The UK Growers Thread!

so Buzzkill if you have to do some diy with drills and cement mixers and small diggers you don’t have a smoke first?

I don't smoke or drink when adult duties need taken care of. I also don't smoke or drink during the day unless it's a social function, holiday or things of the likes. If I had a medical reason to take cannabis, that's a different story.. but I would limit any activity that may become dangerous or go with heavier cbd than thc if a particular task must be done by me, if possible.

Sorry if being a responsible adult offends you.
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I don't smoke or drink when adult duties need taken care of. I also don't smoke or drink during the day unless it's a social function, holiday or things of the likes. If I had a medical reason to take cannabis, that's a different story.. but I would limit any activity that may become dangerous or go with heavier cbd than thc if a particular task must be done by me, if possible.

Sorry if being a responsible adult offends you.
What about wood chippers and petrol bonfires?
What your saying is basically you dont trust people to be responsible for there own actions and life choices so we shouldnt legalise ? Well by that logic everything would be banned
I think he feels guilty and is psychologically projecting, blaming others for his irresponsible acts and foolishness. Bet he’s used a chain saw smoking a blunt.
What your saying is basically you dont trust people to be responsible for there own actions and life choices so we shouldnt legalise ? Well by that logic everything would be banned

And by your logic everything would be legal. But you don't deal in logic do you.

I know people just like you who feel cocaine should be legal because ''so many people do it''. Do you agree with that?, where does it end?. I can tell you.. it ends in absolute chaos, the very reason why law is a thing.
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Do us all a favour.......go and open your own thread......most of us have emphasised your not welcome on this one........we usually chill and have discussions about growing and exit left.......or right wotever you prefer. ....

''Hi all UK growers!

This thread is for UK growers, indoor, outdoor, soil, hydro etc etc!

Post everything and anything you like, assuming it has something to do with weed or UK!

Ill start off with a q now, the prices of weed in ur area, and the me ur ans.''

I'm posting on a topic well within the boundaries of OP's intent.

What do you mean by ''most of us''. 3 people condoning being a pot head have shunted opposing objective, science based views in a topic that has over 9000 pages, to think that you consist of most people here only further highlights your ignorance. If you have a problem with my views respond maturely, if you can't do that then don't respond, unless you enjoy acting like an adolescent. Chilled debates are possible, but only if ''triggered snowflakes'' don't partake. Even if that can not be achieved, the OP didn't specify this should be a chilled topic only, you did. I am within the OP topic and you are demanding otherwise, yet it is me you feel should leave?.
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And by your logic everything would be legal. But you don't deal in logic do you.

I know people just like you who feel cocaine should be legal because ''so many people do it''. Do you agree with that?, where does it end?. I can tell you.. it ends in absolute chaos, the very reason why law is a thing.

Hate cocaine as its pretty inactive for me i got adhd i dont use meds for it either just bud coke aint my choice of drug regardless people gonna use it and legal or not people will if inclined to do so use it so do you think that it should be unregulated sold by criminals contain absolutely anything exactly how does that help anything or benefit people's health ?
Hate cocaine as its pretty inactive for me i got adhd i dont use meds for it either just bud coke aint my choice of drug regardless people gonna use it and legal or not people will if inclined to do so use it so do you think that it should be unregulated sold by criminals contain absolutely anything exactly how does that help anything or benefit people's health ?

Many people hate cannabis because it makes them sleepy or unable to complete daily tasks, plenty of people take speed related drugs to have more energy. Does that suddenly make speed ok and weed not?. This is what I am saying, you are not dealing in logic.

Your argument of giving people free choice is flawed because it is dismissive of the deterrent law has on the amount of said action, be it rape, murder, drug use, weapons, fraud.. anything. You very naively assume the typical person is responsible or has a good moral compass. The only reason you have any human rights, the reason a person does not smash your head in with the nearest object when you annoy them, is because of law. Law is so effective that for the most part, it is only a person with mental issues who is going to take away your humans rights. Most reasonable people weight up the odds and realise a huge fine or time/life in jail isn't worth it.

Cannabis is not as bad as the things above. Read that again.. because I keep saying it. However it does have downsides that should be taken serious. It should not be completely legal for anybody to smoke, due to the increase in general population availability and increased consumption > side effects that would follow. On a medical prescription basis (same as heavy pain killers) particularly cannabis oils, yes, 100% legalise it for that. As I said, they are suffering enough that the downsides of cannabis are compensated by the upsides. A normal healthy person heavily smoking cannabis is only getting one subjective upside, enjoyment of being high. That isn't worth the downsides that come with it.
When 'deterrent' was first used as a tool for control in law making people were stealing loafs of bread and shooting or catching animals on some land owners land. Yet they still done it. I don't believe it is a good factor to base laws on.
Most people don't smash your head in with a rock because they are decent and nice and have no desire to do that to anyone period. Most people don't see life threatening situations in every encounter they have. Holy shit is all I can say to that example.
And we get it, you don't think cannabis should be made available to everyone, fine. Good for you. I don't agree, I have faith in a 'stable society'. You got some positive cannabis news to parlay about?:)
Many people hate cannabis because it makes them sleepy or unable to complete daily tasks, plenty of people take speed related drugs to have more energy. Does that suddenly make speed ok and weed not?. This is what I am saying, you are not dealing in logic.

Your argument of giving people free choice is flawed because it is dismissive of the deterrent law has on the amount of said action, be it rape, murder, drug use, weapons, fraud.. anything. You very naively assume the typical person is responsible or has a good moral compass. The only reason you have any human rights, the reason a person does not smash your head in with the nearest object when you annoy them, is because of law. Law is so effective that for the most part, it is only a person with mental issues who is going to take away your humans rights. Most reasonable people weight up the odds and realise a huge fine or time/life in jail isn't worth it.

Cannabis is not as bad as the things above. Read that again.. because I keep saying it. However it does have downsides that should be taken serious. It should not be completely legal for anybody to smoke, due to the increase in general population availability and increased consumption > side effects that would follow. On a medical prescription basis (same as heavy pain killers) particularly cannabis oils, yes, 100% legalise it for that. As I said, they are suffering enough that the downsides of cannabis are compensated by the upsides. A normal healthy person heavily smoking cannabis is only getting one subjective upside, enjoyment of being high. That isn't worth the downsides that come with it.
Hey logic man why do you conflate drug use with murder and rape, are you a murdering raping drug user or just a hypocrite who takes drugs then gets on the internet to berate others about smoking weed?
When 'deterrent' was first used as a tool for control in law making people were stealing loafs of bread and shooting or catching animals on some land owners land. Yet they still done it. I don't believe it is a good factor to base laws on.
Most people don't smash your head in with a rock because they are decent and nice and have no desire to do that to anyone period. Most people don't see life threatening situations in every encounter they have. Holy shit is all I can say to that example.
And we get it, you don't think cannabis should be made available to everyone, fine. Good for you. I don't agree, I have faith in a 'stable society'. You got some positive cannabis news to parlay about?:)

You are very naive or even ungrateful to the past suffering involved for humans>society to become civil. Your faith in ''stable society'' didn't just happen over night or by indirect collaborative fluke. You suggest the main benefit of law is not a deterrent of darker human nature, that those deterrents don't massively contribute to positive social norms, moral code and a 'stable society' as a result?. If that were true then cuts in police funding and not being covered to intercept motorcycles, should not have lead to the rise in scooter theft and related crime, but it did. Do you feel the new law on using mobile phones while driving was needless and will have no effect?.

Legalising weed for medical use, as I've said multiple times now, is positive.
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Hey logic man why do you conflate drug use with murder and rape, are you a murdering raping drug user or just a hypocrite who takes drugs then gets on the internet to berate others about smoking weed?

Hey irrational man. Heavy drug use has an overwhelming correlation in all levels of crime. Alcohol related rape is high, cocaine/meth related murder is high, theft to fuel drug use is high. Cannabis while illegal covers murder (drug war) and while illegal or not it has and always will have a connection between heavy use and theft, predominantly by young adults or adolescents. Heavy drug use of any sort also has a large probability of violent activity, the likes of dealers beating down people who didn't pay, or the user mugging a person for cash. Two separate people I know served life for a unlucky punch that killed the other person, needless to say the most low level of drug crime can escalate terribly.

Life does sound dandy in your little gated community though. It's difficult to imagine you living somewhere else with such sheltered views.
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Many people hate cannabis because it makes them sleepy or unable to complete daily tasks, plenty of people take speed related drugs to have more energy. Does that suddenly make speed ok and weed not?. This is what I am saying, you are not dealing in logic.

Your argument of giving people free choice is flawed because it is dismissive of the deterrent law has on the amount of said action, be it rape, murder, drug use, weapons, fraud.. anything. You very naively assume the typical person is responsible or has a good moral compass. The only reason you have any human rights, the reason a person does not smash your head in with the nearest object when you annoy them, is because of law. Law is so effective that for the most part, it is only a person with mental issues who is going to take away your humans rights. Most reasonable people weight up the odds and realise a huge fine or time/life in jail isn't worth it.

Cannabis is not as bad as the things above. Read that again.. because I keep saying it. However it does have downsides that should be taken serious. It should not be completely legal for anybody to smoke, due to the increase in general population availability and increased consumption > side effects that would follow. On a medical prescription basis (same as heavy pain killers) particularly cannabis oils, yes, 100% legalise it for that. As I said, they are suffering enough that the downsides of cannabis are compensated by the upsides. A normal healthy person heavily smoking cannabis is only getting one subjective upside, enjoyment of being high. That isn't worth the downsides that come with it.

This cunt actually thinks police do there jobs nah what they go after is whats easy for them not what should be dealt with ie violent criminals its easier to bust a bunch of people for lesser crimes i mean come on think about it an arrest is an arrest for them so your average copper is gonna go that way
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This cunt actually thinks police do there jobs nah what they go after is whats easy for them not what should be dealt with ie violent criminals its easier to bust a bunch of people for lesser crimes i mean come on think about it an arrest is an arrest for them so your average copper is gonna go that way

You are aggressive, emotionally driven, can barely punctuate, have a clear childish anti establishment attitude, and then, smothered with ignorance you expect me to take that post serious?. I imagine what comes next is you playing the adhd card.
Hey irrational man. Heavy drug use has an overwhelming correlation in all levels of crime. Alcohol related rape is high, cocaine/meth related murder is high, theft to fuel drug use is high. Cannabis while illegal covers murder (drug war) and while illegal or not it has and always will have a connection between heavy use and theft, predominantly by young adults or adolescents. Heavy drug use of any sort also has a large probability of violent activity, the likes of dealers beating down people who didn't pay, or the user mugging a person for cash. Two separate people I know served life for a unlucky punch that killed the other person, needless to say the most low level of drug crime can escalate terribly.

Life does sound dandy in your little gated community though. It's difficult to imagine you living somewhere else with such sheltered views.

Weed isn't comparable to cocaine, other than both being illegal they are incomparible. You argue where is the line drawn, what about alcohol? Ranked by scientists as the most dangerous drugs, not that anyone needs a scientist to tell you that. Everyone is guaranteed to have had some direct experience or witnessed some car crash of a situation where theres been too much booze.

You smoke too much weed.... It'll pass, you hit the munchies, go to bed and wake up fresh.

You drink too much and the chaos is unmeasurable. 3 in 4 A&E weekend admissions are alcohol related, 3 in 4!

Sure we need laws, to protect me from harm and to stop me harming others. Do I need a law to stop me getting high; on my watch, in my house smoking my herb? Absolutely not.

What stops me getting behind the wheel or operating heavy machinery when Im high AF? My brain. My brain says, mate your too stoned get the f back inside
Weed isn't comparable to cocaine, other than both being illegal they are incomparible. You argue where is the line drawn, what about alcohol? Ranked by scientists as the most dangerous drugs, not that anyone needs a scientist to tell you that. Everyone is guaranteed to have had some direct experience or witnessed some car crash of a situation where theres been too much booze.

You smoke too much weed.... It'll pass, you hit the munchies, go to bed and wake up fresh.

You drink too much and the chaos is unmeasurable. 3 in 4 A&E weekend admissions are alcohol related, 3 in 4!

Sure we need laws, to protect me from harm and to stop me harming others. Do I need a law to stop me getting high; on my watch, in my house smoking my herb? Absolutely not.

What stops me getting behind the wheel or operating heavy machinery when Im high AF? My brain. My brain says, mate your too stoned get the f back inside

I have not compared cocaine to green like for like, and have said as much. I also didn't give any specific views on alcohol, certainly didn't defend it. But while on the topic, don't you think it's strange, or a coincidence even. While being legal, ''socially accepted'' and consumed by so many people, alcohol is one of the worse offenders, can you not see cannabis going down a similar path?. Yes the downsides will not be like for like, but as I've mentioned in previous posts, the downsides will be there, in other ways, like individual social break down. That isn't a good downside if you have a family to support, it isn't a good thing even if you don't.. what potential future partner wants to be with a real pot head?, aside from another pot head.

Alcohol is quick to show negative results that much I agree with. Cannabis could do that in rare exceptions but I agree, it's not like that. How ever cannabis does have mid to long term effects that you dismiss because they are not as obvious or you have rose coloured glasses on when it comes to cannabis, like so many others. It is the same mentality that lead to extremely liberal views on alcohol in the uk and why we now have such a big problem with it, among all ages. People didn't respect the implications of over use (be it in one night or long term).

The ''It's my house'' argument is bs. You live in society and are part of it, if you want to make claim to your own house and rules pack up and find a wild spot to claim as your own. You don't get to live in a society and reap only the benefits, it has compromises. One being that by law you have to have your boiler checked to avoid explosions.. you don't just get to do it ''when you feel like it'', because many people will never feel like it.

What stops you getting into a car under the influence is the knowledge of what can go wrong and the consequence to you and those you may hurt. That moral compass is engrained into you by a decent upbringing,that also accounts for abiding by the law or at-least respecting it's necessity if caught on the wrong side. Don't be a fool and project your moral compass onto everybody.
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Legalising weed for medical use, as I've said multiple times now, is positive.
ignorant, stupid, naive, ungrateful, blah blah, any other insults, you seem full of them!! I have read enough of your drivel (and honestly, I skipped most of it and completely ignored whole posts, probably because I am ignorant). However even if it was legal, I still wouldn't smash your head in with a stone.

edit, oops, forgot to say, thanks for the positive contribution to the thread re MMJ.