The Ebay Of Drugs?

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most are scams but there are legit buys on alibaba. i hooked up with another RIU member months back who was selling viagra he got off there and making a killing. doubt id buy pot tho

its easier to get it local.
Here's what: You go and carry water for the weak genes. And if you want to ask dumb-ass questions, I'll turn my laser on you, too.

kind of a jackass aren't you balls? so i suppose no one ever carried you water when necessary? there are plenty of flame wars going on in the internetz on plenty of other sites... why do *you* feel it necessary to "turn your lazer" on anyone? are you 9? is your penis small? do you feel as though you've got so much information so as to not need to ask a valid question to your fellow people, all of whom are bound by their love of the green? if you know so much, i've got to tell you, it kinda doesn't make much sense to be running around kicking the folks with less information or knowledge or expertise as you... what you could do, if you had the brain power, was to recognize that behaving in this manner makes people less willing to offer anyone (and you too dummie) info for fear of sounding like they aren't smart... if i were the rzza i would remember you and flame you mercilessly every *single* time you misspell, misdirect or make a single mistake so that you too can know that it is not a nice feeling... take your attitude somewhere more appropriate like wow... this is a place of knowledge and experimentation not "by the book"... making it a hostile environment does nothing not only for you but also for me. so if you can't behave properly, perhaps you ought to leave... or approach with more respect those who may have more knowledge than you about something... i guarantee there are people on here with the info you want... shut your mouth and open your mind, kiddo, there is more info here than anywhere else, better quality and a better quality of discourse to boot... when you get a little older, you'll appreciate it, until then: flame off...
i gaurentee my responce is the nicest one ur gona get. Buying drugs from some shady website thats giving you people in Africa? That guy could wreck your life if he wanted too. good luck...
their is a website that will give you people from africa? how much do they want? is their any kind of warrentee? is their a minimum on how many? what if i only need one or two?
wow you guys are pretty harsh for a group of stoners..THanks for telling me they dont prosecute internet crimes.

Crazier things have happened then this..

no shit .
I joined this site because everyone was chill .
keep your head up man , everyone thinks about crazy internet deals at one point or another .
they are INFACT OUTTHERE . but I wouldnt search myself .
kind of a jackass aren't you balls? so i suppose no one ever carried you water when necessary? there are plenty of flame wars going on in the internetz on plenty of other sites... why do *you* feel it necessary to "turn your lazer" on anyone? are you 9? is your penis small? do you feel as though you've got so much information so as to not need to ask a valid question to your fellow people, all of whom are bound by their love of the green? if you know so much, i've got to tell you, it kinda doesn't make much sense to be running around kicking the folks with less information or knowledge or expertise as you... what you could do, if you had the brain power, was to recognize that behaving in this manner makes people less willing to offer anyone (and you too dummie) info for fear of sounding like they aren't smart... if i were the rzza i would remember you and flame you mercilessly every *single* time you misspell, misdirect or make a single mistake so that you too can know that it is not a nice feeling... take your attitude somewhere more appropriate like wow... this is a place of knowledge and experimentation not "by the book"... making it a hostile environment does nothing not only for you but also for me. so if you can't behave properly, perhaps you ought to leave... or approach with more respect those who may have more knowledge than you about something... i guarantee there are people on here with the info you want... shut your mouth and open your mind, kiddo, there is more info here than anywhere else, better quality and a better quality of discourse to boot... when you get a little older, you'll appreciate it, until then: flame off...

Wow, that was a flame? Felt more like a loud hair dryer, maybe with a loose bearing. Moving on...
their is a website that will give you people from africa? how much do they want? is their any kind of warrentee? is their a minimum on how many? what if i only need one or two?

hey was that real? I'm uh hit google up right quick.

peace... btw.. if anyone happens to get the URL for that.. let me know? thanks, peace.
yeah most websites are scams.. but what is our chances.. its like seed banks all over the web ... 1/2 them are scams 2.. its all about chances on teh web.

True, but you can avoid being scammed by simply using the three following reputable, loyal, trustworthy, honest, polite, seed banks.

1. Nirvana seed bank
2. Attitude seed bank
3. TGA\Subcool

There may be a few others that are legit seed companies but the three listed above are the only three I use.. and know for a 100% that they're a legit company. Never had a single problem from all three. However, there are people around here that will dispute my claims.. and say that they had problems with their orders.. or something else went wrong.. or whatever. That's going to happen from time to time.. it doesn't happen to every single process/order that the seed banks send out to customers. With the volume of sales that each bank experiences from day to day.. they're bound to make a mistake somewhere along the line. They're human.. we all make mistakes. ;) Plus, other things play a part too.. I mean you have to understand that the seeds are coming from a different country.. so weather can delay things and cause problems too. But if something does happen to your orders.. don't get mad and go off and make a thread about that company being a scam.. you just happened to be the one involved with a screw up somewhere along the line during shipping or whatever. It happens.. but when this happens.. you should immediately log into your account with the company.. and send them a 'ticket' (support ticket) and explain to them exactly what happened. More than likely, the seed company will work with you. Either refund your money, credit your account, or they may try and resend the same order again.

Anyhow, I'm stoned and babbling (hehehehe). I just wanted to clear some things up and try and help everyone.

hey, dont take offence, but if its to good to be true then it is.
Cameroon is the base for most internet scam. Anyone asking for money from there unless it the red cross is trying to scam you.

Imagine you are him, and you know there are some gullable people with good hearts and big wallets looking for cheap drugs. Ha and have your ever bought an eight over the net?
wow you guys are pretty harsh for a group of stoners....
I dispise that statement! Just because we're stoners doesnt mean we're gonna say " Oh shit man, good find, order me some too, here this is my bank account number"

your momma needs to slap you, I mean i know its a good thing to get comfortable with your situation but damn man, most people have trouble growin the balls to order seeds online, your trying to order the final product, what in this picture seems right you? your gonna order "hash" made from some african death plant and its gonna kill you if you dont go to jail or get ripped off in the process
I know, right? Im supose to be nice to someone that I THINK is making a stupid decison. You should be happy were giving you a hard time. were trying to save your ass! I just watched To catch an ID theft on CNBC. Chris hansen exploits these guys FROM AFRICA that run scams and scam people out of thousands of dollars. Its a good watch. If you do end up watching it a guarntee you wont be tempted to do that deal.. good luck
african death plant? Im not saying they should lie to me I just saying they dont have to say its a stupid question and im stupid and a mark for asking about it.
the base of everything your saying is messed up. You seem to have it in your head that I was going to buy from this guy. count how many times I typed scam in my op. Thanks for telling me you think its not legit but making fun of me for it doesnt determine my choice one bit.
Kid, You posted that you email'd him, asked how hard "hypothetically" it would be to ship hash from Africa to the US, Said you arranged a Deal with him.
Now your acting like you just looked at the page and clicked out, but u brought it here for our opinions, In my opinion what a forum is for, to get anothers opinion. If you dont want to honestly hear another person's opinion on the dumb choice your thinking of making, dont post it on a forum.
I didnt mean to piss u off with my post, perhaps wake you up from the dream world where you can hop online and pickout your stash for next week, pay via paypal and check the mail for what you ordered last week. You obviously dont grasp the seriousness of that particular situation.
I know their are legit online sources. I was hoping this was legit and wanted to see if anyone has tryed anything from the site. I was hassling the guy until he gave me that deal. Also hoped someone could give me some input on that payment method. If I pay for it but keep the mtcn number I want to know if indeed theirs no way for him to still get the money bc otherwise it would be a perfect deal that you would only make if you were actually going to send a product. maybe your in a world where you think everyone is out to screw you over bc thats not always the case.
this just reminds me of that site where you can order weed then you click go to checkout and then theres sirens and its all like: Police Sting. then underneath its like: joke, we are sorry if you had your credit card out ready.

cant seem to find that site anymore...
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