
I heard that a week or so ago..a pundit thought he 'had a puffy face indicative of bowel cancer'. He has a round Russian typical face. He's not puffy.
Puffy being from corticosteroid injections. This poster says 'nyet'. The long table was Macron refused to let the Russians touch him for Covid test..would you? They deliver poison in the craziest ways I've ever read about. I don't blame macron in the least.

It's all propaganda..but I did post guess you missed it. Oh! I could be on ignore too.
I also think he just looks like some russians / half caucasian, half asian, especially around the eyes.
That's the Alaska Panhandle. Right at the base at the end of the Portland Canal is the tiny berg of Hyder, pop. 97 when I was there. Just across the border is Stewart, BC. I was up there on Thanksgiving, (Canadian in Oct), '92 for a final interview to work at the gold mine doing environmental monitoring but the other applicant got the job. Did get Hyderized at the Glacier Inn in Hyder tho. Would have loved moving up there just for the fishing. Took fishing gear with me and they let me keep the rental for an extra day so ended up catching a shitload of salmon and had 3 encounters with bears. Got a beauty picture of a grizzly standing in a small river on the gravel road to the mine. Really must scan that one day along with the thousands of other film pics I took over the years.


So you actually cannot reach Alaska unless you go through Canada?
I heard that a week or so ago..a pundit thought he 'had a puffy face indicative of bowel cancer'. He has a round Russian typical face. He's not puffy.
Puffy being from corticosteroid injections. This poster says 'nyet'. The long table was Macron refused to let the Russians touch him for Covid test..would you? They deliver poison in the craziest ways I've ever read about. I don't blame macron in the least.

It's all propaganda..but I did post guess you missed it. Oh! I could be on ignore too.
That last sentence is gold.
I wonder how many will make it before breaking down, good luck getting through the Suez canal and not many refueling ports, or any ports along the way. No way will Turkey allow them into the Black Sea and Denmark could even block access to the Baltic, if Russians get stupid with chemical weapons in Ukraine. The last time the Russians sent a fleet half way around the world it was a fiasco that ended near Japan in 1905 by being sunk.
Russia sending FOUR amphibious warfare ships to Europe as Russia ramps up new wave
I also think he just looks like some russians / half caucasian, half asian, especially around the eyes.

You are so correct about that. Look at Melania Trump eyes and she's from Slovakia..much further south and west from Russia. A lot of Eastern Bloc countries are like that. My grandparents from Prague, Czechoslovakia had that head but more square..my aunt and uncle both got those traits but my dads face was not like that. More long, thinned out with a chin as opposed to the square block. Interesting because you can see that they were Asian traits and how migration happened.
You are so correct about that. Look at Melania Trump eyes and she's from Slovakia..much further south and west from Russia. A lot of Eastern Bloc countries are like that. My grandparents from Prague, Czechoslovakia had that head but more square..my aunt and uncle both got those traits but my dads face was not like that. More long, thinned out with a chin as opposed to the square block. Interesting because you can see that they were Asian traits and how migration happened.
Five generations back on my paternal grandmother’s (from near Kyiv) side is supposed to be a full-tilt pony Mongol. My dad has a trace of the epicanthic. In my case it’s cannabis-related.
Nome..I want to go to Nome..most UFO's in the nation..people missing too..lots.

Bering Sea Gold? Don't get me started..I so want to try it..i want one of those backhoes though. I love all the people on that show!

Yikes! I missed a whole season..my fave is Mr. Gold Shawn Pomranke.
I planned but did not execute a motorcycle trip (from Fornia) to Tuktoyaktuk, as far north as the road went.
Those Russian ships allegedly coming from the pacific could be vulnerable to another kind of warfare. The US could shadow them with a few drones that would offer free wifi and phone service for their crews via starlink satellite connection. You wouldn't even need to pump propaganda, just western Russian language news links on the opening page. They could even call them on their phones or message them and tell them about the free service and that they should call their mom's! They would need to confiscate the phones, if they haven't already and I'm not sure they do in peace time, they could even provide ship board wi fi and cell service to the crew for moral purposes.
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It sounds like Elon Musk's Starlink satellites are having an impact on the war in Ukraine. It enables Ukrainian military to geotrack Russian soldiers cell phones and target them.....Just when I was ready to give up on the guy. :roll:
I think their cell towers help a bit with that! A general has to be dumb and ignorant to carry a cellphone into that kind of environment, where the enemy has control of the cell network. You would be shocked at what even a RC hobbyist could do with a home made drone in that environment, the Russians are almost defenseless and switchblade equivalents ain't hard to make with off the self components and even cheap foam planes ordered by the hundreds. The Russians seem pretty defenseless against that shit, I expected electronic jamming at least. Seriously, the technology has been well developed and is almost ubiquitous in some places. They don't need to make a thing, buy the parts online, fly them into Poland and assemble, if they organized the RC flying clubs in the country and drew people from there, it could get up and running pretty quickly. Hand launched killer drones on the cheap effective out to 5 or 10 miles.
I think their cell towers help a bit with that! A general has to be dumb and ignorant to carry a cellphone into that kind of environment, where the enemy has control of the cell network. You would be shocked at what even a RC hobbyist could do with a home made drone in that environment, the Russians are almost defenseless and switchblade equivalents ain't hard to make with off the self components and even cheap foam planes ordered by the hundreds. The Russians seem pretty defenseless against that shit, I expected electronic jamming at least. Seriously, the technology has been well developed and is almost ubiquitous in some places. They don't need to make a thing, buy the parts online, fly them into Poland and assemble, if they organized the RC flying clubs in the country and drew people from there, it could get up and running pretty quickly. Hand launched killer drones on the cheap effective out to 5 or 10 miles.
Elon Musk's 'very effective' Starlink keeping Ukrainians online during Russian invasion
Ukrainian Vice Prime Minister Mykhailo Fedorov says new shipments of Starlink terminals are arriving every other day
Elon Musk's 'very effective' Starlink keeping Ukrainians online during Russian invasion
Ukrainian Vice Prime Minister Mykhailo Fedorov says new shipments of Starlink terminals are arriving every other day
They can be very useful for everything from government and military communications to providing wi fi hotspots for the public. With a mere 25ms latency, you can easily fly a drone remotely using it and upload lot's of sensor data and multiple high resolution cameras with the wide bandwidth. Elon will need to control this or Uncle Sam will, it is extraordinarily useful for military and clandestine operations, now more than ever. A starlink terminal can provide secure communications with agents deep inside Russia, if used wisely. The big thing though is it turns cheap drones, into drones as good as the ones the US military uses with unjammable satellite links and unlimited contact range that does not deteriorate at distance and down low. I have an FPV camera for a drone that allows me to fly at night and a full moon looks like daylight, cost less the $50.
Russia to Re-Open Stock Market After Nearly A Month, Will its Economy Rebound ?

Meanwhile, on Friday, the Kremlin avoided a historic debt default…coughing up $170 million in foreign interest payments. But Russia’s interest rate remains at 20% - double the rate before the invasion - as the value of the ruble continues to plunge to record lows...of 104 rubles to 1 U.S. dollar.