Waging A Real War On Christmas/Synchronized Hyperspace Event (S.H.E.)

where do you come up with this crap??? you seem to have an endless list of trivia to draw from, lol. you can't really be interested in all this stuff...
Anyone who is reading this, don't forget to vote.

And tweet funny things at these people and tell them they are losing the election.














Also when tweeting @ Fox news, tweet "Reading this tweet is not investigative Journalism" and "Did your white house correspondent tell you that?"
If you want to become a Registered Minister, for Free, Online, here is a site:

The Universal Life Church was started before the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, which provides protection to religions. There were a lot of cases with Native Americans, and Psychedelic Churches from the 60s, and a few people sacrificing animals and stuff. The RRFA protects Religious practices.

The ULC was started by someone who could not read, so when someone would come to him and say "This book says God says" he was like "I can't read". So he started his own religion that accepts everyone and every God. This is a real protected religion.

Once you are a registered minister, you are allowed to practice religious ceremonies freely and start a ministry. You can also marry people in your state, and I am pretty sure other states as well, but laws vary state to state.

With Christianity or Islam you would have to go through years of schooling to get legally registered like this, but the Philosophy of the ULC is that Christians say "God ordained Humans over the animals" so every human is ordained. They just have to register to be in the ULC for it to be recognized.
No one has to prove anything about their religion in court unless they want to

You do not have to define a supreme being. They specifically note that Texas law does not define a supreme being.

This ruling says that individuals do not have religious exemption in the context of a job

But religious companies can reject laws they do not agree with according to the Hobby Lobby Ruling.

Also, Ayahuasca has been ruled legal for religious use by the supreme court, and it is protected by the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.

The Supreme court ruled in 1968 that a taxpayer has legal standing to sue the government for misuse of tax funds.
Public sit-ins are legal

Police may not try to stop a public meeting preemptively unless they notify those gathering and allow them to defend their right to gather.

"Breach of the Peace Statutes", such as those in Ferguson, are illegal because they could incite violence.

Dispersing Peaceful crowds is also illegal
If you are wondering what type of Psychology is most pervasive idea in Criminology and Law is "Broken Windows Theory"

The idea behind this is that if 1 window is broken, more people will come break windows. So if they arrest all the people who smoke weed, they think no one else will smoke weed, because they "fixed all the windows".

You can probably see where the obvious flaws are here. For one it turns Cannabis Culture, which has been religious through most of history, into a prison culture. This does not only happen with Marijuana, but with certain people as well. There is the idea that if they "get all the bad guys in the system" they can keep an eye on them like tagged animals in a reserve. But usually the "Bad guys" are people at parks or house parties or wooded areas, smoking Marijuana or being underage and smoking cigarettes and stuff.

These are not broken windows, they are people. And the Criminal Justice System should reflect that. When Sheriffs were first given badges it was because there were people shooting people and robbing banks, not smoking a joint.
The Hobby Lobby Case Is Not Just For Christians

Burwell v. Hobby Lobby, 573 U.S. ___ (2014), is a landmark decision[1][2] by the United States Supreme Court allowing closely held for-profit corporations to be exempt from a law its owners religiously object to if there is a less restrictive means of furthering the law's interest.

I don't agree with companies not paying for birth control, but I want to point out some stuff that the case opened up (this is not meant as legal advice, unless you are in the Tree of Life School Ministry)

Let's break this down. any closely held (so non franchise) corporation is exempt from a law its owners religiously object to, if there is a less restrictive mean of furthering the laws interest. Meaning that as long as the law can still be upheld in regular society (the people buy things themselves) then it is fine.

So as long as the laws interest can be upheld in a "less restrictive way", then the law does not have to be followed within the corporation. So in the example of the Hobby Lobby case they don't pay for the birth control, 100% rejecting the laws on the books and people were forced to go buy there own because this is the "less restrictive way".

So in the case of something like Marijuana and a Shaivite (worshiper of Shiva), you could ignore the law of Marijuana growing and Possession in your Shiva altar space, but outside of the building people would not be allowed to grow or possess. It would be an American Temple. Business in the front, Religion in the back.
We can now make synthetic Chromosomes, meaning we can make new creatures and cells that have never existed. And not just GMO, but like completely NEW organisms, so CNOs instead of GMOs.

Here is an article about the Chromosomes

Here is an article about the new machine called a "Digital Biological Converter", the machine can take a DNA code and turn it in to 1s and 0s, then print it out in a cell somewhere else after being sent through the cloud. Sending the DNA through the cloud is now called "Biological Teleportation"

Craig Venter (the inventor) wants to use them to terraform Mars, but if we can terraform mars, we can fix Earth right?

Metal 3D Printers

The Digital Biological Converter will change the medical industry. They will no longer need to get insulin and stuff from pigs, and you can get a prescription filled from your USB.

I saw this watching BookTV, which is a really boring channel that randomly has some cool stuff on every once in a while. And they have like all the politicians books and speeches on there. I saw a demonstration where Craig Venter showed how DNA is kind of like a "code" on a disk, and when you insert it in a cell it basically tells the cell what kind of "software" and stuff to run. Then he showed a slideshow that kind of explained how they put DNA in an empty cell.
If Fracking is as good as everyone said, then why is gas not $2.00 a gallon? And if that Pipeline happens, does that make gas cheaper or just let certain people have more?
I would like to stress the Cannabis Reuptake Inhibitors are not recreational drugs, they should be viewed more like vitamins to be used only in certain situations. PLEASE READ THE BOTTOM OF THIS POST)

Anyone that came here looking for information on Cancer or Tumor medication, I can not help you. I have personally read anecdotal reports that state because of the mode of action of Cannabinoid Reuptake Inhibitors it helps cancer by helping the body produce more natural Cannabinoids, and others that say they with hurt cancer treatment by not allowing as many Cannabinoids to get out of your brain

But I CAN tell you why I am researching this. My 11 year old brother died from brain swelling that came after a heart attack that was caused by allergies. EndoCannabinoids help with many things that NO OTHER MEDICATION is known to do:
Reduce Brain Swelling (NO OTHER MEDICINE CAN DO THIS, and it is the leading cause of death after stroke, and is the reason my brother died)
Reduce the effect of Brain Trauma (and in some cases when administered late, it even REVERSED the effects. This is according to studies in Israel)
And Even in some cases, bring people out of a Coma

Here is a scholarly article proving that it can help protect your brain, not just cure it:

If your loved one is in the hospital because of head trauma or brain swelling, this thread could save their lifeThe information provided about blood brain barrier boosters should help with people who have a weak heart beat
Your brain has natural Cannabinoids that it produces to regulate MANY things, these are called EndoCannabinoids.

Here is a link to the Wiki about EndoCannabinoids function in the brain:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Endocan...abinoid_system

I'm not sure if this is proven, but I have heard that there are studies saying that smoking THC and other Cannabinoids makes your brain feel as if it is unnecessary to produce its own Cannabinoids, since you are activating your CB1 receptor on your own.

But there is now a chem out there that is NOT a cannabinoid (I'm not sure what it is) called LY-2183240. What this chem is said to do is this:

Acts both as a potent inhibitor of the reuptake of the endocannabinoid anandamide, and as an inhibitor of fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH), the primary enzyme responsible for degrading anandamide. This leads to markedly elevated anandamide levels in the brain, and LY-2183240 has been shown to produce both analgesic and anxiolytic effects in animal models.

So basically,what this does is GETS YOU HIGH ON YOUR OWN CANNABINOIDS. It creates an environment where when a certain Cannabinoid enters the CB1 & CB2 region of the brain, it has to stay there until it DOES SOMETHING. It can't just go back into your blood and get pissed out.

Firstly, it "is a potent inhibitor of the reuptake of the endocannabinoid Anandamine".

Secondly, it stops your body from producing things that EAT Anandamine.

Thirdly, all of these things could slightly effects other Cannabinoids. As your brain is meant for Endocannabinoids, but when you smoke marijuana, you add to the supply in a way that the brain isn't exactly meant to handle.

Here is what Anandamine is (a natural Cannabinoid that your brain produces:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anandamide
In 1992, in Raphael Mechoulam's lab, the first such compound was identified as arachidonoyl ethanolamine and named anandamide, a name derived from the Sanskrit word for bliss and -amide. Anandamide is derived from the essential fatty acid arachidonic acid. It has a pharmacology similar to THC, although its chemical structure is different. Anandamide binds to the central (CB1) and, to a lesser extent, peripheral (CB2) cannabinoid receptors, where it acts as a partial agonist. Anandamide is about as potent as THC at the CB1 receptor.[41] Anandamide is found in nearly all tissues in a wide range of animals.[42] Anandamide has also been found in plants, including small amounts in chocolate.

Mangoes have become pretty well known over the past year or so for helping Cannabinoids cross the blood brain barrier, so that more THC goes from your blood to your brain in the first place, and faster.


Endocannabinoids play an important role in every day things, as well as important things like your ability to get pregnant. So do not take Endo-Cannabinoid reuptake inhibitors as if they are marijuana replacements. They should be used as a tool for brain building (like a once a month boost maybe) just to tell your brain "Hey, those natural Cannabinoids are good for you" so it keeps making them.

ALSO, VERY IMPORTANT. Cannabinoid Reuptake Inhibitors are UNDERSTUDIED. So I would suggest not eating a variety of foods while on them. Ex: When you use MAOI, which is another form of inhibitor that CAN effect cannabis, but is not specifically selective of cannabinoids, is safe for humans to ingest. But because of the effects it has on your immune system you can get headaches, or even die if you eat or drink: Chocolate, Cheese or Alcohol. Simply because these things are toxic to our system, until our bodies break it down. So BE CAREFUL.

Here are the things EndoCannabinoids regulate, and these are the ONLY situations they could possibly be viewed useful in. THEY ARE NOT RECREATIONAL DRUGS.
More Pharmaceutical Marijuana Info

AM404, also known as N-arachidonoylaminophenol,[1] is an active metabolite of paracetamol (acetaminophen), responsible for all or part of its analgesic action

AM-404 is created in the body when you take Tylenol, so taking Tylenol helps Cannabinoids work.

The mango has just been recently discovered to be a perfect ally for marijuana smokers, both recreational and medicinal, around the globe. This is because myrcene terpenes are found in mangos which are also coexistent in cannabis and marijuana. Myrcene is an organic compound most commonly used in the fragrance industry because of the sweet aroma is produces. This is why plants containing myrcene terpenes such as mango's, lemon grass, cannabis, and hops have a sweet odor. The chemical myrcene (specifically the terpenes within it) helps the psychoactive ingredients in marijuana travel faster and more efficiently through the blood brain barrier ultimately increasing, strengthening, and even lengthening the '‹Å"high' feeling.

Mango Juice + Lemon Grass Extract + Tylenol + Nicacin + Any Reuptake Inhibitor... Plus a bowl of Medicalmarijuana.

I'm going to try this as soon as possible.


Niacin is also apparently very helpful with crossing the Blood Brain Barrier, so can help you get higher when you take about 100mg 3x a day. I wouldn't suggest mixing too much niacin with any inhibitors though, as niacin is strange, and does multiple things.

Do you toss and turn before going to sleep? Are you depressed or down in the dumps? Maybe you're forgetful, anxious, get easily distracted? Do any of these ring a bell or have you forgotten the first question already? Did you just glance back to the beginning to refresh your memory?
All of these things can be symptoms of niacin deficiency.

Niacin can also put 'spark' back into your life. Red blood cells that are rich in oxygen produce a negative electric charge; this is their 'spark'. These blood cells repel each other due to the negative electric charge so on their trek through the capillaries to the brain they must go single file. Lack of oxygen can cause them to lose their charge; they all gather around each other and create a barrier from being bunched up. This barrier keeps oxygen out of the brain and leads to the symptoms mentioned above. Go ahead, scan the top to remind yourself what they were. The good news is that niacin gives red blood cells their spark back.

Niacin also helps lower cholesterol and triglycerides, two blood fats that cause clogged arteries, and also helps eliminate the slugging effect (caused by those red blood cells losing their spark and huddling up together).

Niacin is key to lowering fatigue and joint stiffness. Niacin deficiency is known as pellagra, but until symptoms reach a certain stage (dementia, skin rash and diarrhea) it's rarely diagnosed or even caught. Other symptoms of mild pellagra include; fatigue, bloating, joint problems, depression, intestinal problems and irritability.

Taking 50 -100 milligrams up to 3 or 4 times a day can reduce and in many cases eliminate these symptoms. Be sure to check your label if you decide to supplement niacin. Most niacin supplements are sold as niacinamide which has little effect on lowering blood fats. Look for a supplement that contains niacin in its purest form or try to get adequate amounts in your diet.

Niacin is one of the B complex vitamins so it's relatively easy to get them all together in certain foods. Liver is one of the best sources of the B complex vitamins but it's understandable that not many people like liver. You can also get these nutrients in other meats as well. Tuna is another good source and so are nuts and seeds. These are generally good sources because they aren't over processed which can destroy vitamin content. You can also eat more whole grains, peas, and beans to get B vitamins. One of the best sources of B complex vitamins is brewers yeast.

The latest review, published in Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, suggests that activating the brain’s cannabinoid system may trigger a sort of anti-oxidant cleanse, removing damaged cells and improving the efficiency of the mitochrondria, the energy source that powers cells, ultimately leading to a more robustly functioning brain.

Activation of cannabinoid receptors can also reduce brain inflammation in several different ways, which may in turn suppress some of the disease processes responsible for degenerative brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s.

Other studies covered in the review showed that mice bred to lack the cannabinoid receptors have better memories early in life but have more rapid cognitive decline as they age, including inflammation in the hippocampus, a key region for memory. “This finding suggests that, at some point during aging, cannabinoid activity helps maintain normal cognitive functions in mice,” says Daniele Piomelli, professor of neurobiology, anatomy and biological chemistry at the University of California – Irvine, who was not associated with the study.
Yeah, what does Santa have to do with Jesus?

nothing but he has a lot to do with christmas. I guess I see a glimpse of your war on christmas Mr Shaggy. It's more of a war against establishmentarianism. I guess you're not big on frosty the snowman either?