Won't Anything Satisfy The Right?...

congrats on knowingly choosing racial slurs!

Congrats on being the champion and defender of all races! I have a nigga pass! That certainly means I have a Mulatto pass as well!

Don't you live in NorCal? Is there even a black person there to say thanks for all you do and appreciate your hard work?
Could creation exist independent of entropy?

if you wish to engage in a theosophic argument, i'm game.

creation of any ordered system without entropy and chaos within it is PERFECTION. it will neither change, nor break down. it will be eternal and immutable. eg: the christian god-myth.

likewise, such a perfect ordered creation without the seeds of entropy to eventually loosen the bonds is impossible, since all things came from formless disorder in the first place. even the finest, most cunningly fired pottery eventually returns to the clay from which it was made.
orly u used a racial slur database to find mulatto is that what Merriam-Webster is called these days? Better report them to Homeland Security.

What would satisfy was the op along with why they hating on the black man in power.....no race baiting would be a good start to enter grown up land.

Congrats on being the champion and defender of all races! I have a nigga pass! That certainly means I have a Mulatto pass as well!

Don't you live in NorCal? Is there even a black person there to say thanks for all you do and appreciate your hard work?

there is no need to be upset, unless you mean to keep amusing me.
Congrats on being the champion and defender of all races! I have a nigga pass! That certainly means I have a Mulatto pass as well!

Don't you live in NorCal? Is there even a black person there to say thanks for all you do and appreciate your hard work?

his wife lives in norcal, he stays in Oregon because of the abundance of white hipster douchebags...
Yet you cannot find a single post to cite my alleged "supremacy and denial"... "Clown Shoes" is your middle name anne...

yes, you deleted all your posts and now the group itself is deleted.

so all those posts you made after joining a white supremacy and holocaust denial group three times are gone to all, save the administrators.

is that some sort of accomplishment for you? you seem very proud of it.
yes, you deleted all your posts and now the group itself is deleted.

so all those posts you made after joining a white supremacy and holocaust denial group three times are gone to all, save the administrators.

is that some sort of accomplishment for you? you seem very proud of it.

I deleted my posts? Keep those clown shoes coming Anne, we've only heard this from you like 6 million times.
congrats on knowingly choosing racial slurs!

Congrats on being the champion and defender of all races! I have a nigga pass! That certainly means I have a Mulatto pass as well!

if you wish to engage in a theosophic argument, i'm game.

creation of any ordered system without entropy and chaos within it is PERFECTION. it will neither change, nor break down. it will be eternal and immutable. eg: the christian god-myth.

likewise, such a perfect ordered creation without the seeds of entropy to eventually loosen the bonds is impossible, since all things came from formless disorder in the first place. even the finest, most cunningly fired pottery eventually returns to the clay from which it was made.
I do not believe in perfection or creation. The formless disorder as origin of all that is you cannot know. The measure of chaos and disorder of any system is relative to its most stable ordered state.

Is it posible to go back to talking politics?..I think you are pissing off the black people that come to this site with your constant race rants..No man of color is going to like to hear you bitch about race everyday....It's getting a little bit over the top.....imo

Is it posible to go back to talking politics?..I think you are pissing off the black people that come to this site with your constant race rants..No man of color is going to like to hear you bitch about race everyday....It's getting a little bit over the top.....imo

No offense Buck, but its' time to move on

Is it posible to go back to talking politics?..I think you are pissing off the black people that come to this site with your constant race rants..No man of color is going to like to hear you bitch about race everyday....It's getting a little bit over the top.....imo

Are there other races or just the hated Other Cultures?
Glad your amused it does me well to know.....also does well to show. The original post was a race bait and the first reply to my post was a race bait, by you; the left.

pointing out that you used a racial slur gratuitously and unnecessarily was a race bait?

explain that to me.

..I think you are pissing off the black people that come to this site with your constant race rants..

remind me how often you made a similar comment when we had actual white supremacists on this forum.

nevermind, i'll do that.

you remained silent you did not say a damn word.

No offense Buck, but its' time to move on

nah, there's plenty of meat left on this bone.
pointing out that you used a racial slur gratuitously and unnecessarily was a race bait?

explain that to me.

remind me how often you made a similar comment when we had actual white supremacists on this forum.

nevermind, i'll do that.

you remained silent you did not say a damn word.

nah, there's plenty of meat left on this bone.

I am full, remind me never to eat hot dogs competitively against you.