Specific Jibber Jabber Thread


Active Member
Lol i love trailer park boys. i have friends who are somewhat like those guys. I know a guy who shot HIMSELF twice in one day. one in the foot and once in the kneecap. fucker was to stupid to go to the hospital for the first one, and when he went for the knee the er doc told him hes the stupidist idiot t
o have ever come on bis shift.

and that was east vancouver. people are always up to crazy ass shit out there. i heard of a junky having to go to the er cause he got a kids toilet adapter caught around his neck. fuck that would have been some wierd shit for this jackass to explain. lol once its at that level you probably tell the doc to shut the fuck up when he asks why...

and i win idiot of the year award. i think i busted my wrist slipping on rocks yesterday. fucking pebbles


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.......snip..... but then shit got real, when good ol mom pulled out a .25 and started waving it at me. She was jabbing it at me in the air, finger on the trigger, with a crazy, yelling, diatribe about respect and following orders. She was like the woman in Pulp Fiction jumping on the table yelling at everyone to not move, or she'll "execute every motherfucking last one of you". To this day mom denies it. .......snip.......
It's very very important to teach adolescents that you can only push people so far. At least where I grew up. If you keep pushing you can finally drive someone over a line. Then that shit gets real. You know the Fri/Sat knife and gun club real and there is no one checkin' ids for age at that entrance. We all have lines. Thankfully if you learn that everyone has a crazy switch you learn to pull back before engaging it. Your parent's will pull the punch but show you the crazy line; it's a good lesson.

If you have to learn about it from a stranger, out here anyway, you could be dead. A little healthy fear of our brethren, breeds respect and over all is a good thing. Anyway that's how I feel about it ;) I'm sure I'm wrong LOL


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and that was east vancouver. people are always up to crazy ass shit out there. i heard of a junky having to go to the er cause he got a kids toilet adapter caught around his neck. fuck that would have been some wierd shit for this jackass to explain. lol once its at that level you probably tell the doc to shut the fuck up when he asks why...

and i win idiot of the year award. i think i busted my wrist slipping on rocks yesterday. fucking pebbles
We do not ask why. We ask how, when etc..... but we can extrapolate why. Anyway the why question is for the Psychiatry team. We are a bit of a union house ;) Don't wanna steal their gravy train by askin' why LOL

If it's fingers tape em but if it's really your hand/wrist go get x-rayed today so the teams can have the day OFF tomorrow or at least focus on the big shit. Be safe out there. Oh and get ICE on that sucker (Ice 24 then pump ice/heat every 20min for a few times).
Goddammit, after the Bruins won last night I got blackout drunk and apparently passed around a bowl with some people. I'm supposed to be staying clean while I'm looking for work. Oh well, at least with a clean system I'll be good to go in like a week.


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Goddammit, after the Bruins won last night I got blackout drunk and apparently passed around a bowl with some people. I'm supposed to be staying clean while I'm looking for work. Oh well, at least with a clean system I'll be good to go in like a week.
Nothing like having a plan and going with it LOL ;) I feel for you really I do. Sounds like some of my plans. I can't tell you how many times the goal was to clean the swamp but it's hard to remember the goal when you're up to your ass in alligators so to speak.
Nothing like having a plan and going with it LOL ;) I feel for you really I do. Sounds like some of my plans. I can't tell you how many times the goal was to clean the swamp but it's hard to remember the goal when you're up to your ass in alligators so to speak.
Hahahaha, shit happens I guess. I've been smoke-free since like the 2nd week of April to prepare for a test that never wound up happening (missed out on 4/20 for nothing :wall:) but I need to stay clean. I was absolutely loaded last night, there's no way I would've done something that stupid if I was sober. Most of what I've read said I'll be good to go in like 4-5 days, since I was totally clean beforehand.

Not too worried about it, the only place I've interviewed with recently's hiring manager is on vacation all this coming week, so I should have no problem slipping under their radar.


Well-Known Member
go b's! do they know who we are playing yet? im not going to lie im a fair weather fan.. the lockout really put me off from the sport for a bit.

Why do dentist think its okay to prop your mouth open and ask you questions about your family or whats going on in your life... i can't fucking talk with your hand in my mouth.. like can other people talk and im not skilled enough? there must be a reason they keep asking me questions i would think this is not the profession for small talk.

match box

Well-Known Member
curious2garden I'm surprised at the number of people under 50 that have not been taught that other people have a limit. It seams like they want to push you over that line. I have been enjoying your post but when you said you would get your Mossberg out. That you would know what it was is cool and that you know how to use it and would. I'm glad we get to read your post.


Well-Known Member
Why do dentist think its okay to prop your mouth open and ask you questions about your family or whats going on in your life... i can't fucking talk with your hand in my mouth.. like can other people talk and im not skilled enough? there must be a reason they keep asking me questions i would think this is not the profession for small talk.
I'm always amazed at how well they are able to understand what you say in those situations. It is funny though, as you definately have a point.
Sometimes it seems like they learned this 'other language' just for that particular profession, it blows me away.


Well-Known Member
love the commercial when they are like 'more annoying than' then they show a dude with his mouth propped open and the dentist sneezes in his mouth ahaha to funny



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Just a little pin prick....

It gets under my skin and crawls around, worming it's way into my subconscious, the audacity companies have today in regards to how they conduct their hiring practice.
I smoke/toke instead of drink, yet my choice of sin seems to have a connotation attached that says I'm unworthy of acceptance and there for a lesser being. My skills and experience are never taken into account, just the fact of whether or not I can pass a piss test, not anything to do with actual performance of my job. {does this mean I can do the job or just abstain long enough to pass a test?}

I would like to see equality in the terms associated with hiring a new person, if you're going to give me a test to see if I'm a marijuana smoker, then I want to know if the C.E.O is an alcoholic. These so called tests are nothing more but another way to control the populace, to put us into a subcategory, to keep us under thumb and seen as undesirable, what better way then to "screen" these individuals then by way of employment and there by keeping them in place.

I see these tests as an unfair judgement on my person and have no relation to how I conduct myself professionally.

Good...this will keep you going through the show.


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.......snip......My skills and experience are never taken into account, just the fact of whether or not I can pass a piss test, not anything to do with actual performance of my job. {does this mean I can do the job or just abstain long enough to pass a test?}
I always thought it was because the mega corps who own us need cheap labor so they set up straw men such as these and then sell them to the sheeple. But I'm a bit pessimistic.


Well-Known Member
It just irks me C2G, that because the vice I happen to enjoy is seen in an unflattering light and illegal, due to some really neat parlor tricks, I can't get a job.
On the other hand if I'm a reformed murderer, I not only do I have a job but a state/province funded education, so maybe I'm going about this all wrong ;)


Ursus marijanus
go b's! do they know who we are playing yet? im not going to lie im a fair weather fan.. the lockout really put me off from the sport for a bit.

Why do dentist think its okay to prop your mouth open and ask you questions about your family or whats going on in your life... i can't fucking talk with your hand in my mouth.. like can other people talk and im not skilled enough? there must be a reason they keep asking me questions i would think this is not the profession for small talk.
I think it's like going slow right after the merge. A little passive aggression with a captive audience. The day's guaranteed trololol. Small compensation for some of the sewers those guys have to see sometimes, I figure.

What I should learn to do is honk Morse through my nose; that'll l'arn'm. cn


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Hahaha only twice. made me laugh.

I was a super villainous child. I was brought home by the cops several times. There was much more I didn't get caught for.
Suffice to say the cop lived across the street and hey it was a ride home eh? So yeah more than a few what can I say? I'm curious for god's sake!
Just a little pin prick....

It gets under my skin and crawls around, worming it's way into my subconscious, the audacity companies have today in regards to how they conduct their hiring practice.
I smoke/toke instead of drink, yet my choice of sin seems to have a connotation attached that says I'm unworthy of acceptance and there for a lesser being. My skills and experience are never taken into account, just the fact of whether or not I can pass a piss test, not anything to do with actual performance of my job. {does this mean I can do the job or just abstain long enough to pass a test?}

I would like to see equality in the terms associated with hiring a new person, if you're going to give me a test to see if I'm a marijuana smoker, then I want to know if the C.E.O is an alcoholic. These so called tests are nothing more but another way to control the populace, to put us into a subcategory, to keep us under thumb and seen as undesirable, what better way then to "screen" these individuals then by way of employment and there by keeping them in place.

I see these tests as an unfair judgement on my person and have no relation to how I conduct myself professionally.

Good...this will keep you going through the show.
Don't have to tell me twice...it really bugs me that even in legal states, the standard 5 or 11-panel drug tests are still being used.

What makes my situation worse is I don't even remember the high. After a month and a half of being clean, it must've been pretty damn powerful

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
Suffice to say the cop lived across the street and hey it was a ride home eh? So yeah more than a few what can I say? I'm curious for god's sake!
no way. Even as a child I didn't like cops. It is like they are put on this earth just to make ppl like me miserable.

Well, One story is most vivid in my mind. I was bout 9-10 yrs old. My friends and I used to go back to the creek and play war, swim in the creek,rope swings campout mostly harmless stuff really.

In the spring when the ice would break off the creek we would go around and break a large piece of ice from the bank w/our feet and push the "iceberg" out into the creek and jump on it. Riding our "icebergs" until the next bend in the creek where it would smash into the bank and we would have to jump off quickly or get wet.

Dangerous? probably but the creek was only like 5 feet deep and we were literally within walking distance from our houses.

On the day in question the last thing my mom told me before I left the house was "don't go on the ice" I said sure mom, ok. Course you know that was the only thing I had planned for the day.

Anywhoo, after several hours of "iceberg" riding w/ my friends we see a friendly police officer on the other side of the creek. He asked us to walk around to the bridge and he would take us home. Apparently some old lady saw us on our icebergs she was concerned for our safety and called the cops. By this time I was tired and a bit cold after a fun filled afternoon of iceberg riding so my young naive ass decided to take him up on the warm and comfy ride home.

I remember vividly my mom answering the door.

mom: hello mr. officer

officer: we caught your son on the ice

mom: Thank you so much for bringing him home

officer: didn't want him getting hurt

mom:well thank's again officer

She said this all with the sweetest smile and in a warm voice.

As soon as that door closed I got the asswoopin of my life. I don't remember her weapon of choice that time. ie: belt,brush,spatula,wooden spoon maybe all of em before she was done with me.

"I told you not to go on the ice" she hollered at me as the devil horns were protruding through her hair.

I know that cop had to hear my screams of pain as he was walking back to the car.

Moral to the story? Never, ever take a ride in a friendly police officers' car.


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Moral to the story? Never, ever take a ride in a friendly police officers' car.
Nope moral to the story is don't lie to your mama or get better stealth about doin' it! OH and I didn't ACCEPT a ride darlin' it was a cuff and toss into the backseat. They always took me home and uncuffed me and shoved me in. Except for the one time I was naked but that's an entirely different story.