
translation..."i don't think the Ukrainians can win.".....what a fucking douchebag. you can think what you want to think, but you don't say shit like that about your allies, who are fighting for their lives, while you're going home to a warm dinner and a soft bed after your speech to the troops.
“The only desirable end to the conflict is either a Ukrainian military victory or talks at some point because fighting has stopped, so at some point we must talk,”

After they beat the shit out of the Russians and eject them from their country, they will need to talk. Until then Belarus and Georgia are gonna be on Ukraine's agenda, with Poland's support. He can't pull the plug on Ukraine and neither can Germany. The American arms package was disappointing, but there are 39 other allies too who are sending arms. The American officials seem confident and slightly amused and the Ukrainians aren't screaming as loud as the should be. It's all rather confusing and I'm sure it was intended to be. The attitude of the American secretary of state and defense is amused confidence and their public statements leave little doubt as to how this will end for Russia. However if they wanted Russia to leave Ukraine in a hurry, they would send the Ukrainian wish list to them. Russia would leave or die there pretty quick, getting out of Dodge in a hurry would be wise. They obviously want Vlad to stick around for awhile, in spite of the world food crises.
Funny enough I was googling some pics to reply with when my computer crashed earlier.

I am guessing it was just a coincidence though.

i'm not happy with Xi, and all the crap that the CCP has done...surpressing the Muslims in the north, the cover up of Covid, the scare tactics to Tiawan, just a big bully all around.....the Chinese are a great people, with the food, art, masonary, and the history overall.....when MAO came up after WW2 it went down hill from there........
it would be a perfect time for Georgia to rise up and start fighting, and then the Chechen start up to, that would split the Russian forces into 2 other fronts
That will come in the future, right now there is plenty to destroy in Ukraine. The way I have it figured is they are not so much afraid of Vlad, as they don't want to spook him and scare him away. If they granted the Ukrainian wish list and announced it, Vlad's army would leave Ukraine and retreat to Crimea or be quickly destroyed. He would go into negotiations and try to hang onto Crimea and where he was in Donbas, he would retreat to the pre Feb 24th invasion lines at least and squeal for peace. If he fights, his limited equipment and munitions are being depleted and his army is being fixed in place and worn away. Troops don't count to them, they can draft more a lot faster than they can replace even obsolete tanks and weapons under sanctions.

Once his equipment and vehicles are gone, along with his precision weapons, it will take a decade to replace them and they would be obsolete designs anyway He can't have a mobile tank army supported by artillery, if it's all been destroyed in Ukraine and can't be replaced. Losing most of the officer corps and almost all the army's supporting equipment won't help either. He could have a horse powered infantry army that marched wherever it went and carried everything on their backs with horse drawn carts, once they got off the trains
That will come in the future, right now there is plenty to destroy in Ukraine. The way I have it figured is they are not so much afraid of Vlad, as they don't want to spook him and scare him away. If they granted the Ukrainian wish list and announced it, Vlad's army would leave Ukraine and retreat to Crimea or be quickly destroyed. He would go into negotiations and try to hang onto Crimea and where he was in Donbas, he would retreat to the pre Feb 24th invasion lines at least and squeal for peace. If he fights, his limited equipment and munitions are being depleted and his army is being fixed in place and worn away. Troops don't count to them, they can draft more a lot faster than they can replace even obsolete tanks and weapons under sanctions.

Once his equipment and vehicles are gone, along with his precision weapons, it will take a decade to replace them and they would be obsolete designs anyway He can't have a mobile tank army supported by artillery, if it's all been destroyed in Ukraine and can't be replaced. Losing most of the officer corps and almost all the army's supporting equipment won't help either. He could have a horse powered infantry army that marched wherever it went and carried everything on their backs with horse drawn carts, once they got off the trains

time will tell with this fight, rather impressed the UA forces right now.......

Top U.S. General Reveals Grim Assessment of Ukraine’s Battlefield Deaths
As for whether Ukraine can sustain its staggering losses against the Russian invaders, Gen. Mark Milley said, ‘This is an existential threat. They’re fighting for the very life of their country.’

The top U.S. military officer on Wednesday confirmed staggering statistics of the Ukrainian military’s battlefield losses as their war with Russia devolves into a grinding, one-sided artillery battle in the country’s east.

Speaking alongside Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin in Brussels after meeting with allies involved in supporting Ukraine, Gen. Mark Milley said public assessments that as many as 200 Ukrainians soldiers are dying every day match the American military’s understanding of the battlefield carnage.
So Germany and France and I'm guessing most European countries want the US to stop throwing fuel on the fire in the Ukraine Russia war. To basickly stop having its proxy war so that the whole of Europe can move on.
Will the US stop its proxy war or not? Me think not as its to lucrative for them. To much money to be made in war and its a nice deflection from their own problems. They seem to want to keep the global economy crashing and the foreseen famine.

In 5 and 10 years when more comes out about why Russia felt it had stop stop Nato (which should of been dissolved when the Warsaw pact was no more) from putting missiles even closer to its borders.

Will be even more interesting to see which US companies get and do what with Ukraines resources and rebuilding programmes. Money not only in supplying weapons and munitions etc but as we have seen with Iraq etc- the taking of and controlling resources and rebuilding.
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Why Germany is under scrutiny for its lack of support to Ukraine
4,496 views Jun 15, 2022 German Chancellor Olaf Scholz is under scrutiny for his country's lack of support to Ukraine during the war with Russia. CNN's Jake Tapper reports that Germany has not banned imports from Russia and has not sent a single weapon to Ukraine despite promising them back in April.
So Germany and France and I'm guessing most European countries want the US to stop throwing fuel on the fire in the Ukraine Russia war. To basickly stop having its proxy war so that the whole of Europe can move on.
Will the US stop its proxy war or not? Me think not as its to lucrative for them. To much money to be made in war and its a nice deflection from their own problems. They seem to want to keep the global economy crashing and the foreseen famine.

In 5 and 10 years when more comes out about why Russia felt it had stop stop Nato (which should of been dissolved when the Warsaw pact was no more) from putting missiles even closer to its borders.

Will be even more interesting to see which US companies get and do what with Ukraines resources and rebuilding programmes. Money not only in supplying weapons and munitions etc but as we have seen with Iraq etc- the taking of and controlling resources and rebuilding.
Your guessing wrong, France is not as reluctant as they appear and the heat is on Germany. The rest of the EU and the UK are of a different opinion and the eastern Europeans are fanatical about defeating the Russians in the field. There are more than Europeans in the coalition of allies, there are 40 countries. Some are more open about showing their hand than others. This war is not about money, a lot of money will be lost over it and the arms dealers don't have a exclusive lock on power and includes countries like Sweden and Finland, who make arms too, so does Ukraine. As for the arms used, most were of Soviet manufacture or design and most were paid for by Russia long ago. The seized Russian money should pay for all of the arms used so far including those given to replace soviet era ones turned over to Ukraine.

This one is like Studs Turkle's book, "The Good War" where the difference between good and evil is stark and unambiguous. The Ukrainians are fighting an existential peoples war, with a huge proportion of the population committed to the struggle, they have little choice, Russia does though. Think of all those war profits the oligarchs will enjoy in Russia, I'm sure they are competent enough to create industries from the ground up, since there would be money in it and Russia is a kleptocracy.

Russia is about a year away from having to revert back to the 19th century for railway locomotives and rolling stock. Diesel locomotives use parts from the west and all the roller bearings the rail cars use are foreign made wheel bearings. The rail industry won't go down as fast as the air line industry, but it too requires a constant supply of spare parts from abroad, so does their automotive industry.
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So Germany and France and I'm guessing most European countries want the US to stop throwing fuel on the fire in the Ukraine Russia war. To basickly stop having its proxy war so that the whole of Europe can move on.
Will the US stop its proxy war or not? Me think not as its to lucrative for them. To much money to be made in war and its a nice deflection from their own problems. They seem to want to keep the global economy crashing and the foreseen famine.

In 5 and 10 years when more comes out about why Russia felt it had stop stop Nato (which should of been dissolved when the Warsaw pact was no more) from putting missiles even closer to its borders.

Will be even more interesting to see which US companies get and do what with Ukraines resources and rebuilding programmes. Money not only in supplying weapons and munitions etc but as we have seen with Iraq etc- the taking of and controlling resources and rebuilding.
So if Nato appeases Putin, does this mean that Russia will not make moves on more Ukrainian territory or against other countries?
How many rounds have the Russian guns fired so far? The batteries of towed and mobile 152mm artillery primarily. A top end estimate is a thousand guns at the most. So in 110 days of war, while leveling whole cities for weeks on end, did the Russian use? 50K rounds/day X 110 days = 5.5 million rounds or easily an average of say 3 or 4 thousand rounds per gun, being very conservative. Do the Russians have a program to refurbish their artillery or replace the worn out guns, rotate them out of the country?

NATO guns need new barrels after just 2,500 rounds and most Russian guns should have exceeded this by now. They have around 110 BTGs in Ukraine and each one has around 9 guns each and they aren't rotating troops out or maintaining anything else very well, including tanks.
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As of June 1st, Russia probably is down a few BTGs by now and have a few others mauled severely.

Russia currently has about 110 battalion tactical groups (BTGs) in Ukraine, according to the United States. Each group could have six to eight artillery pieces such as howitzers or rocket launchers, Mark Cancian, a retired U.S. Marine colonel and a senior adviser at the Washington-based Center for Strategic and International Studies, told RFE/RL, an estimate that would put the total as high as 900, with the majority concentrated in the Donbas.
Talk about dividing your forces! They appear to have learned nothing and attacking is chewing up troops, even when using artillery. The Russians must be burning out the tubes on their artillery at a terrific rate, I wonder how much of it they can refurbish? No supply of munitions is endless and using artillery to demolish a country and till it fields is expensive, when they are using 50K 152mm shells a day and if they keep it up they will fire a million and a half rounds in a month, most of it at real estate.

Olaf better come to Kyiv bearing arms and the fact that he's showing up, means he's ready to come through. Maybe they should show him a map of Ukraine's gas and petroleum resources while he's there and have a little chat. It's just what he needs to get his ass out a a jam over energy supplies. Ukraine might as well sell as much gas as they can, for as long as they can, because demand for fossil fuel will diminish in Europe over the next decade or two. The existing pipelines to Germany and Europe run right over the gas fields east of Kyiv and there is a lot of undeveloped petroleum and gas in the west of Ukraine too, a map of the oil and gas resources of Ukraine is impressive.