I have depleted my retirement because of Diabetes.
There has been no loss of commerce unless you don’t count medical expenses.
Sugar will be generating revenue for years to come, but shouldn’t we warn the Dialyses Industry it may stop? or is that bad for commerce. If they follow suite, the industry will be sold to an international holding company as a sign of patriotic strength.


High Fructose Corn Syrup......Now ask yourself why this is cheaper in the US than real sugar, which is actually cheaper.
You demand repayment for society because you have diabetes? Did society force you to drink sugary sodas?

How about freedom of choice and freedom of responsibility. What you are getting now is more political maneuvering. There will be lobbyists that get drinks added and removed from the list in favor of campaign donations. The tax does neither thing it pledges to do, only adds more burden on it's citizens.

I dont live near there but it seems I have more compassion for them than you do. Last time I checked it was the family that is supposed to take care of the children, not the state.

you're a retard..not everybody that has diabetes is from drinking soda.
33% of this nation are diabetic or pre-diabetic. This is the one social / medical issue that could bankrupt the US. The system cannot afford the long-term care of 33% of the population.

Products are causing this, not poor willpower. People always had poor willpower, but 1/3 of the population wasn't diabetic. Chemicals and hormone-mimicking elements are a big problem
33% of this nation are diabetic or pre-diabetic. This is the one social / medical issue that could bankrupt the US. The system cannot afford the long-term care of 33% of the population.

Products are causing this, not poor willpower. People always had poor willpower, but 1/3 of the population wasn't diabetic. Chemicals and hormone-mimicking elements are a big problem

i agree that the food we eat and the stuff we drink is killing us slowly, but i also don't believe that putting a tax on said products is the way to reduce people from eating or drinking those products.. why not go straight to the source and demand our food providers stop selling us products that kill us?
look at the ingredients on a simple loaf of store bought bread..

and that's a simple loaf of bread.. if the government were at all concerned about the health of our country, i'd think going after the people peddling this crap and demanding better ingredients would be a great place to start, not taxing people for actually buying the shit in the shelves in the stores that they see all day long on commercial after commercial..
Profits is why we are still fed junk. Corporate profits.

We have a long history of ignoring the sick citizens to support big industry. Look at the coal miners - clearly sick but no government acknowledgement. Look at big tobacco and how it took decades to get a conviction.

Other countries don't have this same protection for corporations. Hell, we even gave corporations the same protection an status as a human being.
Some die early and don't get to enjoy life.

We have laws to protect people from their own stupidity. Seat belts, helmet laws. Should people be allowed freedom to do anything they wish if they only harm themselves?
Some die early and don't get to enjoy life.

We have laws to protect people from their own stupidity. Seat belts, helmet laws. Should people be allowed freedom to do anything they wish if they only harm themselves?

If you're dead it really doesn't matter if you enjoyed life or not, you're dead.
Many people are sick and miserable.

Are you saying everyone is happy and satisfied? Of course you are not.

The point is our freedoms and health are continuously compromised for the sake of big business
Most people aren't into healthy diets until they are older and already have problems. That's unfortunate because there's no way to turn back the clock. What you can do is slow the clock down by taking care of yourself. If you hate fruits & veggies, take vitamins. There's no need to go overboard; the benefits from healthy habits occur over long periods of time.
Dietary supplements are available from giant corporations, whose only goal is to sell you something (anything) and there's no watchdog / oversight... How could that be a bad thing?

Supplements are largely a waste and simply yet another source of shit we don't need in our bodies. Real food has everything you need, and is generally in a much more natural, bioavailable form.
Many people are sick and miserable.

Are you saying everyone is happy and satisfied? Of course you are not.

The point is our freedoms and health are continuously compromised for the sake of big business

The point is, there is no reason why someone shouldn't be able to drink a Coke without being punished for it.

Sin tax.
What about mandatory seat belts? Bad idea? Is that punishment, being forced to wear it?
What about mandatory seat belts? Bad idea? Is that punishment, being forced to wear it?

It's common sense to wear it but until you are harming someone else I think you should be able to do whatever you want.

I don't see seatbelts on motorcycles.

CA just passed a law making lane splitting legal.

School buses don't have seatbelts. A bunch of kids just died in a school bus accident when the driver hit a tree. Public transit buses don't have seatbelts.
In Michigan, we've repealed the laws saying you need a helmet. Flies in the face of common sense, but we determined that if someone wants to openly risk life and limb they are free to do so.

Anyway, corporations want your cash, and as long as they don't get caught breaking the law, all is fare.

Paint companies still make lead based paints for African nations... because it's not illegal. Obviously African kids will chew on lead paint just like American kids, but it's not illegal in africa
In Michigan, we've repealed the laws saying you need a helmet. Flies in the face of common sense, but we determined that if someone wants to openly risk life and limb they are free to do so.

Anyway, corporations want your cash, and as long as they don't get caught breaking the law, all is fare.

Paint companies still make lead based paints for African nations... because it's not illegal. Obviously African kids will chew on lead paint just like American kids, but it's not illegal in africa


Someday man may evolve beyond his own greed. It's going to take something YUUUGE to bring it on though. This is why I pray for a nuclear war. Humanity needs a reset.