I'm going to be hated for this, But Bush a Good President

so Anita, quit drinking the cool aid and "trusting" the government. Friggin trolls!!!:peace:

Whats up with "cool aid"? Should kids NOT drink cool aid? If cool aid isn't safe for kids, than these politicians and the governmental "big wigs"(not the ignorant soldiers) should all be declared traitors of the USA and than decapitated.


Ok I got stoned and here it is I'm taking the high road..I was angry after reading the first 6 or so pages of this and I dont always express myself correctly meaning that is how I feel but not exactly how I meant for it to come out but oh well I guess.....
Whats up with "cool aid"? Should kids NOT drink cool aid? If cool aid isn't safe for kids, than these politicians and the governmental "big wigs"(not the ignorant soldiers) should all be declared traitors of the USA and than decapitated.


Huh? I don't know if you are joking or not.

Here's the answer anyway. 'Drink the kool-aid' is a phrase which denotes blind acceptance, even brainwashing. It is a perjorative term.

It derives from the Jonestown massacre in November 1978. It was at the Peoples Temple Agricultural Project in Guyana where followers were urged, or forced in some cases, to drink the cyanide-laced kool-aid. 909 people died that day.

I did not miss the point. We fight the terrorists where it is more advantageous to our forces, not theirs. By your logic, the U.S. forces should have gone directly to Japan after Pearl Harbor. Impossible at the time because Japan ruled the Pacific. We fought them where we found them, and where we wanted to fight them. And we beat them..

wrong again that is not how my logic would work and to say and think otherwise is incorrect.
The Japanese attacked us without cause. We fought against the Japanese. Terrorists attack us so we attack Iran???? I don't think you know who the terrorists are.

So we should ignore all threats to our interests outside of our borders? Let oppression triumph throughout the world? Only we are entitled to live free?

According to you the choice is to let oppression triumph or occupy Iran????????
Those are not the only choices. If you want to go over to the Middle East feel free to sign up and fight. But you wont it's always "let the other person die" syndrome. Americans should not be sacrificed by their government.
It is not our fight. The terrorists, not Iran, came over here because we occupied their country, their holy land. Not be because they are jealous of our religion, or our lifestyle or democracy. So we continue to spend tons of money which we dont have, we continue occupying countries we have no right to. Our borders are less safe. The troops should be home protecting our borders here.

Interesting points, and true, but not what I asked. The Jefferson quote is from his inaugural address of 1801.

Non-intervention is nowhere mentioned in our founding documents, but national defense sure the fuck is.

What you ask for????
Who do you think were the founding fathers? You do know that Thomas Jefferson was a founding father dont you? He didn't dream it up in 1801. It has been policy, the founding fathers policy, to be non interventionists.
From Day One when George Washington took over that was the US policy. I already mentioned his actions in a previous post.
I just dont think you are informed.
wrong again that is not how my logic would work and to say and think otherwise is incorrect.
The Japanese attacked us without cause. We fought against the Japanese. Terrorists attack us so we attack Iran???? I don't think you know who the terrorists are.
The terrorists are Muslim extremists. What else should I know?

Iran has been causing trouble internationally since the Islamic Revolution in 1979. Known sponsors of world-wide terror. They wish to exterminate an entire race. Who do you think funds those 'freedom fighters' in Iraq and elsewhere?
According to you the choice is to let oppression triumph or occupy Iran????????
Those are not the only choices.
That's not exactly what I said. Please don't oversimplify and exaggerate my position.

I'm sure we'll be fighting Iran sometime after the election. That's just my prediction, not a policy position. Truthfully I have not made up my mind about attacking Iran at this time, but I'm leaning against it.
If you want to go over to the Middle East feel free to sign up and fight. But you wont it's always "let the other person die" syndrome. Americans should not be sacrificed by their government.
There is no draft. No one is forced to go anywhere.

It is not our fight. The terrorists, not Iran, came over here because we occupied their country, their holy land. Not be because they are jealous of our religion, or our lifestyle or democracy. So we continue to spend tons of money which we dont have, we continue occupying countries we have no right to. Our borders are less safe. The troops should be home protecting our borders here.
It is our fight. 9-11 sealed that deal. We fight an enemy who has no regard for political boundries. Country, language and race have no bearing on this enemy. He fights for dominance all over the world. Islamist extremists must be fought where they live, not where we live. 'Flat-earth' thinking on your part does not change that.

Blaming the victim is not productive. The Islamists resent our influence on the rest of the world and our support of Israel. We should take our foreign policy cues from Al Queda?

Iraq signed a surrender in 1991 and violated it many times over the years. That Bill Clinton was pre-occupied with getting Lewinskys in the Oval Office and refused to effectively deal with Iraq is not George Bush's fault. Iraq is not being illegally occupied.

You are right about our borders. They should be locked up tight and I mean yesterday.
What you ask for????
Who do you think were the founding fathers? You do know that Thomas Jefferson was a founding father dont you? He didn't dream it up in 1801. It has been policy, the founding fathers policy, to be non interventionists.
From Day One when George Washington took over that was the US policy. I already mentioned his actions in a previous post.
When I mention founding documents I am referring to those documents signed as the country was being formed: Articles of Confederation, The Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution which includes the Bill of Rights.

The examples you give are the policies of individual administrations. If non-interventionist policies were so vital as you seem to believe, would not they be included in the founding documents?

I just dont think you are informed.
I'm informed enough to give you a regular thumping. Here's a more approriate quote for you:
I just dont think.
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You want preemptive or foresight? How about preventing anymore attacks on the US by taking troops off of foreign soil?

I like that idea. :D

That way, we don't have to worry about "insurgents".. These "dreaded" "insurgents" are merely middle eastern people that want the USA out of THEIR LAND! The same reason why the USA people would join a militia if Russia was trying to take over our country.

Too many people think Iran is a loose cannon, when in reality, they are under pressure from the USA and Israel because of the difference in religious beliefs.

Stop watching FOX news that brainwashes you into believing things their way, and instead, have an open mind. :D


Hows your resume stack up against Mr. Scheuer's Johnny?
Well that would be irrelevant, now wouldn't it? Do you truly expect me to reveal my identity here?

All I have to offer is this:
The crux of my argument is simply that America is in a war with militant Islamists that it cannot avoid; one that it cannot talk or appease its way out of; one in which our irreconcilable Islamist foes will have to be killed, an act which unavoidably will lead to innocent deaths; and one that is motivated in large measure by the impact of U.S. foreign policies in the Islamic world, one of which is unqualified U.S. support for Israel. - Michael F. Scheuer
How different is that from my previous statement?
It is our fight. 9-11 sealed that deal. We fight an enemy who has no regard for political boundries. Country, language and race have no bearing on this enemy. He fights for dominance all over the world. Islamist extremists must be fought where they live, not where we live. 'Flat-earth' thinking on your part does not change that.

Blaming the victim is not productive. The Islamists resent our influence on the rest of the world and our support of Israel. We should take our foreign policy cues from Al Queda?
Ok for all you USA haters...If you think that third world shit hole is so peacefull and great then move the fuck out of AMERICA and go to that shit hole....if the cops called you and said tuesday they were coming to look for weed plants would your plants still be there?Thats more than likely the reason we did not find WMDs there...And it is pretty dumb to assume you know whats going on over there from the safty of your computer chair.....and med man 1/4 lb of peyote in one sitting yeah right sell your lies somewhere else...........

All you haters should be shot for treason...My cousins in that shit hole right now killin so you can spread your bullshit.....

We are not USA haters. I'm a patriot, and I want the best for the American people! I bleed red, white and blue. You on the other hand are probably some punk who just gets your limited knowledge from the MSM.

You are just ignorant. I guess you are a "flat-lander" as JohnnyO would say :D

Take your negative spoon fed rhetoric somewhere else. The big boys are talking here.( I bet you have no REAL knowledge of history!)

Some things for you to watch.

YouTube - Michael Reagan threatens 911 "Truther" You sound like this guy. Maybe you should go get an education before you run your ignorant mouth.

YouTube - If You're an American you should see THIS! for real

YouTube - Alex Jones Predicts 911

YouTube - FOX-5 Reports 9/11/01: WTC-7 Collapsed Before Actual Event

YouTube - Here's something the government didn't want you to see

YouTube - Dick Cheney Exposed! - Excellent TV Doc

YouTube - US Troops in Iraq talk about Halliburton & KBR

YouTube - Keith Olbermann is a 9/11 Truther??? What do you think?

America: Freedom to Fascism - Director's Authorized Version

Ring of Power - Parts 1-5 - Sprword.com

The Money Masters - Part 2 of 2

Zeitgeist - The Movie

Richard Gage, AIA, Architect - "How The Towers Fell" - Complete 2 Hour Presentation | 911blogger.com

The Great Global Warming Swindle - Channel: UKUFO on LiveVideo.com

Go get an education that the gov't doesn't want you to know. The reason why you hate the "truthers" is because you are dumbfounded, and what you don't know, scares you. Its ok bro, its hard to break away from the deluded flock.:mrgreen:


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It is our fight. 9-11 sealed that deal. We fight an enemy who has no regard for political boundries. Country, language and race have no bearing on this enemy. He fights for dominance all over the world. Islamist extremists must be fought where they live, not where we live. 'Flat-earth' thinking on your part does not change that.

Blaming the victim is not productive. The Islamists resent our influence on the rest of the world and our support of Israel. We should take our foreign policy cues from Al Queda?

The terrorists are Muslim extremists. What else should I know?

(highlighted it for emphasis. )

The majority of the terrorist attacks are not driven by religion. They are driven by a strategic objective. Which is to rid modern democracies and its military forces from the territory that the terrorists view as their homeland. Almost every terrorist incident has come about because they want the democratic state to withdraw.

Until the U.S. invaded Iraq, Iraq never had a suicide terrorist attack in all of its history.

Between the years 1995 and 2004, two-thirds of all attacks came from countries where the U.S. had troops stationed. Iraq's suicide missions today are carried out by Iraqi Sunnis and Saudis. Who were the 9/11 terrorists? answer 15 of 19 participants were Saudis.

It's about occupation. In the years 1981-1984 there were 43 suicide attacks in Lebanon. Once Canada, Israel, and the US withdrew from Lebanon the bombings stopped.

The Islamists do not resent or influence on the rest of the world. The largest Islamic fundamentalist countries have not been responsible for any suicide terrorist attack. None have come from Iran or the Sudan.

We should take our orders from the Constitution. We should not engage ourselves in an illegal undeclared war and protect our borders at home.

Originally Posted by Parker
According to you the choice is to let oppression triumph or occupy Iran????????
Those are not the only choices.

That's not exactly what I said. Please don't oversimplify and exaggerate my position.

LMAO oversimplify and exaggerate?? That is exactly what you said. You're not being honest on this. here is your exact quote
"So we should ignore all threats to our interests outside of our borders? Let oppression triumph throughout the world? Only we are entitled to live free?"

How else do you interpret this?????

Originally Posted by Parker
If you want to go over to the Middle East feel free to sign up and fight. But you wont it's always "let the other person die" syndrome. Americans should not be sacrificed by their government.

There is no draft. No one is forced to go anywhere.

That's a strange comment. My statement made no mention of a draft.

Iraq is not being illegally occupied.

Invading a country without a declaration of war is illegal.

When I mention founding documents I am referring to those documents signed as the country was being formed: Articles of Confederation, The Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution which includes the Bill of Rights.

The examples you give are the policies of individual administrations. If non-interventionist policies were so vital as you seem to believe, would not they be included in the founding documents?

The 'job" of the government is laid out in the Constitution. When you base a government on freedom you cannot illegally occupy a country. If you read up on what Washington, Jefferson, and others preached about our country and the reasons it was founded you'd be able to make an informed decision.
Originally Posted by Parker
I just dont think you are informed.

I'm informed enough to give you a regular thumping.
I'm not trying to hack on you but you are more concerned about WANTING to be right instead of learning the truth. Hopefully once you learn all the facts you can make an informed decision.
(highlighted it for emphasis. )

Until the U.S. invaded Iraq, Iraq never had a suicide terrorist attack in all of its history.

We should take our orders from the Constitution. We should not engage ourselves in an illegal undeclared war and protect our borders at home.

Invading a country without a declaration of war is illegal.

The 'job" of the government is laid out in the Constitution. When you base a government on freedom you cannot illegally occupy a country. If you read up on what Washington, Jefferson, and others preached about our country and the reasons it was founded you'd be able to make an informed decision.

I'm not trying to hack on you but you are more concerned about WANTING to be right instead of learning the truth. Hopefully once you learn all the facts you can make an informed decision.

Parker, your wonderful!:mrgreen:

Someone give him a +Rep because I need to spread love.:mrgreen:

"Until the U.S. invaded Iraq, Iraq never had a suicide terrorist attack in all of its history. "

Is this a fact?^^^^:? Because that WOULD explain a lot of things.. The media is a bitch if thats the case. We are actually(?) the problem but the media makes it out like some "Muslim extremist" are at it again. I believe the TV has brainwashed many people...


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Parker, your wonderful!:mrgreen:

Someone give him a +Rep because I need to spread love.:mrgreen:

"Until the U.S. invaded Iraq, Iraq never had a suicide terrorist attack in all of its history. "

Is this a fact?^^^^:? Because that WOULD explain a lot of things.. The media is a bitch if thats the case. We are actually(?) the problem but the media makes it out like some "Muslim extremist" are at it again. I believe the TV has brainwashed many people...



You would +rep for such stupid statements. Wish I could say I am surprised.

Is this guy deluded? We declared war with Congress's approval. Check your facts.
Iraq Resolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Iraq became the rallying point for all the terrorists in that region to combat the U.S., would you rather it there or here?

However the Iraqis do not use suicide bombing tactics, they still use other means of terrorism. Try not to spin the facts.

I love this GrowRebel approved nonsense spewed out from the stupid people. We declared war, it lasted three weeks, then it was over. Next.
This is my point: Islam is a malevolent force seeking world domination.

The proof exists, but you must open your eyes to it.

I'm not trying to convince you. You will require much more grisly proof than just a mild debate here can provide. You will be convinced, however. I'm confident of that.
Iraq was not a rallying point for terrorist before the United States invaded them.
Yes Saddam was training Palestinians at Solomon Pak, that was for stuff to do against Israel.
But Al qaeda? No, Saddam didn't tolerate competition with in his borders. You for one need to get your facts strait.

You always want proof but offer none yourself, just speculation.
Parker and We Tarded are on point.
Keep believing a private contractor who has an investment for being over there. :rolleyes:
This is my point: Islam is a malevolent force seeking world domination.

The proof exists, but you must open your eyes to it.

I'm not trying to convince you. You will require much more grisly proof than just a mild debate here can provide. You will be convinced, however. I'm confident of that.

Really Johnny? Have you ever picked up and read the Koran? Or are you just parroting what the Republican party keeps saying?
I think if one is going to talk about a religion, then they need to do the research and then know what they are talking about.
(highlighted it for emphasis. )

The majority of the terrorist attacks are not driven by religion. They are driven by a strategic objective. Which is to rid modern democracies and its military forces from the territory that the terrorists view as their homeland. Almost every terrorist incident has come about because they want the democratic state to withdraw.

Until the U.S. invaded Iraq, Iraq never had a suicide terrorist attack in all of its history.

Between the years 1995 and 2004, two-thirds of all attacks came from countries where the U.S. had troops stationed. Iraq's suicide missions today are carried out by Iraqi Sunnis and Saudis. Who were the 9/11 terrorists? answer 15 of 19 participants were Saudis.

It's about occupation. In the years 1981-1984 there were 43 suicide attacks in Lebanon. Once Canada, Israel, and the US withdrew from Lebanon the bombings stopped.

The Islamists do not resent or influence on the rest of the world. The largest Islamic fundamentalist countries have not been responsible for any suicide terrorist attack. None have come from Iran or the Sudan.

We should take our orders from the Constitution. We should not engage ourselves in an illegal undeclared war and protect our borders at home.

LMAO oversimplify and exaggerate?? That is exactly what you said. You're not being honest on this. here is your exact quote
"So we should ignore all threats to our interests outside of our borders? Let oppression triumph throughout the world? Only we are entitled to live free?"

How else do you interpret this?????

That's a strange comment. My statement made no mention of a draft.

Invading a country without a declaration of war is illegal.

The 'job" of the government is laid out in the Constitution. When you base a government on freedom you cannot illegally occupy a country. If you read up on what Washington, Jefferson, and others preached about our country and the reasons it was founded you'd be able to make an informed decision.

I'm not trying to hack on you but you are more concerned about WANTING to be right instead of learning the truth. Hopefully once you learn all the facts you can make an informed decision.
Its not illegal to invade a country if it is a "police action"

The terrorism you talk about is "stage 2" of war. THey cannot fight pitched battles, so they have to use terrorism to keep the movement rolling.If enough quit or fizzle out, it would drop back to stage 1. Stage 1 includes such things as propaganda, stocking arms and the such. stage three is all out war with pitched battles.

The founders prposely left the constitution open so that it would progress with our country and the times we live in.By no means what is said in the constitution is the end all to be all, or should it be. People who read it as such apparently think they live in the late 18th century. What does the word "amend" mean? And why would you have to change it if it is the magus of things?
How is it possible to force democracy on people?
How is Iraq our buisness except we put hussein in power, and let him rule?

And if the mohammedans dont show disdain fort the rest of the world,why do they blow up ancient buddhist statues?
Sudan is a relativley new muslim country considering how they just moved in and started taking over a few years ago. I actually know a few "lost boys " of sudan, and have heard the talk of the muslims wiping out villages and killing women and children. How about North africa? How long have the muslims there helped keep the natives in check? How about the terrorist attacks in spain or england?
The u.s, africa, europe, the phillipines. Thats one end of the world to another, how do muslims not hold sway across the world?
Ok for all you USA haters...If you think that third world shit hole is so peacefull and great then move the fuck out of AMERICA and go to that shit hole....if the cops called you and said tuesday they were coming to look for weed plants would your plants still be there?Thats more than likely the reason we did not find WMDs there...And it is pretty dumb to assume you know whats going on over there from the safty of your computer chair.....and med man 1/4 lb of peyote in one sitting yeah right sell your lies somewhere else.....
"Burn my flag i burn your ass"I think its great when people get their media from bumper stickers.