Socialist hellhole California moves from 8th to 6th largest economy in the world, surpassing France

So, back to socialist California. Would it be too much to ask for them to take the position that respecting a citizen's constitutional rights needs to be restored? While the right screams about their guns, I seem to have lost the right to travel unmolested, to bank, to be safe in my person and papers without due process... and most of the others.

And, Why aren't liberal Americans incensed about it?
Come on you grumpy old fart. Do you really have it THAT BAD? I think you probably have it made. Compared to many anyway. I mean you ain't participating in the horrible wars of Aftican nations. Oh that would be a really bad Trip. I heard somewhere in the news maybe last week they may reschedule MJ as like a class 2 or something of the sorts. Nothing more than a rumor, at least I haven't looked deeper into that. Might take a while but things will change. Meanwhile we old timers be doing the same shit we been doing since the 70's/80's. It's all good as long as you keep your zen. I don't even like guns no mo. Peace and love homie.
I don't think you get it youngun. Ever wonder what it would be like to live off the grid in the grid? Connected while at the same time being disconnected? Yes I am aware of what happened in the past and even more aware of the tragedies that take place daily in the right here right now. Oh wait. That was a Van Halen song with Sammy Hagar frontin.
Anyway. What point was I trying to make? Oh yeah. You see. You don't have to aimlessly follow others. Though you do have to share the space of earth with them. You can nod your head in a kind of agreement way. To keep the peace and love and then walk away. Only you allow things in your mind. We're all gonna meet the same fate eventually brother. Do you choose to spend your time dwelling on the past? And things you cannot change? I choose to live in my mind. I see the ugly. But, and especially on weekends, I dwell on the beauty. The peace and love bro. All is good in my world. For now. Damn I gotta go to work tomorrow. Oh wait. I have a 4 day week and 4 day weekend coming up and a 4 day week the following week. That's peace and love bro. :rolleyes:


I will alternately disappoint and delight you and there will be no rhyme or reason to the order. I only hope you hang tough.

But to highlight the point I make above I give you one of my faves.
Substitute "fellow man" when you hear "planet" and "earth" and it's uncanny how it almost all still works, and both versions are true:

But groove on the tastiness of those holidays and burn one with/for me in hopes humanity will someday truly wholly be worthy of your wishes! :D

P.S. Yung'un???? Both my parents lived during the depression and lived their lives in reflection of those harsh lessons.
I will alternately disappoint and delight you and there will be no rhyme or reason to the order. I only hope you hang tough.
Do you really think you have that kind of control over my emotions? lol. I'll check the vid maybe later. I liked to boost your mood and make you feel good. You seem to be slightly more pleasant although still, extremely arrogant like the buckster. Anyway. That explains much. A middle ager? Or perhaps even older? Ah yes. You're just another grumpy old timer on the rollitup. Silly me. I should have sensed that. Oh well. I've dropped like 40 IQ points in my older age cause I'm a stoner. And I like it. :bigjoint:
Come on you grumpy old fart. Do you really have it THAT BAD? I think you probably have it made. Compared to many anyway. I mean you ain't participating in the horrible wars of Aftican nations. Oh that would be a really bad Trip. I heard somewhere in the news maybe last week they may reschedule MJ as like a class 2 or something of the sorts. Nothing more than a rumor, at least I haven't looked deeper into that. Might take a while but things will change. Meanwhile we old timers be doing the same shit we been doing since the 70's/80's. It's all good as long as you keep your zen. I don't even like guns no mo. Peace and love homie.

That's cute. Was there a rebuttal in there, or just rainbows and glitter coming out of your butt?
That's cute. Was there a rebuttal in there, or just rainbows and glitter coming out of your butt?
Come on pops. You don't always have to be grumpy. Rainbows and glitter. Yeah that's a cool visual, without the butt part. Let me find something. Anyway, as soon as I find me a sugar momma with some dough, if ever, I'm gonna head back that way. You gonna buy a old timer a beer?
Come on pops. You don't always have to be grumpy. Rainbows and glitter. Yeah that's a cool visual, without the butt part. Let me find something. Anyway, as soon as I find me a sugar momma with some dough, if ever, I'm gonna head back that way. You gonna buy a old timer a beer?

I'm cool with rainbows.

I still want my fucking constitutional rights. ALL OF THEM.
how does lowering the deficit more than any other administration in history (after the republicans turned a surplus into the most massive deficit in history) fit with their plan to "altar" (LOL) this country into fiscal insolvency?

eat rotten fruit from a shitty tree.

This one is easy.

"Democrats led by Governor Brown were able to speed up the budgeting process, pushing through painful cuts. However, with a two-thirds majority they were not able to match those cuts with the tax increases that were necessary to actually balance the budget."

and they did both by changing the 2/3 rule to 1/2 for budget approval, but which cuts/increases are never specified.
They were really looking to represent the largest percentage of California voters that way. ;)

Otherwise, the 2nd tech bubble (Jesus, look @ Frisco real estate), congressional redistricting, etc.

Again, these are gov't PROJECTIONS that can't be proved to be correct until they've been history for years, but gov't has never lied to its constituents before, right?
you must be geriatric with a tiny, wrinkled, and flaccid penis.

note that sweet oxford comma, fuckmuppet.

I suppose I must be because of the decree of the Buckminster Puller there.

Your fascination w/ penis' is w/o compare.

But what you envy your learn to covet, don't ya? Isn't that how Lector put it?
I'm leaning on your fanatic devotion here.
I suppose I must be because of the decree of the Buckminster Puller there.

Your fascination w/ penis' is w/o compare.

But what you envy your learn to covet, don't ya? Isn't that how Lector put it?
I'm leaning on your fanatic devotion here.

you conveniently skipped over the question i asked about how lowering the deficit is part of the path to fiscal insolvency.
Jay-zues Bucky.
You mean I can't just ignore salient questions like you?

If you can't be troubled to look JUST above the quote you posted for the answer to your question I can't help you be less stupid, but I doubt anyone could.

Here let me help you.

This one is easy.
"Democrats led by Governor Brown were able to speed up the budgeting process, pushing through painful cuts. However, with a two-thirds majority they were not able to match those cuts with the tax increases that were necessary to actually balance the budget."
and they did both by changing the 2/3 rule to 1/2 for budget approval, but which cuts/increases are never specified.
They were really looking to represent the largest percentage of California voters that way. ;)
Otherwise, the 2nd tech bubble (Jesus, look @ Frisco real estate), congressional redistricting, etc.
Again, these are gov't PROJECTIONS that can't be proved to be correct until they've been history for years, but gov't has never lied to its constituents before, right?

I suppose I should have guessed that a mudder like you (since your visceral hatred of work involving gypsum has the distinct flavor of self-loathing) had huffed one paint can too many.

@ttystikk Disappointing that you reflexively gave the schawntz like stroke before reading too. As a strict constitutionalist (which I highly applaud!) I expect more from you than a dishrag like Bucky the hypocrite.
complete meltdown followed by banhammer.

i'd call it a shame but he kinda showed his true colors. so it's not a shame.

Thought you were talking about the choomer sock for a minute. ("Complete meltdown") Shouldn't be much longer, though, in his/her case....seems like after telling us about his/her teeny pecker last week the ANGER/white rage is nearly at a crescendo. Using words like "galoot" and those awkward/cutesy nicknames? Cringeworthy and creeeeepy. I mean, sure, I've known many angry and frightened right wing lunatics and sad cases, but one that is annoyingly DORKY, as well? Yikes, this might be a new breed....

download (48).jpeg

This one is gonna be good....I should really be funding this site for all of the free entertainment it consistently provides!

giphy (6).gif
Jay-zues Bucky.
You mean I can't just ignore salient questions like you?

If you can't be troubled to look JUST above the quote you posted for the answer to your question I can't help you be less stupid, but I doubt anyone could.

Here let me help you.

I suppose I should have guessed that a mudder like you (since your visceral hatred of work involving gypsum has the distinct flavor of self-loathing) had huffed one paint can too many.

@ttystikk Disappointing that you reflexively gave the schawntz like stroke before reading too. As a strict constitutionalist (which I highly applaud!) I expect more from you than a dishrag like Bucky the hypocrite.

you want me to answer if government has ever lied to people?

well fuck, that's a tough one. but i do recall a few whoppers.

"iraq has WMDs!!!!!1!!"

"helluva job, brownie"

"they hate us for our freedumbz"

there ya go. now you can tell us how obama is trying to "altar" (LOL) us into fiscal insolvency by cutting the deficit more than any other president in history.
Thought you were talking about the choomer sock for a minute. ("Complete meltdown") Shouldn't be much longer, though, in his/her case....seems like after telling us about his/her teeny pecker last week the ANGER/white rage is nearly at a crescendo. Using words like "galoot" and those awkward/cutesy nicknames? Cringeworthy and creeeeepy. I mean, sure, I've known many angry and frightened right wing lunatics and sad cases, but one that is annoyingly DORKY, as well? Yikes, this might be a new breed....

View attachment 3718557

This one is gonna be good....I should really be funding this site for all of the free entertainment it consistently provides!


Do you ever contribute content vs. invective?

It's a simple straight forward question, ask Bucky how to avoid it w/ references to my dick size.

Until then you are not only a muppet, but a cheer leading muppet for Bucky.
Even your avatar can't say it any clearer. Was that a conscious decision?

Does the hand in the rectum provide all for you or does it have to be subsidized w/ the occasional reach around?

Do you ever contribute content vs. invective?

it's a simple straight forward question, ask Bucky how to avoid it w/ references to my dick size.

Until then you are not only a muppet, but a cheer leading muppet for Bucky.
Even your avatar can't say it any clearer. Was that a conscious decision?

Does the hand in the rectum provide all for you or does it have to be subsidized w/ the occasional reach around?

no work today, eh?
you want me to answer if government has ever lied to people?

well fuck, that's a tough one. but i do recall a few whoppers.

"iraq has WMDs!!!!!1!!"

"helluva job, brownie"

"they hate us for our freedumbz"

there ya go. now you can tell us how obama is trying to "altar" (LOL) us into fiscal insolvency by cutting the deficit more than any other president in history.

Do the work yourself.
In fact, LINK to articles and opinions that support your claims, or 'tis but anal effluvia burbling past your 3 remaining teeth.