
Russia could target foreign weapons: Russia has threatened to fire on weapons shipments to Ukraine, saying convoys with foreign weapons could be considered "legitimate targets." The warning, issued by Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov, raises the risk of direct confrontation between Moscow and a NATO country.
The thought police in russia are arresting people for the smallest of things. I saw video of a woman holding up a blank piece of paper arrested, in another video a woman holding a single yellow flower was arrested. They are arresting people for just filming a protester. I can see why the russian people love the mad midget.
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I see they hit a training base in western Ukraine near Lyiv with 30 rockets, probably fired from western Belarus. They killed 35 people at the base, but I'll bet it's not the only training base, training regular soldiers by the tens of thousands from fit volunteers. Patriot or some other missile defense system might go in if this keeps up. Missiles or ok, AA, anti tank and anti ship, and so are drones that can target shit for missiles, unlike their missiles which are mostly ballistic, ours are all precision guided and can hit what they are aimed at from many miles away. The Russians can hit an area like a base, we can hit buildings and vehicles.
Russia fires 30 missiles at western Ukraine base
We are seeing the human tragedy unfold and the heroism of a brave and determined people who are well lead, trying to preserve their liberal democracy and defend their nation from a brutal dictator. The struggle is in the balance and will be for a week as the Russians attempt to encircle Kyiv and divide the country east and west along the Dnieper river that runs from north to south.

We hear a lot about what the Russians are doing and very little of what the Ukrainians are doing and what we are doing to help, as it should be. One of the things NATO is good at is multilingual training and it has a great deal of experience training armies and they are good at it, it's one of the main things they do. I can't believe they aren't helping the Ukrainians to train and equip a large one, both in Europe and Ukraine. Everything from ground pounders, missile system operators, to fighter pilots are being trained on accelerated courses. They don't need 90 days of basic, training can range from 3 days for irregular forces, to 3 weeks for soldiers and longer for special forces. The Ukrainians can draw from 5 million fit men and NATO can arm a lot of them with soviet weapons at least. So new troops suddenly appearing on the battle field and counter attacking the Russians is a distinct possibility IMHO. Once they wear them down and stretch out their supply lines they will strike where they are vulnerable, they are making many mistakes and they will be taken advantage of.
Vlad must have been squeezing Lukashenko's balls until his eyeballs popped out, to try and get Belarus to attack Ukraine. But I think Lukashenko will have trouble pulling it off at home, too much western and Ukrainian media, his army knows the truth, all the colonels do and might revolt if they are ordered into Ukraine and the population wouldn't like it either, this is not Russia, they have much more exposure to the west and to western media. We will see.

Lukashenko says "we did not launch this war, we have a clean conscience".... :shock: that would imply that they have a conscience to be clean...i still don't understand the logic of telling very stupid, transparent lies when everyone in the entire world knows you're lying...
Russia could target foreign weapons: Russia has threatened to fire on weapons shipments to Ukraine, saying convoys with foreign weapons could be considered "legitimate targets." The warning, issued by Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov, raises the risk of direct confrontation between Moscow and a NATO country.
good, i'm ready for a little nuclear winter, if it ends putin once and for all
Lukashenko says "we did not launch this war, we have a clean conscience".... :shock: that would imply that they have a conscience to be clean...i still don't understand the logic of telling very stupid, transparent lies when everyone in the entire world knows you're lying...
The Russians are basing and attacking through there, no Belarus forces are involved, yet. He does not have that big of an army and how reliable is the reserve? Most of the people in the Belarus army chain of command get western TV and radio, will want to know what is really happening in Ukraine and have been following events closely. They know NATO is helping and the manpower reserves the Ukrainians have and that already the war is going disastrously for the Russians and it will be much worse in a week or two. It will be interesting to see what happens, we could see civil war, Vlad is weak and is probably feeding in occupying forces for replacements lost in Ukraine.
Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus
Active personnel62,000
Reserve personnel344,750
Deployed personnel4,560 (Around the borders)
“Infantry wins battles, logistics wins wars.” So said Army General John J. Pershing, commander of the American Expeditionary Forces on the Western Front during WWI.

Russian logistics suck and the further they are from Russia the worse it is, they have a chronic shortage of military trucks. These will be all over the highly urban areas of Ukraine with it's many backroads and main highways and will be a big target of irregular forces. Already the Russians are stealing the trucks of Ukrainian farmers to use because of their shortage and are starting to pillage the land they occupy for fuel and supplies.

In modern war no supplies mean disaster and being quickly cut off as ammo runs dry. Artillery units pounding cities will panic if they are cut off, they were told what would happen to artillery units, no prisoners.