Twentyeight.threefive's Grow Journal - 2nd grow

Sad news. Today is my last day with these two girls. With an upcoming move planned, I'm trying to clear out the house for showings. Also my time is extremely limited with everything involved in the process.

This also means it's an end to my growing for now, until I can setup in our new home. I have big plans for a new space there, so I only hope things turn out as planned.

Some last pictures of the girls before their departure.

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Started the beginning process of setting up the old 32"x32"x63" tent. It's going to have to do for now.

I originally had grand dreams of building a complete veg and flower room. I forgot how much moving takes out of you, especially as you get older. So the built up room will have to wait if it ever happens. For now the old tent and I was going to get a 5'x5' Gorilla tent and make it a flower only tent.

Running around painting and unpacking now, but I wanted to take a little bit of time to start something back up. I have to start something growing. Decided to run more autoflowers that I had picked up on my last order. The three autoflower strains I picked are: Dr. Feelgood - Short Stuff Seeds, Diesel-Matic - Blackskull Seeds, and BCN Critical XXL - Seed Stockers.

I am switching nutrients from Greenleaf Nutrients Mega Crop/Bud Explosion and moving over to Jack's. Although I'm waiting for the Jack's to still ship, I may just throw them in some coco and germinate them.

Day 1 - 10/1/2020

It's been almost 5 months since I last started a grow. And awayyyy we go! Late in the day I decided to start the seeds. I included one more auto strain in the mix, the Big Bud. Here are the four winning strains picked.

BCN Critical XXL Big Bud Diesel-Matic Dr. Feelgood


I haven't had to pH in a very long time, and I'm using new water with unknown pH. The Blue Lab pH pen was calibrated with 7 pH and then 4.0 pH test solutions. Pen was a bit off on each test but after calibration they read dead on.

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I tested the new water straight out of the tap and it was 6.5 pH. I tossed 2 air stones in the bucket and will recheck the pH tomorrow. The newly planted seeds got a small amount of the 6.5 pH water to keep them moist and get them started on germination.

Day 2 - 10/2/2020

Seeds were started late in the afternoon around 5pm, so it wouldn't be really fair to call this day 2 yet, but I'm going to anyways.

I retested the water after sitting out overnight and aerating. Came in at 7.0 pH which I corrected down with GH pH Down to 6.0 pH. The seeds were given more of the pH 6.0 water to keep the seeds moist. The three readings, straight from tap, aerated one night, and corrected pH.


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Here they are! Yeah, four pots of coco to look at, I know it's super interesting. Can't wait for some action.
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Moving sucks man, glad to see you back at it!
Yes it does and thank you, I'm beyond excited to start up again! But trying to look at moving as a positive. It's all just temporary stress and inconvenience, the end result is beyond worth it. The extra space for growing and setting up how I want is just a bonus. But it's definitely a great one!

Now I just hope my Jack's gets here soon, been 5 days and haven't even received an email stating they've shipped. Going to have to check into that, I'm going to need some soon!
Hey! I virtually just ordered those same blue square pots... square pots are the best.

Glad to see you back at it, everything looks stellar.
Those blue square pots are fantastic starter pots. The last autos I grew I transplanted from those blue pots right to 3 gallon cloth pots. Worked fantastic!

Thank you for the kind words. Excited to be back.

Also on a side note, I sent Jack's a message on Facebook this morning and just got an email from PayPal that JR Peters updated the shipping details. Says the package has an estimated delivery by end of day today but is still in the label created status. Even if it doesn't show up for a few days I'll still be good, but I'd rather just have it hear for piece of mind.
Day 3 - 10/3/2020

The Jack's nutrients I ordered have arrived! jacks_10_3_2020.jpg

The seedlings have made a little progress from the other day. The Diesel-Matic definitely had the most progress. The Dr. Feelgood has also broken ground and I think the two front ones, BCN Critical XXL and Big Bud, are close behind.




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Day 4 - 10/4/2020

Decided to mix up some Jack's. Only mixed up 1 gal. Per Jack's nutrition
schedule full strength 1 gallon of nutrient mix requires 3.69g Part A jacks_partA_10_4_2020.jpg, 2.438g Part B jacks_partB_10_4_2020.jpg, and 1.134g Epsom Salts jacks_epsom_10_4_2020.jpg.

When mixed into 1 gal of water the final EC was 2.2 and 5.8 pH. I diluted down a little feed to 0.4 EC and used that for the seedlings..


DM: dm_10_4_2020.jpg DFG: dfg_10_4_2020.jpg

BCN: bcn_10_4_2020.jpg BB: bb_10_4_2020.jpg
Day 5 - 10/5/2020

So late last night I attempted a surgical procedure on Diesel-Matic (back left pot). The seed membrane was fully stuck on the cotyledons that were trying to emerge. I noticed earlier in the day so I tried to get water on it throughout the day to soften the membrane up. It didn't soften up much, so with some extra water on it I gently scraped the membrane away from the cotyledons to allow them to open up. This morning confirmed that the patient survived the operation and I now have 4 sprouted seedlings.


DM: dm_10_5_2020.jpg DFG: dfg_10_5_2020.jpg

BCN: bcn_10_5_2020.jpg BB: bb_10_5_2020.jpg
Day 6 - 10/6/2020

The Diesel-Matic has recovered from it's stuck membrane and is now on it's way to growing bigger.

Lights have been at 40 inches from the start and full power since I was a lucky Spider Farmer recipient of a 2020 model without the dimmer they came out with. The seedlings have been staying wet with a 0.4 EC diluted feed and today it was 0.5 EC.

Temperatures during the day are mid to high 70's and 50%-55% RH. I've was lazy when I did the setup and didn't have the humidifier or de-humidifier on the Inkbird controllers. Last two mornings I woke up to high humidity alarms because the humidifier was running constant and with the lights off it would spike. Just hooked up the humidifier to the controller and that should fix the issue.


DM: dm_10_6_2020.jpg DFG: dfg_10_6_2020.jpg

BCN: bcn_10_6_2020.jpg BB: bb_10_6_2020.jpg
Day 7 - 10/7/2020

Another day, another bit of growth. Temperatures and RH are holding steady at 77 F and 60% RH. Fed at 0.6 EC and a pH of 6.0. Slowly getting them accustomed to a higher strength feed.


DM: dm_10_7_2020.jpg DFG: dfg_10_7_2020.jpg

BCN: bcn_10_7_2020.jpg BB: bb_10_7_2020.jpg