Twentyeight.threefive's Grow Journal - 2nd grow

Day 8 - 10/8/2020

I spy with my little eye... the start of roots at the bottom of Dr. Feelgood.


Feed today bumped up to 0.7 EC and 6.0 pH. I fed today with an actual watering can but very slowly. Seemed to take a lot more feed than normal compared to the tiny dropper I was using. Perhaps the coco didn't get a thorough soak. Well it did now for sure.

Saw on that suggested light levels for seedlings is 8K-20K lux. Cheap phone app light meter was reading 18K at the top of the pots. Don't see any signs of stretching and the quick and easy reading reaffirms that the 40 inches of distance to the light is good for now.


DM: dm_10_8_2020.jpg DFG: dfg_10_8_2020.jpg

BCN: bcn_10_8_2020.jpg BB: bb_10_8_2020.jpg
I thought I had documented my light schedule change but apparently not. On Day 6, the lights were changed to 24/0. The last auto run vegged out spectacularly under the 24/0 blurple light, so I figured I'd see how these would do under the SF2000 all day.

Gave the girls a second feed this evening as well. Slight bump to 0.75 EC and completely forgot to check pH before feeding. I checked the mix after just to see where it was at, and it was fine at 6.3 pH.

When I first checked out this new basement space I thought I was going to be fighting high humidity. The first day I took measurements the RH was around 70% and you could feel it in the air. The space eventually evened out to about a daily range of about 30%-40% RH. Since it was low for veg the humidifier has been running constantly to get in the 60% range.

For all the water related things I have to do I really need to get myself a good work sink with running water down here. I didn't enjoy lugging full 5 gallon buckets of water down the stairs before, and I definitely still don't. Patience though, it'll eventually happen.
Day 9 - 10/9/2020

Added more coco to all the pots to steady the stems. They are starting to get taller and the oscillating fan in the tent is just starting to reach the plants. I didn't want to come home to them being blown over from lack of support.

Feed was 0.75 EC at 5.9 pH.


DM: dm_10_9_2020.jpg DFG: dfg_10_9_2020.jpg

BCN: bcn_10_9_2020.jpg BB: bb_10_9_2020.jpg
Day 10 - 10/10/2020

Last night they also got another feed at 0.8 EC and 6.3 pH. I picked up these syringes a couple days ago. They are the ones that were recommended on the webpage for watering seedlings. I have to say that they are absolutely perfect for this stage. They also give me a reading on how much water they've been drinking. Last night they all drank 40ml until runoff started. Then fed the rest of the 20ml in the syringe for a good fed.

This morning they got fed again but 9 hours apart instead of an optimal 12, due to the previous late night dinner. Feed got a double bump to 0.9 EC and at 6.3 pH. I had thought the last feed was at 0.85 EC not the actual 0.8 EC, oops. They all look healthy, I think they'll be fine.


DM: dm_10_10_2020.jpg DFG: dfg_10_10_2020.jpg

BCN: bcn_10_10_2020.jpg BB: bb_10_10_2020.jpg
Day 11 - 10/11/2020

Another feed again last night 0.95 EC and 5.9 pH.

Feed this morning 1.0 EC and 6.1 pH. Noticing some leaf edge curl on the two on the right side, Dr. Feelgood in the back, and Big Bud in the front. Possible early calcium deficiency, also they might have got too much air from the fan as they grew high enough to be in the path of the air. Will continue to monitor.

Most of the photos don't show the true color of the plants, as with any other light on pictures. But you can really notice the difference in the close up pictures today. The darker and more life like color of Diesel-Matic and Dr. Feelgood in the back contrast to the lighter pictures of the two up front, BCN Critical XXL and Big Bud. It has something to do with the angle of my phones camera to the light. It is what it is, but I wanted to point it out anyways.


DM: dm_10_11_2020.jpg DFG: dfg_10_11_2020.jpg

BCN: bcn_10_11_2020.jpg BB: bb_10_11_2020.jpg
Starting on a new mix for the second feed of the day. Picked up some CaliMagic and Armor Si. The leaf edges definitely have the beginning looks of Ca deficiency. Base water is 35 ppm, might as well be RO water. Can't imagine it's getting enough Ca from that.

Moved slightly down to the 3-2-1 ratio for Jack's. Plus 1 ml of both the Armor Si and CaliMagic. Diluted to 1.0 EC and pH downed to 6.0 pH. They are all taking 30ml of feed minimum before runoff starts. All containers have healthy white roots coming out the bottom of the containers.
Going to move them into 3 gallon cloth pots tomorrow. I only had 2 left, so ordered more and they should be here tomorrow. Prepped the new coco and perlite mix so everything is ready to go when the pots arrive.
Also got a chance to setup a prep table real quick. Beats kneeling on the floor all the time.
Also this prep was the first time I cleaned the perlite before I used it. What a fucking mess cleaning it, glad I did it outside, lol.
Day 12 - 10/12/2020

So I realized a little while after I fed them that I used full strength Armor Si and CaliMagic by mistake. Somehow I was thinking that 1 ml = 1 tsp. So they had received 5ml in that tsp, oops. Dumped the mix this morning and started over. Diluted final mix down to 1.0 EC and 6.0 pH.

I've been checking combined runoff of all the plants occasionally and it's been about 0.1 EC lower than the feed consistantly. We'll see if it self corrects over the next few fertigations.


DM: dm_10_12_2020.jpg DFG: dfg_10_12_2020.jpg

BCN: bcn_10_12_2020.jpg BB: bb_10_12_2020.jpg
Day 15 - 10/15/2020

Another day, another feed. Back down to once daily with the larger pots. Each taking 0.25 gallons to runoff in these 3 gallon pots. 1.2 EC and 5.9 pH.

Checked the runoff EC for each and they were dead almost dead even input feed level, only BCN was off about 0.1 EC. Looks good.

I feel like they should look healthier, obviously the first set of leaves won't recover but still... (pigmented and curled) I'm also super critical of any kind of work I ever do. I compared these to the last autos I ran which turned out to be beasts and these are already like twice the size in same time period. These broke ground on 10/4/2020 so 11 days in.

AT_11days_old.jpg bb_10_15_2020.jpg Quick side by side comparison of the last autos at 11 days old and these.


DM: dm_10_15_2020.jpg DFG: dfg_10_15_2020.jpg

BCN: bcn_10_15_2020.jpg BB: bb_10_15_2020.jpg
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Day 16 - 10/16/2020

Plants are starting to look better. 12 days from sprout. New growth is health and coming out of everywhere, even the lower canopy. Can't wait for these to get tall/old enough to start LSTing. Fed at 1.2 EC @ 6.0 pH.


DM: dm_10_16_2020.jpg DFG: dfg_10_16_2020.jpg

BCN: bcn_10_16_2020.jpg BB: bb_10_16_2020.jpg
Day 17 - 10/17/2020

Something is still off. Small change to the light schedule last night. Changed to 20/4 light schedule, lights off from 1 AM to 5 AM. Going to reduce to 18/6. Definitely getting bigger, but color and texture of the leafs seems off to me. Hopefully they just grow out of it, although I'd like to keep any growing stress to a mimimum.

Fed today 1.3 EC @ 5.8 pH. Lights about 28"-30" away.


DM: dm_10_17_2020.jpg DFG: dfg_10_17_2020.jpg

BCN: bcn_10_17_2020.jpg BB: bb_10_17_2020.jpg
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Day 18 - 10/18/2020

Let's start with the fun new stuff. Picked up an Ecowitt gateway and hygrometer and a couple extra sensors for later. I had seen Tint posted about them in his journal and had to grab some for myself. ecowitt_10_18_2020.PNG I just setup the online account for remote checking in last night. Really cool to have and for an extremely reasonable price.

Also got a little something else in the mail yesterday... bodhi_gear_10_17_2020.jpg

Thank you Great Lake Genetics for a really incredible package! Bodhi Cosmic Serpent is the planned next run!

As for the plants currently growing, I removed the first set of leaves from each plant. They were all drooping and I don't want them laying on the coco.
Fed today at the previous 1.3 EC @ 5.8 pH. Think I probably should give them a little more time to adjust to feed increases.

Things still seem off with the new growth and I just can't place it. I kind of freaked out last night and ordered the new recipe 1 part Mega Crop and Bud Explosion. I think my issues have to do with the Jack's or more specifically my lack of ability using it I guess. If I don't see a major improvement before the MC gets here I think I may have to just switch back. I feel a slight tinge of failure for it not working out. I had such great results with the MC I probably shouldn't have tried to switch, but I wanted to plan for an automated watering system. I've heard of many issues trying to run one with MC, but we'll see where the future takes it.


DM: dm_10_18_2020.jpg DFG: dfg_10_18_2020.jpg

BCN: bcn_10_18_2020.jpg BB: bb_10_18_2020.jpg
Day 19 - 10/19/2020

Went to feed the girls this morning and found some dark sediment on the bottom of the buckets that had nutrients in them. Wasn't really prepared time wise, but I made it work.

Another 5 gallon batch of Jack's made up. 1 ml/gallon ArmorSi, 2 ml/gallon CAliMAGic, 3 g/gallon Part A, 1 g/gallon Epsom Salts, 2 g/gallon Part B.
I forgot the final EC of the mix but it was ended up after pH down to something like 2.1 EC @ 5.8 pH. 3 gallons of that go into another bucket. I then added fresh 36 ppm 5.8 pH water to the 3 gallons until it's diluted to where I want to feed. 2 gallons of water made a full 5 gallon bucket of 1.3 EC @ 5.8 pH feed. I scoop out 1 gallon of water into my watering canister and feed 1/4 gallon to each plant for their runoff.

I started LST on them all today as well. Some slight tie downs towards the edges of the pots to expose the lower growth and get that growing. I feel like I'm mixing and feeding correctly but they still don't have that 100% look. I moved the lights up to about 32"-34".


DM: dm_10_19_2020.jpg DFG: dfg_10_19_2020.jpg

BCN: bcn_10_19_2020.jpg BB: bb_10_19_2020.jpg
Day 20 - 10/20/2020

Received another package from Amazon yesterday,my new Vivosun Compression Sprayer. It got it's first use this morning. Definitely WAY easier to fill than the 1 gallon watering jug I have. Also it enabled me to water in at a fine mist ensuring distributed coverage across the coco. I setup a new watering system as well. Instead of watering each plant on the risers above the small saucers, I found that the NX risers sit perfectly inside the 5 gallon buckets from Home Depot. watering_system_10_20_2020.jpg Allowed me to give a thorough feeding to run off without worrying about overflowing the small saucers or how to pick them up to dump them. Hopefully this is all temporary until I get my 2x2 flood table. I plan to setup that to automatically pump out the waste nutrients to a bucket and eventually a sink drain once that gets put in down here.

Noticed the tiniest bit of tip burn so the feed today was 1.2 EC @ 5.7 pH. Big Bud is just exploding with new growth.


Ecowitt readings from middle of the night with lights off. Actual time stamp is 1 hr behind. Can't seem to find any setting to change that. RH was getting high early in the morning. I actually couldn't sleep last night and got up around 2:30am. My high RH alarm was going off, the dehumidifier was full.. doh. You can see the abrupt downward spike in RH after I emptied it and it started working again. Settled in bumping up and down a little around 60% RH.

Also wanted to share this other temperature and RH graph from my cedar closet right next to the tent. I threw a sensor in there to see if it would be a viable spot to dry my harvests. I've never seen such constant temperatures and RH!

DM: dm_10_20_2020.jpg DFG: dfg_10_20_2020.jpg

BCN: bcn_10_20_2020.jpg BB: bb_10_20_2020.jpg
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Day 21 - 10/21/2020

Girls haven't been watered yet, but took some snaps of them out of the tent. I was trying to evaluate how they were doing. Natural light always helps. They all have this droop to them that looks like overwatering. Perhaps the root system isn't as established as I thought. Going to give them a day off from feeding to dry back. They look green and healthy but not perky. You can see I removed one large fan leaf from each of the plants in the back. Really want that light on the lower growth of that side. Those two leaves were entirely blocking all their light.


DM: dm_10_21_2020 (2).jpg DFG: dfg_10_21_2020 (2).jpg

BCN: bcn_10_21_2020 (2).jpg BB: bb_10_21_2020 (2).jpg
Finally got around to setting up something so I could vent outside instead of back into the room. Already venting the current tent on the 4 inch exhaust and there is a spare 6 inch ready to go.

Day 22 - 10/22/2020

The two buckets with nutrient solution in them had shit floating in it again today. Dumped, cleaned, and remixed with 5 ml/gal CAliMAGic. All the pots were pretty light from the day off from watering, and were fed the new 1.3 EC @ 5.8 pH nutrients to runoff.

Extra notes for today, the tent was open for quite a bit today for watering and I went upstairs to dump water. When I returned back downstairs I realized how strong they are already smelling. That thick veg smell, I love it. The other note is how well the Big Bud is just thriving, it's really filling out quick.


DM: dm_10_22_2020.jpg DFG: dfg_10_22_2020.jpg

BCN: bcn_10_22_2020.jpg BB: bb_10_22_2020.jpg
Day 23 - 10/23/2020

MegaCrop 1 part and Bud Explosion due for delivery today. Might just wait until it arrives to feed. I can't place the droopy wrinkly leaves on BCN (bottom left) and DFG (upper right) other than they look overwatered. BB (bottom right) is just as perky as can be. I would think that plants this size could be fed daily.


DM: dm_10_23_2020.jpg DFG: dfg_10_23_2020.jpg

BCN: bcn_10_23_2020.jpg BB: bb_10_23_2020.jpg
Day 24 - 10/24/2020

Since the Mega Crop and Bud Explosion arrived today that's what they were fed. Trying something new, it's an identical product to UC Roots. Used at 1 ml/gal and hopefully it'll help keep the nutrient mix cleaner and help the roots. Mixed up 4 ml/gal of CAliMAGic and 4 g/gal of Mega Crop one part. Fed at 1.2 EC @ 5.8 pH. New growth looks at lot healthier with the extra CAliMAGic I added the other day.

Dr. Feelgood is definitely feeling good. Roots starting to come out of her bag.


Also started building a PVC stand for the 2x2 flood table I bought. Plan is to plumb it to a drain so I don't have to pull each plant to water to runoff anymore. Even if I can get just them to drain to a bucket outside the tent I'd be extremely happy. The last pieces I needed at 4 way Ts and Home Depot doesn't have them. Thank you Amazon Prime, they'll be here tomorrow so i can finish the stand. I'll have to research what I need to drill and fit the tray with something for the drain. Trying to keep the table as low as possible.



DM: dm_10_24_2020.jpg DFG: dfg_10_24_2020.jpg

BCN: bcn_10_24_2020.jpg BB: bb_10_24_2020.jpg