
Weird rumors of the mad midget being ill, probably total bullshit but who and why would push this narrative?
Immune compromised cancer patient or paranoid mad man, both explain the long tables and no one being close to him.
Both those narratives are negative so is it just chaos as a goal, strange times.
At 5’3” naturally very weak and prone to illness.
I do not support any killings of children. That was a recent development, also we’re not there the Ukrainians could have been using them as a shield figuring they shouldn’t fire at them if their shelled up there. I will say they absolutely have a right to defend their land, they absolutely should be able to join any group they so choose! I do understand why Putin feels threatened, and if NATO promised not to come any closer then NATO should have honored what they said! I was only stressing my point. Which is we wouldn’t feel safe if they were in Mexico, or Canada. I would expect our Government to invade either country to protect us. My main concern is the United States and it’s Citizens. However that doesn’t mean I do not sympathize with other peoples or Countries!
I agree with your first and third sentence. The rest is mostly bullshit. There was no agreement with NATO, and Putin has attacked his neighbors several times, he is a goon.

There’s too many rights that have been taken away or abused by our Government to name.
No there isn't.

We’re being spied on,
Define 'spied on'. How much spyware do you think is on your computer sending all the data from everything you click on, read, and watch that is being sent to foreign nations so that they can improve their attack on you? All of it I would assume.

they’re taking away gun rights.
Whose 'they', be specific.

I also was pointing out that everything Russia has done our Government has done worse!
Sounds edgy and all, but I call bullshit if you are talking post WW2 America.
i don't understand the point? you think it's putin's daughter? what is the significance if it is?
i'm a little slow in the morning, help an old man out
Well all I can say is Putin's daughter looks like a female David Koresh,I know the Waco standoff has faded from memory(25+yrs ago I think) but the resemblance is uncanny and struck me immediately that if Koresh transitioned that is how he would look,just add estrogen.
I agree with your first and third sentence. The rest is mostly bullshit. There was no agreement with NATO, and Putin has attacked his neighbors several times, he is a goon.

No there isn't.

Define 'spied on'. How much spyware do you think is on your computer sending all the data from everything you click on, read, and watch that is being sent to foreign nations so that they can improve their attack on you? All of it I would assume.

Whose 'they', be specific.

Sounds edgy and all, but I call bullshit if you are talking post WW2 America.
Yeah I can dig Russia feeling threatened w/their history of being invaded,but it's mostly a smokescreen Putin is using to distract the Russian people from the shitty state of Russia economically and lack of opportunity for ordinary Russians to have a better living standard so he plays the "I'm the protector of Russia card" for distraction IMO. NATO has never premeditatedly attacked anyone and is in principle a defensive alliance,formed in the day's Putin so revers,when Russia(WARSAW pact) had millions of soldiers carrying Kalishnikovs and more tanks than God and Western Europe was soiling their underwear at the thought of Ivan charging thru the Fulda gap and making the whole of Europe RED.
Another budding kleptocracy
AS an American,witnessing the political chaos in the US,I'm out of the telling other countries how they should govern game,just don't FK w/ the US internally or externally,that said "have at it".I'm not into dictators or authoritarians who stomp on peoples rights and the CIA can subversively do their thing and as a powerful country the US ends up having to right wrongs and it's a tough and murky responsibility,seems to me when we flex here come the haters and when a travesty takes place where is the US the world asks.
I do not support any killings of children. That was a recent development, also we’re not there the Ukrainians could have been using them as a shield figuring they shouldn’t fire at them if their shelled up there. I will say they absolutely have a right to defend their land, they absolutely should be able to join any group they so choose! I do understand why Putin feels threatened, and if NATO promised not to come any closer then NATO should have honored what they said! I was only stressing my point. Which is we wouldn’t feel safe if they were in Mexico, or Canada. I would expect our Government to invade either country to protect us. My main concern is the United States and it’s Citizens. However that doesn’t mean I do not sympathize with other peoples or Countries! There’s too many rights that have been taken away or abused by our Government to name. We’re being spied on, they’re taking away gun rights. I also was pointing out that everything Russia has done our Government has done worse!
Russia agreed to protect Ukrainian sovereignty in exchange for their nuclear arsenal. If you weren’t a brain dead, uninformed fuck, you would know that.
Russian Offensive Campaign Assessment, March 19
Mar 19, 2022 - Press ISW

Ukrainian forces have defeated the initial Russian campaign of this war. That campaign aimed to conduct airborne and mechanized operations to seize Kyiv, Kharkiv, Odesa, and other major Ukrainian cities to force a change of government in Ukraine. That campaign has culminated. Russian forces continue to make limited advances in some parts of the theater but are very unlikely to be able to seize their objectives in this way. The doctrinally sound Russian response to this situation would be to end this campaign, accept a possibly lengthy operational pause, develop the plan for a new campaign, build up resources for that new campaign, and launch it when the resources and other conditions are ready. The Russian military has not yet adopted this approach. It is instead continuing to feed small collections of reinforcements into an ongoing effort to keep the current campaign alive. We assess that that effort will fail.
AS an American,witnessing the political chaos in the US,I'm out of the telling other countries how they should govern game,just don't FK w/ the US internally or externally,that said "have at it".I'm not into dictators or authoritarians who stomp on peoples rights and the CIA can subversively do their thing and as a powerful country the US ends up having to right wrongs and it's a tough and murky responsibility,seems to me when we flex here come the haters and when a travesty takes place where is the US the world asks.
Almost everybody wants to live in a liberal democracy, free from corruption and in countries with a homogeneous population and few social divisions this is not too hard to do. However the borders of many counties were drawn by empires and not the people on the ground and many countries were created from different peoples. Then we have the modern multicultural societies, America, Canada and parts of Europe like Britain. Many countries in Europe have small native cultures and the effects of immigration are more deeply felt as the cultures are perceived as threatened. America has historical racist baggage in addition to these issues and some media companies like foxnews who profit from social division and try to create it for profit. Wherever there is social division, there will be those who look to exploit it for nefarious reasons, even if they have to dreg through ancient history to find it.
I do not support any killings of children. That was a recent development, also we’re not there the Ukrainians could have been using them as a shield figuring they shouldn’t fire at them if their shelled up there. I will say they absolutely have a right to defend their land, they absolutely should be able to join any group they so choose! I do understand why Putin feels threatened, and if NATO promised not to come any closer then NATO should have honored what they said! I was only stressing my point. Which is we wouldn’t feel safe if they were in Mexico, or Canada. I would expect our Government to invade either country to protect us. My main concern is the United States and it’s Citizens. However that doesn’t mean I do not sympathize with other peoples or Countries! There’s too many rights that have been taken away or abused by our Government to name. We’re being spied on, they’re taking away gun rights. I also was pointing out that everything Russia has done our Government has done worse!

Neither NATO nor the US broke any agreements. This goes back to a statement by SOS James Baker in 1991 during negotiations for the reunification of Germany. Putin is threatened personally, not Russia. All dictators are threatened by democracy. That's why Putin kills or jails opposition and journalists. Here's the fact check:

NATO is a defensive alliance. It doesn't have any authority and by design cannot unilaterally attack any country until attacked. Russia attacked twice. Putin was appeased with Crimea. That was a mistake. Not this time because it's abundantly clear he would not stop. Putin intends to take any economic lifeline, any tool that will allow him to subjugate people. Oil & gas and nuclear power in Ukraine are threats to Putin's near monopoly of energy. He is positioning Russia, which he controls, to have the same power that OPEC has. A turn of the spigot on Nordstream gives him immense power over Europe.

IMO you are equating mass-murder rights with "gun rights". Background checks and keeping guns from the mentally ill is a bipartisan view. The US has drastically increased the number of guns held in the last few years and school shootings have had the exact opposite of what one would expect from the horrors, i.e, numerous open carry laws have passed along with roll backs on restrictions. Do you feel your gun rights are trampled upon because Trump forbids guns at his rallies?

Carter Page felt spied upon because he was a useful idiot for two clumsy Russian spies. We know that because the team headed by Peter Strozk was able to get the Russian spies to unwittingly carry listening devices into their safe room where they discussed Page. Insurrectionists will call evidence gathering "spying". Those complicit in a planned insurrection certainly don't want to be exposed. Our intelligence agencies have very strict protocols to follow with oversight. It is always the intent of authoritarians to destroy those institutions. Trump is still working on that. I am far more concerned about information gathering and algorithms from corporations that sell the information to unscrupulous SuperPacs and companies like Cambridge Analytica. Amazon & Facebook can do more damage than the federal government. State governments are doing far more civil rights restrictions than the federal government but we won't hear those complaints from those complaining about "spying". Voting rights, protest rights, healthcare rights, employment unionization rights, and even travel rights have all come under attack but gun rights keep expanding by state governance. Here in Florida the state has dictated cannabis to be a vertical monopoly. Characters such as Matt Gaetz hold the purse strings while being courted by the Lev Parnas's of the world. Not all regulation is good and not all regulation is bad. We simply need more oversight and control over those in power. Again, here in Florida, the lawmakers are removing the power of the people, making it now almost mpossible to pass laws such as medical marijuana or voting rights of former felons. I live in a far more authoritarian state today than when I arrived.

I protect my civil rights by donating to the ACLU. I doubled my donation when GWB took control. I maintained it though Obama. I doubled it again with Trump.

PS - I forgot to mention free speech and education rights are also coming under attack here in Florida.
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Tell me about the hashish. Sigh.

We can't get really hashish.

I go to dispensary for the local folk not high price for CSU kids. They gave up their medical license so they can pass the savings on to us. They have their own grow houses then have another label do the extractions so it saves on the equipment. Almost like a co-op.

They have hash occasionally:wink:
I do not support any killings of children. That was a recent development, also we’re not there the Ukrainians could have been using them as a shield figuring they shouldn’t fire at them if their shelled up there. I will say they absolutely have a right to defend their land, they absolutely should be able to join any group they so choose! I do understand why Putin feels threatened, and if NATO promised not to come any closer then NATO should have honored what they said! I was only stressing my point. Which is we wouldn’t feel safe if they were in Mexico, or Canada. I would expect our Government to invade either country to protect us. My main concern is the United States and it’s Citizens. However that doesn’t mean I do not sympathize with other peoples or Countries! There’s too many rights that have been taken away or abused by our Government to name. We’re being spied on, they’re taking away gun rights. I also was pointing out that everything Russia has done our Government has done worse!
What does this have to do with Russia's illegal invasion of Ukraine?
Neither NATO nor the US broke any agreements. This goes back to a statement by SOS James Baker in 1991 during negotiations for the reunification of Germany. Putin is threatened personally, not Russia. All dictators are threatened by democracy. That's why Putin kills or jails opposition and journalists. Here's the fact check:

NATO is a defensive alliance. It doesn't have any authority and by design cannot unilaterally attack any country until attacked. Russia attacked twice. Putin was appeased with Crimea. That was a mistake. Not this time because it's abundantly clear he would not stop. Putin intends to take any economic lifeline, any tool that will allow him to subjugate people. Oil & gas and nuclear power in Ukraine are threats to Putin's near monopoly of energy. He is positioning Russia, which he controls, to have the same power that OPEC has. A turn of the spigot on Nordstream gives him immense power over Europe.

IMO you are equating mass-murder rights with "gun rights". Background checks and keeping guns from the mentally ill is a bipartisan view. The US has drastically increased the number of guns held in the last few years and school shootings have had the exact opposite of what one would expect from the horrors, i.e, numerous open carry laws have passed along with roll backs on restrictions. Do you feel your gun rights are trampled upon because Trump forbids guns at his rallies?

Carter Page felt spied upon because he was a useful idiot for two clumsy Russian spies. We know that because the team headed by Peter Strozk was able to get the Russian spies to unwittingly carry listening devices into their safe room where they discussed Page. Insurrectionists will call evidence gathering "spying". Those complicit in a planned insurrection certainly don't want to be exposed. Our intelligence agencies have very strict protocols to follow with oversight. It is always the intent of authoritarians to destroy those institutions. Trump is still working on that. I am far more concerned about information gathering and algorithms from corporations that sell the information to unscrupulous SuperPacs and companies like Cambridge Analytica. Amazon & Facebook can do more damage than the federal government. State governments are doing far more civil rights restrictions than the federal government but we won't hear those complaints from those complaining about "spying". Voting rights, protest rights, healthcare rights, employment unionization rights, and even travel rights have all come under attack but gun rights keep expanding by state governance. Here in Florida the state has dictated cannabis to be a vertical monopoly. Characters such as Matt Gaetz hold the purse strings while being courted by the Lev Parnas's of the world. Not all regulation is good and not all regulation is bad. We simply need more oversight and control over those in power. Again, here in Florida, the lawmakers are removing the power of the people, making it now almost mpossible to pass laws such as medical marijuana or voting rights of former felons. I live in a far more authoritarian state today than when I arrived.

I protect my civil rights by donating to the ACLU. I doubled my donation when GWB took control. I maintained it though Obama. I doubled it again with Trump.

PS - I forgot to mention free speech and education rights are also coming under attack here in Florida.

+rep:clap:Standing O!

I wouldn't move back there for anything. Dirty Evil Twisted DeSantis and that Freakshow Supervisor of Elections in Broward? Oh! And now Donald lives up the street? No..thank..you! I enjoy seasons and fresh mountain air, a dispensary on every corner but most important of all- Healthcare in order that I was diagnosed properly.

Florida is a Red Tourist State..no taxes no services for those who run the Mouse House. Right To Work?:lol: More like right to die.
I believe it's the 'human shield' propaganda portion of his rant.
None of it makes sense in light of the fact that Putin chose to invade Ukraine. It's probably fake news but a story about Ukraine using civilians as shields against bombarding buildings wouldn't have come about if not for Putin's invasion. @56nitty can talk about Mexico, bad murrica, human shields all he wants but the fact remains Putin invaded Ukraine despite international laws against it and the treaty they signed with Ukraine in 1994.

One does not follow the other.

The point of sanctions and supporting Ukrainian resistance is not to make people suffer, though people will. The point is to cripple Russia's economy to the point where they lose the capacity to invade another country again.
Some great articles from Der Spiegel. A very reputable german weekly news magazine with a relatively small but good english section.

This one is from 2015 but highly relevant nonetheles.

The Ukraine conflict has provided us with an opportunity to return to the circle of great powers. It is essential that Russia once again becomes an empire as it was under the czars or during Soviet times. Once we have achieved that, we can focus on the development of our economy. But first, we have to free ourselves from the West." - right-wing populist Vladimir Zhirinovsky
If they can equip territorials, reservists, like this, with uniforms, flack jackets, helmets, AK47s and other equipment, imagine what the regular army is getting! All this stuff has been pouring in from NATO for weeks by the tractor trailer load and there appear to be no shortage of AK47s, spare mags and ammo.

I'm certain they are training a big army, it is a certain path to victory and if it can be made ready and deployed before the ground dries out, it would be even better. I think with the recent counter attacks, we might be seeing the first graduates of that army training in action, along with territorials. I would think the territorials would hold them in defense and stop progress while the regular army struck behind on their flanks at a strategic location cutting off supplies. Attack is always tougher and I think they will want regular soldiers for most of that. A regular soldier in Ukraine having 2 or three 3 weeks of training, maybe more for mortar squads. As circumstances permit they can extend the initial training period, or they can train them in new weapons on the job, or in short courses, more training is better. The people in the video should have time for more than a couple days training in weapons and tactics, they are unlikely to be on the front soon.
The Ukrainian couples training for war against Russia

In a training centre in the southern city of Odessa, young urban professionals who might normally be choosing where to meet friends for a coffee learn about handling weapons and applying emergency first aid to battlefield wounds.

Right now those citizens have more knowledge than myself..i've never shot a gun..or had to wrap tourniquet. I respect this and we should continue our support..think about how much training the Russian conscript got along with 40 year old hardware and China was already told on Friday's phone call.
Those evil Ukrainians, using women and children as human shields at a maternity hospital.

Why the sad faces? Propaganda- words mean something. I mean hell CNN was caught misquoting Zelensky front page center this AM with their very large font..but then when you got to the article? The quote was different.

Dear CNN..Why are you misleading readers..you can't possibly need the clicks that bad? Can you?

Edit: The quote had to do with WW3 words have meaning CNN what YOU CNN ARE DOING IS DANGEROUS!!!!
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The Russians will probably be the biggest victims of this war in the end, with more dead from the economic collapse of Russia than died in Ukraine during the war. In reducing their capacity to make war on their neighbors, we reduce their capacity in many other ways. Inside Russia, Putin has his base of political support, mostly among older people and the idea is to shrink that base as much as we can through economic hardship, while trying to get truthful information to the Russians. Change comes from the top in Russia and this will help to spur it. If Putin didn't fear the pernicious effect of information, what is his censorship and operating in the disinformation sphere for decades all about? You can censor honest information, or flood the zone with bullshit to bury it and sow doubt.

Since Putin is the source of all things, when their pension is cut in half, Putin is the source of that too. The people have a long history of the government lying to them and murdering them and for awhile it was all exposed. When the government censors information and inflation soars with rumors of war, people get curious. Sure Putin has a lot of support, but he has no alternatives either and when challenged would collapse. We know from the recent experience in America how this kind of thing works, however even with no alternatives, Putin's support will drop to minority statues over time and worsening conditions. We also know from our experience that nothing spurs a book's sales like being banned, it just makes folks curious.
Weird rumors of the mad midget being ill, probably total bullshit but who and why would push this narrative?
Immune compromised cancer patient or paranoid mad man, both explain the long tables and no one being close to him.
Both those narratives are negative so is it just chaos as a goal, strange times.

I heard that a week or so ago..a pundit thought he 'had a puffy face indicative of bowel cancer'. He has a round Russian typical face. He's not puffy.
Puffy being from corticosteroid injections. This poster says 'nyet'. The long table was Macron refused to let the Russians touch him for Covid test..would you? They deliver poison in the craziest ways I've ever read about. I don't blame macron in the least.

It's all propaganda..but I did post guess you missed it. Oh! I could be on ignore too.