What is the thing you hate most that you can't always avoid?

Cheech Wizard

Well-Known Member
I also hate people who dont take care of their dogs. I have one neighbor who leaves her golden out all day long and sometimes till late at night.. this poor dog is sitting out in rain and freezing conditions... gets me mad
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People who dont mind their own business, Mother in laws, migraines, the VA, credit scores (mine sux), dumb ass scary movies. Oh and the MAN. :bigjoint:

Cheech Wizard

Well-Known Member
I havent watched television in 6 years! My friends and family think I am strange. I will rent a show on dvd if I hear its really good... I own big screen tvs, I only watch movies though.. Hate television..


Well-Known Member
people calling me on my cell. cells are always on us so people think you gotta answer their every call. everytime someone calls me, they want something, so i never answer lol.


Well-Known Member
one word. people

in a public atmosphere people are dum
i've worked directly in/with the public for a few years and people do some stupid shit

Cheech Wizard

Well-Known Member
I hate people at thesupermarket who open their crappy car doors and let them hit my nice car... I even park like a mile away so this wont happen and it still does. And then when you point it out to them they either say "oh, no I didnt" or else they get mad at you! Like Im some kind of asshole for saying "please dont hit my car'.... I really prefer animals to people in many ways