
Canada and most of your allies refused the second gulf war for good reason, it was mostly about Dubya's personal revenge and an abuse of the mandate given him for 911. We went to Afghanistan over NATO obligations; Ameria was the only country to evoke article 8 and then wanted to pull the pin on NATO when Trump came to power. The war in Iraq flooded Europe with refugees and led to the rise of right wing political extremism and politics there. Winning the peace is more important than winning the war, so choose your allies carefully and pick good ones like the Ukrainians, no nation building required there, just guns and ammo to defend the one they already have.

Dubya is another guy who might have to be careful with international travel, even with laws to invade the Hague, in practice it would be very problematic, just like with Russia. There is talk of indicting him too.


Once cut off, Wagner Group would be 'easy to collapse' | Maj. Gen. Chip Chapman

915 views Mar 21, 2023
"The difference really between the Russians and the Ukrainians is that Russia is still fighting an attritional war."

Missile strikes in Crimea might be a sign that Ukraine is running "shaping operations" for a potential counter offensive, says Major General Chip Chapman.

How Russia Will Become 8 Different Countries

453,704 views Mar 18, 2023
One year into the war between Russia and Ukraine and things are going different than everyone would have guessed before the invasion began. What would happen if the unthinkable occurred, Russia ends up collapsing in on itself? Check out today's epic new video to find out the new territories that will emerge from a total Russia collapse.
No way will Joe let Ukraine lose this war and the Europeans are too committed to back off now. Russia is on its last legs militarily and Ukraine is only waiting for the ground to dry and the troops to be trained on the new equipment while it does. I think by the end of summer Russia will be ejected from the Ukrainian mainland, be cut off in Crimea and the Ukrainians will have most of the Russian army in Ukraine as POWs or in their grave.

One day Joe will ask Kevin's house for extra cash for Ukraine, icing on the cake perhaps, and that will throw a major fucking into Kevin and the GOP house into disarray.
