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Did someone say chips? 

What about the idea of perfection in what is imperfect? If we were all perfect, none of us could grasp the idea of perfection because there wouldnt be any imperfections to define perfection by contrast; therefore our perfection would go unrecognized and become meaningless in that there would be no such meaning. Just like we wouldnt know what 'white' is without 'black', and vise versa.If there were a god, and he was so perfect, how come he can't make his creations perfect?There's some proof right there that the whole god thing is faulty.
I never said that nothing is perfect..the very idea of perfection (whether or not that pertains to the idea of god is up to you) that we all have innately stuck in our heads is perfect to each of us..If we recognize something as imperfect, we back it up with some reason- that reason being the difference between whatever holds the imperfection and what we each consider 'perfect'. Perfection is all in perception; it does exist.So using that "logic" (ahem) since we are all imperfect and nothing is perfect, our imperfection is meaningless and would go unrecognized and have no meaning. So which came first? The imperfection or the story to make it fit? P.S. the egg came first.... out.![]()
Oh, I would have to disagree about science not being the truth. Since the methodology of science is quite rigorous and only data which can stand up to actual and testable scrutiny is allowed to be passed onward and up, It is as close to the "truth" as you are ever going to get from a human species. Now you may not like some of the scientific conclusions, but that's another matter.
Religion has no such criteria for seeking the truth. It is more in the realm of Astrology.....
Science & Religion are like apples and oranges. They don't really compare.......
Are we human, or are we dancers??
I second that. And They say God loves me when im thrown on stage and cheered to dance on. Im starting to wonder if god gives a SHIT! I think i might have dancedowns....I'm going with human, cuz I can't dance worth a shit.
Oh, Stoney! You know gods don't work that way.
The books tell you that we are made in 'his' likeness, but the gods just told the humans to write that to make us feel good. Gods are arses Stoney. We are their toy soldiers in the sandpit and they are the four year olds.
"It's my Judas and I'll smite him if I want!"
"No, he's mine! You had the carpenter's son!"
"Yeah, but the carpenter's son has holes in it and I can't find it anymore anyway."
"Well, go play with the L.Ron Hubbard and the Tom Cruise...oooooooh, make Tom jump on the couch again!!!! That was funny!"
If there was a 'God', she or he or it would have gathered together the Ayotollahs, the popes, the arch bishops, the clerics, extremists and all the politicians. She/he/it would then have smacked their heads together and told them to learn to play properly.
....or maybe Gods eyes were tired when he was making the gene pool and fucked a few up without noticing...ah shit, that won't wash. The God is 'perfect' hey...