned me again just print another copy of your virtual trophy LOL! I was going to use Schopenhauer myself and i didn't! DAMN everytime I don't listen to myself it goes badly. When will I learn! Oh when.


Ursus marijanus
You know you just pwned me again just print another copy of your virtual trophy LOL! I was going to use Schopenhauer myself and i didn't! DAMN everytime I don't listen to myself it goes badly. When will I learn! Oh when.
Never doubt that you are the Princess and I am the Popper. cn


Well-Known Member


95° 66°


97° 66°

97° 68°

106° 70°

it was in the 70's less then 8 days ago.. :(


Sector 5 Moderator
You know you just pwned me again just print another copy of your virtual trophy LOL! I was going to use Schopenhauer myself and i didn't! DAMN everytime I don't listen to myself it goes badly. When will I learn! Oh when.
Are you sure? I thought that was from "Ernest goes to jail". :)


Well-Known Member
Lest you accuse her of being a shamless Husserl (or even a big Socrates), c2g can really Plato my humor, which occupies an odd Nietzsche.
I must go to the store ... it's the Schopen hauer. cn
wooooow, just wow
Well said.
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to cannabineer again.
You know you just pwned me again just print another copy of your virtual trophy LOL! I was going to use Schopenhauer myself and i didn't! DAMN everytime I don't listen to myself it goes badly. When will I learn! Oh when.
Are you sure? I thought that was from "Ernest goes to jail". :)
You see?
That right there is an old school schooling...

Fuck I'm stoned... But, the fun one is I cleaned my keif catch... And, on top of some bud I split it with the boss lady. (She doesn't smoke often. Like 2 times in the past 3 weeks.) She's really really really high. (and sitting next to me, trying to read the thread, as I type away about her, looking occasionally at her...)