Twentyeight.threefive's Grow Journal - 2nd grow

I got bored today and I was left home alone. Popped 2 more autos. See what happens...

Lemon Auto and a Northern Lights Auto. Coco perlite mix fully buffered with 0.4 EC CalMag at 5.8 pH.

Will be running the blurple again on 24/0. The first autos thrived under those conditions.

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Day 25 - 10/25/2020

I'm not sure what's going on with my nutrient solutions. After 1 day there was black material floating around again, this time with the Mega Crop and not the Jack's. I scrubbed the bucket down and mixed up just 4 g/gallon of Mega Crop and will see how the plants do on that alone and if the nutrient mix does the same thing again. 20 grams of MC into 5 gallons came out to 1.3 EC and pH down to 5.8. I'd guess I used about 1 gallon of feed total for them. I may go back to mixing up feed each fertigation. Re-tied and tucked all the girls. I'm still amazed at where these are compared to the last autos at 21 days from germination. AT_6_2_2020.jpg Yeah, quite different.


DM: dm_10_25_2020.jpg DFG: dfg_10_25_2020.jpg

BCN: bcn_10_25_2020.jpg BB: bb_10_25_2020.jpg bb_10_25_2020 (2).jpg(stem and training shot from behind)
Tray table is finished other than the legs and adding a bulkhead fitting for the drain. I'm going to wait until tomorrow when the drain tray I ordered comes in to decide on final leg height. Now if I can find a low profile float activated pump I can pipe the waste outside the tent into a bucket and not have to worry about removing the pan.


Just decided to go with a condensate pump. Makes the tray I ordered kind of useless but I guess could be a good safety precaution if for some reason the pump failed I wouldn't have nutrient waste all over the bottom of the tent. Pump in the tray and from there it'll be an easy pump out of the tent to a waste bucket.
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So I did a thing today. I ordered my Gorilla 5x5 tent and Timber Fatty VS 3000k light. Now to start planning what else I need to operate a second tent. First most to consider is electrical concerns. Going to have to figure out exactly everything I need to operate and what type of dedicated circuit I need for what. Oh boy. Here we go.


Day 27 - 10/27/2020

Not much to report, they are green and growing. I picked up some FloraFlex caps for the top of the pots to prevent algae growth on the perlite. They aren't the solid plastic ones but a thin flexible plastic. I think they are 7.5" diameter and fit 3 gallon pots PERFECT.


DM: dm_10_27_2020.jpg DFG: dfg_10_27_2020.jpg

BCN: bcn_10_27_2020.jpg BB: bb_10_27_2020.jpg
Table and tray are finished and installed. I lost a lot of height with how it's setup right now. But I have plenty of clearance to drain just to a pan below and remove that.

I'm guessing I'm going to want more height in the future. If that's the case then I can lower the stand with shorter legs and drain directly into the condensate pump i purchased. It may only be inches but sometimes they can feel like miles. :P Lights are a bit closer right now, from about 28 to 22 inches from canopy to light. Hoping they eat up the light.

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Day 28 - 10/28/2020

First feed with the new tray/table setup. Worked perfectly, I cut my watering time by 75%. I no longer have to individually water them over a bucket to drain. 1.3 EC @ 5.8 pH. I generally inspect the plants each day and adjust tie downs for the LST as needed. Today I was adjusting the ties on BCN and had a little oops with it. It got topped. As I was pulling it tighter I remember thinking in my head it's going to snap. At least it's canopy is a lot more even. :lol: bcn_oops_10_28_2020.jpg


DM: dm_10_28_2020.jpg DFG: dfg_10_28_2020.jpg

BCN: bcn_10_28_2020.jpg BB: bb_10_28_2020.jpg
Did a second feed, same at 1.3 EC 5.8 pH. Half snapped part of BB off. Green wire wrapped it to a fan leaf. It's healthy and strong should form a knuckle and be fine. I really have to be mindful of the watering jug while in the tent...

Also raised the lights to about 25". Big Bud, the tallest, was showing some light stress on the tips of the upper leaves.

dm_10_29_2020 (2).jpg

Dr. Feelgood
dfg_10_29_2020 (2).jpg

BCN Critical XXL
bcn_10_29_2020 (2).jpg

Big Bud
bb_10_29_2020 (2).jpg
Day 31 - 10/31/2020

Got some work done today! Girls are fed and new 5x5 Gorilla Tent is up and awaiting the delivery of the AC Infinity 6" exhaust fan and filter. It was a TIGHT fit! All 6'11" just barely fit below the floor joists. Fed the girls in veg tent at 1.4 EC @ 5.8 pH.

gorilla_10_31_2020 (3).jpg gorilla_10_31_2020 (5).jpg Threw the blurple and new autos in there just because that's where they were sitting pre-tent.


DM: dm_10_31_2020.jpg DFG: dfg_10_31_2020.jpg

BCN: bcn_10_31_2020.jpg BB: bb_10_31_2020.jpg
Finished up the 5x5 setup. The 6" AC Infinity exhaust fan and filter arrived and was installed. Pretty excited to have this almost ready to go. Excited for the Timber Fatty VS to arrive and get fired up. I will probably take these four autos into the 5x5 if the light is here when they start to flower. And then I can rotate the next two autos into the veg tent.

Day 32 - 11/1/2020

Things are looking sweet. Colder outdoor temperatures in the 30's have brought the indoor basement temps down as well. Came downstairs to a room at about 66 degrees. I don't mind the temperature, but the veg tent dropped down to a low of 61 F last night and I'd prefer to keep my tent temps higher if possible. Took out my small space heater and decided to get it running and see how temps go.


Plants seem super happy. With last nights feeding I added some Great White mycorrhizae. All the feeds have been at 1.5 EC (2 ml/gal of CAliMAGic + 4.1 g/gal of Mega Crop) and 5.8 pH.

BCN Critical XXL has some super tight internodal spacing. The main stalk got so thick so quick I really can't do much more LST to it. 3/4 plants have uneven canopies due to the main stalk just wanting to shoot up. Big Bud that got topped by accident has a nice even canopy. Doesn't appear to be a long enough gap between nodes to even do a super crop on the rest right now though:

Here's Big Bud praying to the lights:

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DM: dm_11_1_2020.jpg DFG: dfg_11_1_2020.jpg

BCN: bcn_11_1_2020.jpg BB: bb_11_1_2020.jpg
Day 33 - 11/2/2020

Didn't get a chance to do a second feed last night. Mixed up 2 gallons of 1.5 EC 5.8 pH nutrients and each plant got 1/2 gallon. Normally they get 1/4 gallon twice daily.

I took the top on Big Bud that was hanging on by half a stalk and bent it over at a 90 degree angle like a super crop. A little electric tape for just a little support. Within 2 days it's straight as can be again.

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DM: dm_11_2_2020.jpg DFG: dfg_11_2_2020.jpg

BCN: bcn_11_2_2020.jpg BB: bb_11_2_2020.jpg
Gave another feed. Super cropped the main tops on all but BCN which was already accidentally topped. Evening out the canopy. I don't expect the ones I super cropped to stay down for long.

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Day 34 - 11/3/2020

Some of the pots were really light despite two feedings yesterday. BCN and Big Bud at the two largest (slightly) and the two lightest. By the time I got to runoff for the back pots I realized I would have to mix up another gallon of nutrients. Finished off the first gallons split between the back two. Mixed up another gallon and split that between BCN and BB.

Looking like they are close to going into flower. May end up with some super short stocky autos.

Little bit of difference from natural light and the grow lights!

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DM: dm_11_3_2020.jpg DFG: dfg_11_3_2020.jpg

BCN: bcn_11_3_2020.jpg BB: bb_11_3_2020.jpg
Day 35 - 11/4/2020

Feel like the girls exploded in the tent just over night. At least that was the impression I got when I opened the tent. :weed:
They've just been getting their normal 1.5 EC 5.8 pH feeds twice daily.


DM: dm_11_4_2020.jpg DFG: dfg_11_4_2020.jpg

BCN: bcn_11_4_2020.jpg BB: bb_11_4_2020.jpg
Got some work in on the girls tonight. Needed some stress relief too! :p They got their second watering tonight at 1.6 EC and 5.8 pH. Some of the plants are showing a magnesium deficiency and I'm going to added some Epsom salts tomorrow for their morning feed. Also they are drinking like crazy. Two 1/4 gallon feedings aren't even close to enough right now. I got very little runoff tonight and don't want to make a habit of that. Tomorrow I'm going to mix up 5 gallons for 1/2 gallon feedings. 5 gallons will be enough for 2 gallons in the morning and 2 gallons at night.

They needed some grooming. I like my girls manicured. :weed:


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