no good bastards...ive never been in a situation where i was like "fuck...Im sure glad those cops showed up..."
they fuck everything up
ive never been in a situation where i was like "fuck...Im sure glad those cops showed up..."
yup man. I've been going the legal speed limit at 2am and seen the motherfuckers make a u turn behind me. Shit made my heart sink to my nuts. Then I saw the red and blue lights and I couldn't keep my heart from beating out of my chest. Fucker said my exhaust was too loud. When you're looking at an intent to distribute charge you come to the realization that you may just be going to jail tonight.The police - i was just followed by a cop on my way home at 1:45am this morning (friday the 13th) and he was using his radar trying to catch me speeding. I on the other hand had a lot of chronic in my trunk and was scared shitless for a few minutes then he turned off all of a sudden and disappeared.
telemarketers and skunked beer.
no good bastards...ive never been in a situation where i was like "fuck...Im sure glad those cops showed up..."
they fuck everything up
The cops came over a raccoon? We had one a few years ago that was looking in our front door, something was not right about that thing.
We called the cops and they were useless (there's a shocker) they said we had to call the wildlife people. We asked if someone could shoot it, they said no, it's against the law to discharge a weapon within city limits.
We called the DNR and they wanted paid in cash to come deal with the thing. I even told them, "there is something wrong with it, it's looking in our frount door and hanging around on our front sidewalk"
Then we called the neighbor and he shot the thing.
I live in a very small town too, they have pretty much nothing to do, except hang around in their circle jerk. It really kind of pissed us off.
Had it been a pot plant looking in my front door, we'd have had city, county, state, SWAT, you name it.![]()
I also hate people walking on the side of the road double and triple file... like, what the fuck? its a road not a big sidewalk... I walk my dog on the side of the road.. Then, when you finally are able to drive around these rude people they give you a dirty look.... also, I hate young rude drivers... I was at a red light yesterday. The girl in front of me was texting... the light turns green.... I wait... I then give a little tap on the horn and the bitch puts her phone down and gives me the finger?!?!?!?!?!?!? I was about to follow her bitch ass and throw my vitamin water at her.///// Sometimes you just gotta let things go though.....