
Russia to Re-Open Stock Market After Nearly A Month, Will its Economy Rebound ?

Meanwhile, on Friday, the Kremlin avoided a historic debt default…coughing up $170 million in foreign interest payments. But Russia’s interest rate remains at 20% - double the rate before the invasion - as the value of the ruble continues to plunge to record lows...of 104 rubles to 1 U.S. dollar.
I’m bearish.
You are so correct about that. Look at Melania Trump eyes and she's from Slovakia..much further south and west from Russia. A lot of Eastern Bloc countries are like that. My grandparents from Prague, Czechoslovakia had that head but more square..my aunt and uncle both got those traits but my dads face was not like that. More long, thinned out with a chin as opposed to the square block. Interesting because you can see that they were Asian traits and how migration happened.
She’s from Slovenia
Belarusian armed forces preparing for invasion of Ukraine.

Defense Ministry sees signs of Belarusian armed forces preparing for invasion of Ukraine.
There are signs that the Belarusian armed forces are preparing for a direct invasion of Ukraine.
Lukashenko might be able to scrap up some units of the Belarus army to attack Ukraine, but most of the military object and see the obvious danger. Any troops he sends will need to be commanded by loyalists and that leaves the ones who disagree at home in charge of troops. Belarus is soaked on three sides with western news in Russian language and it reaches into most of the country. Almost all of the colonels have access to this media and know what is really going on in Ukraine and how it will probably go sideways for the Russians pretty soon. Belarus has a small army and it cannot tip the balance, even if they went all in, the army they send could come back to haunt them with revolution. Lukashenko cheated on the last election pretty badly and there were mass protests that they had to bring Russian troops in to quell. Presumably Lukashenko, didn't want to use his own troops against his own citizens, lest the infection spread.

Putin has been putting enormous pressure on him to join the invasion, but it could lead to revolution and the Ukrainians will arm and encourage it, if they attack. The western media exposure of Belarus makes a big difference in public opinion, they see the Russian TV and the western uncensored TV by broadcast and many do, especially the elites and officers in the military. Every soldier wants as much info as he can get on what he is getting himself into.
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Can anyone tell me why this muppet keeps getting posted here? Who the fuck listens to this guy, telling you how to think and how things are, breathlessly like you should already agree with him?
He's smart, leftwing, experienced in military matters and his image from his man shed is partly contrived to lure in republican types and civilize them. I think some southern American station should carry his segments, good opinion to counter much of the shitty opinion coming from his area. He has more YouTube views than many TV shows. I figure he's a good guy, but you might have higher standards.
Mikhail Khordokovsky gave an interview to Beth Rigby, imo he understands the nature of Putin’s personality better than anyone who knew him (that I have heard speak publicly) it’s pathological and only respects force/power/violence and all the sequelae such as dominance and legacy.
Mikhail Khordokovsky gave an interview to Beth Rigby, imo he understands the nature of Putin’s personality better than anyone who knew him, it’s pathological and only respects force/power/violence and all the sequelae such as dominance and legacy.
I saw that and other opinions from those close to him, I don't think he's mad, he is a sociopath, conditioned to it mostly, not a psychopath with brain parts missing or offline. He has dictator disease a bad case and he's working his way through the reality of his situation and examining his options, there are not many. He needs to be beaten in Ukraine and beaten bad, bad being ejected from Ukraine with lot's of prisoners and generals in the Hague. Then he might try to weasel out, but he might be broke before long. He wants to survive and is striving mightily to do it.
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Mikhail Khordokovsky gave an interview to Beth Rigby, imo he understands the nature of Putin’s personality better than anyone who knew him (that I have heard speak publicly) it’s pathological and only respects force/power/violence and all the sequelae such as dominance and legacy.
I hear Muammar Gaddafi's death on TV affected him deeply, or so it is said. Vlad is a survivor, or wants to be, hence the long tables, Vlad lives in fear.
Put one of these on every street corner in Kyiv.....
View attachment 5105010
What do ya think about a flying claymore mine with a proximity fuze made from off the shelf parts. A nice shaped foam nose over the front with the mine containing the fuze. Fly it with a 6' wingspan foam drone at 100 MPH diving into the target or glide into the target silently from above at night. Uses off the self RC parts for larger planes and might even use a modified commercially airframe. They can even put the transmitters/receivers on tethered balloons and relay to the ground some distance away using the standard 2.4Ghz frequency the radio comes with, also signal amplifiers can be used and other goodies that aren't allowed by law, but are used none the less. You could actually mount the mine in different ways and places depending on attack mode. This is all done with off the shelf parts using tried and true methods by people with experience doing this stuff, some of whom are engineers. The military supplies the claymore, I think they have a few to spare. They don't need to come to this mine, it comes to them!