
fuck no it doesn't, putin is already running his mouth about sweden and finland...the only way to stop him from doing this shit again is to destroy his fucking army...which should have already been done.
I think that's the strategic goal, however it's not so easily done, first he has to get all his shit there, fixed in place, then it must be worn down, trapped and defeated. The goal is the equipment and weapons, things they can't replaced, deplete their stores of munitions as much as possible, both conventional and precision. Do all of it with out getting nuked or spooking them, while their own hubris finishes them off. They will end up with a wolf by the ears, they can't let it go, or hold it back forever. Vlad still thinks he can win and will keep pushing his army to destruction in order to do it. We actually don't want them to withdraw back to the start line for peace talks, we want them destroyed, so do the Ukrainians, but kicked out of their country too.
So if Nato appeases Putin, does this mean that Russia will not make moves on more Ukrainian territory or against other countries?
No idea. Its East Slav business and Ukraine is not a Nato member.
NATO should of been wound up after the Warsaw pact was over. Its now just a US lead and funded political tool that if the other signatories don't do what the US want they get threatened with sanctions and propaganda. Same deal America did to France when France didn't support America's illegal invasion of Iraq.
No idea. Its East Slav business and Ukraine is not a Nato member.
NATO should of been wound up after the Warsaw pact was over. Its now just a US lead and funded political tool that if the other signatories don't do what the US want they get threatened with sanctions and propaganda. Same deal America did to France when France didn't support America's illegal invasion of Iraq.
Of course France didn't support the invasion of Iraq. They didn't want the U.S. to know that it illegally provided missiles to Iraq when Iraq was sanctioned.
I'm sorry i don't support the US proxy war in Europe.

Has it got much support in America? Americans love a good war and you haven't had one since Afghanistan..
Yeah, Russia’s straight-up invasion / ethnic cleansing is so much better than aiding Ukraine…I’m sure all Ukrainians are deeply grateful for Putin’s ‘resolve’…especially the dead ones.

As for “good” wars, we’ve only had a couple: WW2, and the slaver rebellion.

Thanks for making it clear you’re not “one of us”…cuts down on the noise considerably
Yeah, Russia’s straight-up invasion / ethnic cleansing is so much better than aiding Ukraine…I’m sure all Ukrainians are deeply grateful for Putin’s ‘resolve’…especially the dead ones.

As for “good” wars, we’ve only had a couple: WW2, and the slaver rebellion.

Thanks for making it clear you’re not “one of us”…cuts down on the noise considerably
The only ethnic cleansing going on in the Ukraine is that effected by the Ukrainians against ethnic Russians in the east.

Why Germany is under scrutiny for its lack of support to Ukraine
4,496 views Jun 15, 2022 German Chancellor Olaf Scholz is under scrutiny for his country's lack of support to Ukraine during the war with Russia. CNN's Jake Tapper reports that Germany has not banned imports from Russia and has not sent a single weapon to Ukraine despite promising them back in April.
MMM time to sanction Germany and perhaps start bombing it. Cannot have it do what it wants without reprisal. Not one of "us".

Not like Germany would have any idea of what's really going on is it? Not like they are actually in Europe or anything.

Don't the US have bases their still....
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Anyone else getting the last couple posters would blame the cops for arresting some dickhead who killed their wife when they got pissed that she wanted to leave them after being abused?

America/NATO didn't cause Putin to start slaughtering his neighbors. And spreading the lies that Putin is using the citizen's of Russia's taxes to pay to have trolls to spam won't change that.
MMM time to sanction Germany and perhaps start bombing it. Cannot have it do what it wants without reprisal. Not one of "us".

Not like Germany would have any idea of what's really going on is it? Not like they are actually in Europe or anything.

Don't the US have bases their still....
It's not just about the Americans and yes coercion is used to control people's behavior, we call them laws. In international relations and systems of justice there is retribution and sanctions. You really need to stop thinking like an imperialist and remember there are people living in these places and they have a say in these matters, the most important say. For our part, this war is about making sure they have that voice in their future and not much else. It's time for Vlad to go and one of the pillars of his power is his conventional army. It is very much a struggle against authoritarian imperialism and for liberal democracy, there are no grey areas in this fight.

You can't have true socialism without true freedom and the fight for freedom must be won first. Do you live in a free country? If so why? What makes it a free, even if it is an imperfect nation?
It's not just about the Americans and yes coercion is used to control people's behavior, we call them laws. In international relations and systems of justice there is retribution and sanctions. You really need to stop thinking like an imperialist and remember there are people living in these places and they have a say in these matters, the most important say. For our part, this war is about making sure they have that voice in their future and not much else. It's time for Vlad to go and one of the pillars of his power is his conventional army. It is very much a struggle against authoritarian imperialism and for liberal democracy, there are no grey areas in this fight.

You can't have true socialism without true freedom and the fight for freedom must be won first. Do you live in a free country? If so why? What makes it a free, even if it is an imperfect nation?
How very high minded of you. Vlad is going nowhere. The quicker you come to that realization, the less REEEEing you will do when the fog lifts.

America/NATO didn't cause Putin to start slaughtering his neighbors.

Why does the Pope say otherwise?
So...you view Ukraine as the aggressor here? And that the rest of us (as in countries) as wrong for backing them up?

I have a hard time seeing things from that perspective. The Russian explanation for going in was less convincing than the US and WMDs. Though...I guess it's worth pointing out a bunch of people in America viewed Iraq and Afghanistan as the aggressors and thought we were justified going in. We are dumb though...do you have any idea how many people think the world's flat?

I think it's OK to use military force to protect people, but it should be an international body like NATO. It's got flaws, as yeah the US can bully them into whatever, but I think some international consortium to deal with issues is the way to go.