
Your comment read as if you meant the international community wouldn’t be alarmed if Putin used nukes in Ukraine or elsewhere as part of the ‘special military operation’. Defenestration requires BOOTS ON THE GROUND…and Pootie’s lap-President already burned much if not all of our undercover presence in Putinia…and you mentioned drones at the top of this line of thought. Drones aren’t going to find his room, pull him out of the closet, & fling him out the window.

I say, let’s see if the returning ‘army of special operation’ handles the situation: after XPrezBaby Puke, we need to stick to the high road just as well as we possibly can: losing credibility at such a time would haunt us for decades.

’Beware of those who have nothing left to lose’
My writing skills are reflective of my senility
Your comment read as if you meant the international community wouldn’t be alarmed if Putin used nukes in Ukraine or elsewhere as part of the ‘special military operation’. Defenestration requires BOOTS ON THE GROUND…and Pootie’s lap-President already burned much if not all of our undercover presence in Putinia…and you mentioned drones at the top of this line of thought. Drones aren’t going to find his room, pull him out of the closet, & fling him out the window.

I say, let’s see if the returning ‘army of special operation’ handles the situation: after XPrezBaby Puke, we need to stick to the high road just as well as we possibly can: losing credibility at such a time would haunt us for decades.

’Beware of those who have nothing left to lose’
Putin already showed his leadership abilities and skill at fucking up, keep him around for a spell. Things won't improve for Russia as long as he is around and one of his cronies clawing his way to power won't help Russia either. Régime change and a pathway to liberal democracy will, but that would lead to the dissolution of the Russian empire/federation. I figure liberating Ukraine and Belarus will do the work of changing Russia culturally and politically. They can't put an iron curtain through the middle of the Russian speaking world. Their future prosperity compared to Russia will become an issue and so would the radio and TV pouring into European Russia, where 80% of the population is. Both countries are also sitting on large gas reserves and in the case of Ukraine they are large enough to displace Russia eventually, why not, the Russian pipe lines run right over them.
It's how Russia is going to deal with this counter-offensive, both militarily and politically, that will determine the outcome of this war, I think. Personally I've gone from a 4 year war of attrition to a possible resolution before the end of the year. Either the Russians took the Kherson bait more eagerly than expected or the Russian resolve is floating barely above nil right now, but either way they're getting spanked for their intrusions right now. Well played Ukraine; it was a lovely to see a proper feint being played after the Russians pretended that the Kyiv disaster was one.
You seem confused as to what "leave an outlet free" might mean. Otherwise I don't see what alternative point you're trying to make here.
Ever since Sun Tzu, the conventional wisdom is to leave a dangerous opponent an avenue of retreat, it depends on how dangerous they are though. In the south where thy took heavy casualties, that dangerous army might be allowed to slip away, though without their equipment. The result will be they get the territory without casualties
Ever since Sun Tzu, the conventional wisdom is to leave a dangerous opponent an avenue of retreat, it depends on how dangerous they are though. In the south where thy took heavy casualties, that dangerous army might be allowed to slip away, though without their equipment. The result will be they get the territory without casualties

Aye, that's why I quoted Sun Tzu lol

What alternative point was printer trying to make, do you think?
Aye, that's why I quoted Sun Tzu lol

What alternative point was printer trying to make, do you think?
Dunno, everything depends on circumstance and reacting correctly to it in a fluid situation, sometimes it might useful to let them escape and at others capture or kill the lot of them. In the south of Ukraine the offensive is not too aggressive, but the Russians are cut off from fuel and ammo in the area. Advances there were costly and the Russian troops of higher quality, so if ya pound them as they try to retreat across the river with their equipment left behind and out of fuel all over the place, it would be better than trying to press them too hard. In the east surrounded troops must be neutralized to secure areas, in the south, what use are troops driven back without equipment and supplies in the immediate situation?
Yeah that's gonna be a question mark.....time will tell
If they planned for the breakthrough, they planned for the prisoners and reservists can deal with them and guard the camps, they have lot's of reservists, old men can guard POWs who probably want to sit out the war anyway, besides the food and housing is better!
Dunno, everything depends on circumstance and reacting correctly to it in a fluid situation, sometimes it might useful to let them escape and at others capture or kill the lot of them. In the south of Ukraine the offensive is not too aggressive, but the Russians are cut off from fuel and ammo in the area. Advances there were costly and the Russian troops of higher quality, so if ya pound them as they try to retreat across the river with their equipment left behind and out of fuel all over the place, it would be better than trying to press them too hard. In the east surrounded troops must be neutralized to secure areas, in the south, what use are troops driven back without equipment and supplies in the immediate situation?

Well that's great. But what alternative to "When you surround an army, leave an outlet free " do you think that @printer might be talking about since that's what we're talking about here. He said "no" to Sun Tzu's words and I'm wondering why.

Do you think Sun Tzu's words are wrong in this climate?
Well that's great. But what alternative to "When you surround an army, leave an outlet free " do you think that @printer might be talking about since that's what we're talking about here. He said "no" to Sun Tzu's words and I'm wondering why.

Do you think Sun Tzu's words are wrong in this climate?
Speaking in absolutes is always wrong, modern armies are more dependent on logistics over longer distances than traditional ones, during ww2 the Germans surrounded vast numbers of Russians in pincher encirclements. Another example might be invading Russia, that could provoke nukes, so in a way, leave them a way out by not invading their territory after destroying their army in the field. Without nukes on the table Ukraine could turn on Moscow after dealing with the Russians in their own country, little would stand between them and the couple of hundred miles to Moscow from the border.