Well-Known Member
Hey Don, hope all is well. Fought up on last few pages, a few additions, comments.
T5 bulbs - agromax 10K finisher very similar to actinc white for a lower cost, though I've never tried the actincs.
Recent additions to the amendment regimen - insect frass and aged bison (buffalo) manure compost. For insect frass, the local pet food store grows their own bugs for reptile feeding, would this be a good source? What would throw up red flag saying it's ok for my frog but I don't want to use it as an amendment?
All is well for sure...Thanks SSG, and yeah good point on price, thats right.
whats the UV like in the agromax 10k finisher though, if you can find out?
Glad to see you're on the frass alas though, lol!!
Meal worm is the inferior type, in my experience
Cricket frass.. the next step up, still disappointed me
but by far the best .. black soldier fly frass.. amazing depends what they use!
I only recommend / buy / sell the BSF type, myself!!
How's your bison compost for density, is it fluffier than cow manure?