
It’s a pretty wild ride. Very original execution.

Would you believe that the storyline is first and foremost the lack of sufficient healthcare, even when employed and are insured; how the system treats you. A chemistry teacher gets cancer and his journey to make ends meet.

America doesn't even meet it's obligation for it's citizens.
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So your response to Putin murdering children with his bombing children's hospitals is to go with a what about-ism?

We are not starting anything, we don't get to decide who is in NATO, it is up to those countries to want to get into it, and all the NATO nation's need to approve of it.

Feel free to point out the insults I made towards you. I think that you might be triggering and reading things from a snow flaking point of view and taking things wrong.


Everyone does. This is along the same lines as understanding nobody is 'pro-abortion'.

I'll bite, what rights have you had stripped away?

I do not support any killings of children. That was a recent development, also we’re not there the Ukrainians could have been using them as a shield figuring they shouldn’t fire at them if their shelled up there. I will say they absolutely have a right to defend their land, they absolutely should be able to join any group they so choose! I do understand why Putin feels threatened, and if NATO promised not to come any closer then NATO should have honored what they said! I was only stressing my point. Which is we wouldn’t feel safe if they were in Mexico, or Canada. I would expect our Government to invade either country to protect us. My main concern is the United States and it’s Citizens. However that doesn’t mean I do not sympathize with other peoples or Countries! There’s too many rights that have been taken away or abused by our Government to name. We’re being spied on, they’re taking away gun rights. I also was pointing out that everything Russia has done our Government has done worse!
That was about cannabis . If you can only see so far (understand ignorant is bliss).
That why I search how others view thing different than I.
Not bouncing in your echo chamber ,I look at all (as many different perspectives) I can find in a short time available to me.
Here another bull sh#t that the right is pushing
I am not a tool for the elites and elites wannabes to divide people.
then what are you a tool for?
I do not support any killings of children. That was a recent development, also we’re not there the Ukrainians could have been using them as a shield figuring they shouldn’t fire at them if their shelled up there. I will say they absolutely have a right to defend their land, they absolutely should be able to join any group they so choose! I do understand why Putin feels threatened, and if NATO promised not to come any closer then NATO should have honored what they said! I was only stressing my point. Which is we wouldn’t feel safe if they were in Mexico, or Canada. I would expect our Government to invade either country to protect us. My main concern is the United States and it’s Citizens. However that doesn’t mean I do not sympathize with other peoples or Countries! There’s too many rights that have been taken away or abused by our Government to name. We’re being spied on, they’re taking away gun rights. I also was pointing out that everything Russia has done our Government has done worse!
Don't be ridiculous, you live in a liberal democracy, warts and all, Putin is a murdering bastard and always has been who played Trump for a fool and obviously owned him. By the time ole Joe gave his first SOTU he had Vlad by the nuts, though Vlad fucking up mightily helped a lot. The fight for liberal democracy has been moved from your doorstep and is now on Vlad's and it doesn't look good for the cocksucker at all, now he's fighting to survive.

These are free countries who wanted to join NATO, Vlad can go fuck himself, he's more afraid of the EU and a Ukraine that was becoming a liberal democracy. The people of Ukraine are citizens fighting a war of national liberation with guns and guts, most republicans are all in. BTW Ukraine has a large private gun culture too and they seem to be pretty good at fighting for liberty. If you lose your guns in America it will be because a law was passed and got by the SCOTUS, who enforce the constitution. That's how a liberal democracy works by the rule of law under the constitution. As far as I know the SCOTUS would be ok with banning semi automatic weapons including pistols. The government regulates weapon calibers and can regulate automatic weapons and as far as those federalist conservative judges look at it if the founders used black powder, so can you. The intentions of the founders being important to them.
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If they can equip territorials, reservists, like this, with uniforms, flack jackets, helmets, AK47s and other equipment, imagine what the regular army is getting! All this stuff has been pouring in from NATO for weeks by the tractor trailer load and there appear to be no shortage of AK47s, spare mags and ammo.

I'm certain they are training a big army, it is a certain path to victory and if it can be made ready and deployed before the ground dries out, it would be even better. I think with the recent counter attacks, we might be seeing the first graduates of that army training in action, along with territorials. I would think the territorials would hold them in defense and stop progress while the regular army struck behind on their flanks at a strategic location cutting off supplies. Attack is always tougher and I think they will want regular soldiers for most of that. A regular soldier in Ukraine having 2 or three 3 weeks of training, maybe more for mortar squads. As circumstances permit they can extend the initial training period, or they can train them in new weapons on the job, or in short courses, more training is better. The people in the video should have time for more than a couple days training in weapons and tactics, they are unlikely to be on the front soon.
The Ukrainian couples training for war against Russia

In a training centre in the southern city of Odessa, young urban professionals who might normally be choosing where to meet friends for a coffee learn about handling weapons and applying emergency first aid to battlefield wounds.
What is that little red area south of Alaska along Canada?

That's the Alaska Panhandle. Right at the base at the end of the Portland Canal is the tiny berg of Hyder, pop. 97 when I was there. Just across the border is Stewart, BC. I was up there on Thanksgiving, (Canadian in Oct), '92 for a final interview to work at the gold mine doing environmental monitoring but the other applicant got the job. Did get Hyderized at the Glacier Inn in Hyder tho. Would have loved moving up there just for the fishing. Took fishing gear with me and they let me keep the rental for an extra day so ended up catching a shitload of salmon and had 3 encounters with bears. Got a beauty picture of a grizzly standing in a small river on the gravel road to the mine. Really must scan that one day along with the thousands of other film pics I took over the years.

Weird rumors of the mad midget being ill, probably total bullshit but who and why would push this narrative?
Immune compromised cancer patient or paranoid mad man, both explain the long tables and no one being close to him.
Both those narratives are negative so is it just chaos as a goal, strange times.