Won't Anything Satisfy The Right?...

Yogic thought isn't religion. It deals with the self and not self. The other isn't of import, except when communicating with Devine.That doesn't mean you can't share. But only those on path get meaning.


and Pic-A-Nic Baskets.
pointing out that you used a racial slur gratuitously and unnecessarily was a race bait?

explain that to me.

remind me how often you made a similar comment when we had actual white supremacists on this forum.

nevermind, i'll do that.

you remained silent you did not say a damn word.

nah, there's plenty of meat left on this bone.

The fact you deemed mulatto a "racial slur" is retarded and creates something that isn't there.....that's called a race bait dummy, for further assistance in the matter see your avatar "race quote".

Obama is half white half black; he "wrote" a book that included this information. Just fact not racism.

So go ahead eat the meat off your bone or what ever the fuck you are talking about. Hard to have a problem with a black man in power if he's not even black its just silly.......do continue getting you panties in a bunch though it's funny.

Had I used the word "mixed" instead maybe your PC brainwashing wouldn't kick in but I simply don't care to tiptoe around your opinion of the matter.....a white guy, living in a white part of the state, inventing racial slurs from every letter of every word on every post on this forum.
i deemed mulatto to be a racial slur?


Contemporary usage of the designation is generally confined to situations in which the term is considered relevant in a historical context


(often*pejorative)*A person of mixed*African*and*Caucasian*descent.

nope, mulatto is a racial slur, and i did not make it that way.

WTF ever Wonderbread! You made it that way when you went to the rsdb for your definition....now using wiki with it's "often pejorative" as proof of what exactly?

Yes. Proof of YOUR context.....I hope your hope rations include hope for good sources, fingers crossed.
WTF ever Wonderbread! You made it that way when you went to the rsdb for your definition....now using wiki with it's "often pejorative" as proof of what exactly?

you're right, mulatto was a perfectly acceptable term until a day ow two ago when i suddenly made it aa pejorative racial slur.

that makes a lot of sense, mayonnaise humper.
you're right, mulatto was a perfectly acceptable term until a day ow two ago when i suddenly made it aa pejorative racial slur.

that makes a lot of sense, mayonnaise humper.

According to you the rsdb and wiki made it so.......proof a white guy with a broadband connection is master of all things racial. Maybe your final racial experiment could be moving somewhere more multicultural that way you can form your own words and opinions from experience instead of relying on wiki and rsdb?
According to you the rsdb and wiki made it so.......proof a white guy with a broadband connection is master of all things racial. Maybe your final racial experiment could be moving somewhere more multicultural that way you can form your own words and opinions from experience instead of relying on wiki and rsdb?

25% white, 30% asian, 30% hispanic, and 15% black where i'm at.

i could go 2 miles and be in a de facto segregated neighborhood of any color or variety you want.

i like it better here than oregon so far.