Would you pay more in taxes to make college/university FREE?

Would you pay more in taxes to make college/university FREE?

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Nothing is ever free...

Do you actually think when it says... *Buy one get one free* that you actually got something for free? After you paid for it?

What you are actually asking is should we raise taxes on one segment of the population to create another entitlement for another segment of the population.

My answer is no. For several reasons.

1. Some people do not need anything beyond a high school education.

2. Every time the government or other entity gets involved in one of these things it gets more expensive, not less expensive.
We should make college free for highly intelligent needed professions
In exchange for community service

Doctors would be a good example
We should make college free for highly intelligent needed professions
In exchange for community service

Doctors would be a good example

That's even more moronic...

So you get to go to college free, but are in debt in terms of community service to the govt. What happens when retards become surgeons? Yeah, makes total sense. Or, get this, you could pay for YOUR education, and use it to have success in YOUR life!
That's even more moronic...

So you get to go to college free, but are in debt in terms of community service to the govt. Yeah, makes total sense. Or, get this, you could pay for YOUR education, and use it to have success in YOUR life!

HOw many people with real potential waste it because they cannot afford the college bill

This aint the 18th century where we could get by with just the aristocrats sending their kids to higher education

Society has evolved
You havent
HOw many people with real potential waste it because they cannot afford the college bill

This aint the 18th century where we could get by with just the aristocrats sending their kids to higher education

Society has evolved
You havent

So chesus are you going to be the one telling people they can't apply for the program because they aren't intelligent enough?

Retards don't make very good surgeons. Morons don't make good structural engineers... Seems like you want low quality health care and shitty infrastructure. All so you can "evolve" our country to be socialist.

Naw, you just don't think things through very well before you speak. Won't work, won't happen.
Seems like it's time to evolve that part of your physiology called "thinking"

Oh, and due to the fact we already know YOUR iq is < 100, I'm definitely not paying for your attempts to become educated. Suck a dick

If college is subsidized everyone is going to:
1)try get into a program that results in wealth
2)most will fail and be told they wasted 2-3 years and to start over (whoops, there goes 30k to nothing)
3)go back to step 1 until they are accepted
4)maybe get through school in 6 years

seems like a very effective way of spending money, sike.
So chesus are you going to be the one telling people they can't apply for the program because they aren't intelligent enough?

Retards don't make very good surgeons. Morons don't make good structural engineers... Seems like you want low quality health care and shitty infrastructure. All so you can "evolve" our country to be socialist.

Naw, you just don't think things through very well before you speak. Won't work, won't happen.
Seems like it's time to evolve that part of your physiology called "thinking"

Oh, and due to the fact we already know YOUR iq is < 100, I'm definitely not paying for your attempts to become educated. Suck a dick

i don't agree with free (taxed) college, but i also don't think if people were to go for free, you'd end up with dumb surgeons or dumb engineers or dumb w/e, for the simple fact that these dumb people would still have to take the same exact courses that the smart people who are surgeons and engineers and .... have to take.... if they're as dumb as you say, no way in hell they'd make it all the way to being a surgeon imo, and would probably drop out after the first failed course or two...
i don't agree with free (taxed) college, but i also don't think if people were to go for free, you'd end up with dumb surgeons or dumb engineers or dumb w/e, for the simple fact that these dumb people would still have to take the same exact courses that the smart people who are surgeons and engineers and .... have to take.... if they're as dumb as you say, no way in hell they'd make it all the way to being a surgeon imo, and would probably drop out after the first failed course or two...

Drop out? Why would they? They aren't paying for their failure, YOU are, WE are!

Are you going to tell them INSTANTLY they aren't good enough? Or are you going to let them attempt to succeed and when they fail, chalk up the wasted $$$ as a good try?

You don't get it. People are stupid. The only reason stupid people don't try become doctors atm ISN'T because they will fail (a lot do fail), but because THEY will have to pay for that failure in both wasted time AND finances. If people could afford to rack up a $100k failure school loan, and toss it away as nothing, they would, simple.

So you're telling me that if you told your schooling, ANY schooling, would be completely paid for, you would choose a degree program that results in middle class wealth? LOLOL
No. Everyone and their grandma is going to attempt to become a doctor, engineer, architect, etc

Oh and btw, I went through 2 years of Architecture school at ASU, before switching to engineering. This is how the school works:
The first year 3000 new freshman decide they want to be architects. You get 2 years to prove yourself in class. At the end of the 2nd year, you submit a portfolio and ONLY 60 individuals get into 3rd year+. 60 out of 3000 succeed, the rest fail or drop. I'm not going to pay for 2940 failures and only 60 successes. That would be the biggest waste, and worst use of tax payer money.
Drop out? Why would they? They aren't paying for their failure, YOU are, WE are!

Are you going to tell them INSTANTLY they aren't good enough? Or are you going to let them attempt to succeed and when they fail, chalk up the wasted $$$ as a good try?

You don't get it. People are stupid. The only reason stupid people don't try become doctors atm ISN'T because they will fail (a lot do fail), but because THEY will have to pay for that failure in both wasted time AND finances. If people could afford to rack up a $100k failure school loan, and toss it away as nothing, they would, simple.

So you're telling me that if you told your schooling, ANY schooling, would be completely paid for, you would choose a degree program that results in middle class wealth? LOLOL
No. Everyone and their grandma is going to attempt to become a doctor, engineer, architect, etc

ummm, you do realize that most schools have a grade requirement to keep attending don't you?? if you fail to keep such and such gpa, you will be shown the door, free or not...
and no, i wouldn't go to be a dr, simply for the fact that i'll admit i'm not smart enough to be a dr, whether someone else is paying for my education or not..
i'd more then likely fail the classes, or fail to keep a high enough gpa, and be shown the door, and be told thank you very much...
ummm, you do realize that most schools have a grade requirement to keep attending don't you?? if you fail to keep such and such gpa, you will be shown the door, free or not...

So you spend a year paying for their failure and then chalk it up as waste and tell them they get to leave with nothing... Brilliant! Let's just start throwing away $10000 like its garbage.

Great way to spend $$$ of tax payers with absolutely no return!

This doesn't even begin to get into the fact that MOST college students don't focus entirely on school. A lot party. A lot skip classes.
I will pay half my income for taxes this year. Property tax, Federal income tax and State income tax. That's not even counting sales tax and all the fees for everything. When is enough enough? How much?
So you spend a year paying for their failure and then chalk it up as waste and tell them they get to leave with nothing... Brilliant! Let's just start throwing away $10000 like its garbage.

Great way to spend $$$ of tax payers!

you make no sense at all, first you bitch and say that stupid people will become dr's and lawyers and such when school is free, and then i tell you that no, you'd still have to pass the classes and get kicked out if you don't maintain the grades, you bitch about that too...

so which is it, do you want dumb dr's and lawyers, or do you want schools to keep everyone who tries even though they can't keep up the grades and or pass the classes?? hint, you can't have both.. :D
you make no sense at all, first you bitch and say that stupid people will become dr's and lawyers and such when school is free, and then i tell you that no, you'd still have to pass the classes and get kicked out if you don't maintain the grades, you bitch about that too...

so which is it, do you want dumb dr's and lawyers, or do you want schools to keep everyone who tries even though they can't keep up the grades and or pass the classes?? hint, you can't have both.. :D
You're a moron.

I said people would ATTEMPT to get a degree that would result in them becoming wealthy from it. BASIC HUMAN NATURE. MOST WILL FAIL.
I want people to pay for THEIR education so they can put the success/failure on THEIR back. NOT MINE.

This is not hard to comprehend bro; you would fail and I would have to pay that first year wasted tuition....
You're a moron.

I said people would ATTEMPT to get a degree that would result in them becoming wealthy from it. BASIC HUMAN NATURE. MOST WILL FAIL.
I want people to pay for THEIR education so they can put the success/failure on THEIR back. NOT MINE.

This is not hard to comprehend bro; you would fail and I would have to pay that first year wasted tuition....

i'm a moron, so please explain to me how one who fails out of college would result in them becoming wealthy from it..?? mind you, i only have a few brain cells left, so please speak slowly... :D
That's even more moronic...

So you get to go to college free, but are in debt in terms of community service to the govt. What happens when retards become surgeons? Yeah, makes total sense. Or, get this, you could pay for YOUR education, and use it to have success in YOUR life!

I did 4 years of community service, in the form of active military service, and got free schooling and paid the whole time. The GI bill is an exchange of school for military service. All the medical professionals I encountered were there because the military pays their medical professionals' way through school. We have had examples of the "community service for free tuition." concept for some time now. http://nhsc.hrsa.gov/loanrepayment/ The only way you get dumber surgeons, realistically, is by lowering academic requirements. More students overall=dumber grads in a specific field; is not a supportable statement.
You're a moron.

I said people would ATTEMPT to get a degree that would result in them becoming wealthy from it. BASIC HUMAN NATURE. MOST WILL FAIL.
I want people to pay for THEIR education so they can put the success/failure on THEIR back. NOT MINE.

This is not hard to comprehend bro; you would fail and I would have to pay that first year wasted tuition....

Do you apply for the FAFSA and other sources of grants for school?
some people do not need anything beyond a lawnmower and a gasoline jug.

I would pay you a dollar to light yourself on fire with the gasoline jug and then throw yourself into the running lawnmower blade...

Think of all the economic activity it would create! Do it for the children!!
I will pay half my income for taxes this year. Property tax, Federal income tax and State income tax. That's not even counting sales tax and all the fees for everything. When is enough enough? How much?

If they tax you enough then you will be poor. And look at all the free bennies that poor people get!!! They are just taxing you for your own good!!!
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