Republicans fuck America, again

It appears you are now are attempting to gaslight me as much as Fogdog tries..
Is this really how the “current” center left to left communicates? With assumptions, trolling, and half facts? I am not impressed..
Quite literally disgusted.. actually.

Your words - quoted exactly - (opposite of how y’all do me when quoting me..)
“Maybe you should re-read what I have been posting throughout this thread and not get into trolling me.”

Highly ironic since I am the one who’s been gaslit & trolled here. Maybe YOU should re-read. Start at the beginning. Get context. Knowledge is power..

Since yall are rampant in assumption around here - where did I “get” into “trolling” you? Lol.. Honest question!? I have only replied to you quoting me.. I do not troll and send 10 messages before a person can reply to one, like y’all do. I say something and RESPECTFULLY wait for the reply. To digest and reply back. Communication.. is key.

This entire convo started (my part of it with you two) because Fogdog made an statement about how “we need new voices” and he’s “hoping one day to hear from an intelligent republican conservative.”

I replied to that comment and in short said the reason that is unlikely to happen is because of general disrespect towards ALL republicans in folks methods of communication with them. We need to communicate better. So do they, but both sides have to try.. (compromise)

That simple statement - the answer to his wish - led to all this gaslighting bullshit.

Now, I see exactly why all y’all find “Republicans” hard to talk to. You’re too fucking close-minded to see outside your own box.. you both also seem to struggle to communicate without “gaslighting” folks.. I say - that’s a fucking problem! I have implied so, several times.

Admittedly, I spend a lot of time conversing with Republicans due to my job and family roots. It is not that hard to have conversations. Many times you will sway a view in a positive direction if you come at them with facts and evidence. That’s all I’ve said here and everywhere. It’s so fucking simple. Think.

My convos with y’all have just indicated to me that conservative Republicans are BY FAR the “saner” bunch to have convos with, regardless of how much their “policy” sucks.

Most conservative Republicans I know, have the ability to hold numerous objective conversations without gaslighting me.. So I give up trying to convince Fogdog, or anyone who acts like this to “communicate.” No one wants convo with folks like that except people who think EXACTLY the same. Boring. Does not create change.

Yall honestly can’t even communicate properly with each other..

“Mob mentality” Is a disease. Communication about the disease.. is the cure.

Reminder: This insensible trolling of me started because I made one very factual comment. I replied to an ignorant post with the reasons “Republicans” are not approachable to most folks. Disrespect. Fucking simple man. Read back. Y’all have twisted and turned this so many routes with the trolling.. not like republicans do - even worse than republicans do.

Literally makes me not want to communicate with either of you, and several others.

Like I told Buck - congrats - your communication methods are turning a democratic leaning Independent.. into a conservative republican. You should be proud.
OK I hope this is your last effort to jack this thread
GOOD BYE and good day
From a high level of support in late March to today there has been a 4.1% change downward in overall support for Trump. Since that high point, we've gone through the lockdown, all of Trump's shenanigans trying to gaslight the epidemic, hydroxychloroquine BS, Floyd's murder, Trump's goons beating and disappearing people from the streets in Portland, a return to the crisis in the epidemic and trying to delay the election. Meanwhile while the Donald goes golfing. Through it all, Trump's approval ratings have been astonishingly consistent. I submit this as objective evidence that Republicans aren't listening.

This is what objective evidence looks like. Not your anecdotes which are yours to make, just not something that is either objective, or repeatable or reliable. Anybody can just speak their mind like you do.

Where is there objective evidence that shows Republicans are listening? You can even laugh at me for being stupid. I admit that I am pretty stupid. So go ahead and laugh. That's what Republicans do. Because they aren't listening.

The chart below shows that Trump's support vs Biden hasn't shifted a whole lot either. I simply don't see evidence to support your theory that all we need to do is communicate. They aren't listening to liberals. Fox New and worse outlets of propaganda, yes, but not to you. I'm not even trying so I can't claim the same as you. What I don't see is evidence that your claim is correct.

View attachment 4642924
1. Republicans are the radical right.
2. You write these tomes with multiple talking points.
3. All I did was pick the first one -- that communication is the answer. I'm still looking for evidence that Republicans are listening.
4. If you can show me.. blah blah blah
5. Where is there common ground to be found when Republicans reject science and form their opinions on fake claims that are easily disproven?
6. Right wing radicals

1. Fack checked & proven false. There are many conservative republicans who do not support trump. Do your research. I have done mine.

2. Pretty sure I start out with one reply to something random. Then I'm trolled or broken down in 15 replies while i'm still responding to the first. Yea - shit gets long while I'm trying to debate all the gaslighting and bullshitting that somehow occurs during communication with you folks. IT is astonishing to me as well...

3. I have given you many different examples of "objective evidence" through out this debate. I didn't realize that until I read back through it all last night. LOL. I suggest you read. Start at the beginning. Also keep this in mind and make sure you understand what you keep requesting..

I will provide for you the legal definition: "Objective evidence refers to information based on facts that can be proved by means of search like analysis, measurement, and observation.

While my points and opinions are based in fact, many of yours are not. I'm not going to research for you, you are not reading most of what I say. The evidence I do provide for my theories, you intentionally overlooked.. You have indicated over and over that you do not value my opinion, or evidence.

4. I have. Go find it. Accountability. Knowledge is Power.

5. In communication... You have the "objective evidence" to disprove it, so try communicating without referring to "all republicans" as right wing radicals. You'll soon find that some will listen. Which is a foundation to creating change. Simple.

6. You can't even finish 2 paragraphs without referring to "republicans" as right wing radicals. Again, there is a huge difference between the conservative republicans who are currently disgusted with trump (and other republican polititions) and the right wing radicals that are perpetrating acts of terrorism in our streets and policy. You keep lumping them together as one.

That is your communication problem - right there. It's you!
1. Ill look into those thanks.
2. Unfortunately though there is no way to get back all the information that the Russians have already collected on us.
3. I felt it was important to show that it is hard to take you seriously and not another left troll when you start out a post like you did with this one and others.
4. 2012-Obama Big data initiative $200 million program.
5. 2013-Snowden smuggles all of the NSA data files to Russia.
6. Late 2013-Russia sends agents into America, buys up a bunch of online 'news' sources and Cambridge Analytica is founded. And the Russians start their attack on our democracy with test runs in at least Brexit and Ukrainian elections.

I have a new method of communicating with you both, to avoid confusion. I hope you don't mind.

1. Yw. It is crazy important, you're absolutely right.

2. Obviously not. Inflammatory much with your wording? Is that intentional? Why not be apart of the solution instead of just trolling with repetative drama???

There is plenty of ways that we can stop that from happening going forward, and also protect ourselves from these content invasions and "popups" that you were referring to pages back.

Yea - I don't have those problems. Accountability. Protect yourself and your online privacy. This is common sense knowledge since the BIRTH of the internet.

Keep spreading the word - nothing wrong with that - but I also suggest bringing solutions, instead of fear. You seem obsessed with convincing everyone to listen, but not to promote solutions to the problems you are raising awareness for.

Why raise awareness without solution or the intent to brainstorm solutions?
*Problem solving 101*

3. Really.. Lol. Please do re-read. Start at page 1. You need context.

4. I'm aware
5. I'm aware thanks for the info on all 3.. others may need it.
6. I'm aware

I really do pay attention. I really am quite educated. If I come across as rude right now, or have at any other time... it was not intended.

I am blunt
I curse like a sailor - (science says that's a sign of intelligence)
I mean no disrespect, I'm here for casual discourse .. communication
I care too much about everyone... apparently
I am Independent
I am not a troll, nor have I ever acted like or came across as one
I like to debate assumptions and fake news because we (the US) are a hot mess.
I do get passionate (bat-shit crazy) in my debates when I see gaslighting, falsities, assumptions, and half facts running wild. Sorry not Sorry.

I do my best to stay respectful until shit just gets ridiculous. Then I say exactly what is on my mind - no fucking filter... seriously. Some folks can't handle that - it's ok... (It's cool - no biggie) and some folks respect me for it.

Some folks prefer to "keep it real." Those are "my folks." Doesn't matter which freaking political party they belong too. If they keep it cool enough - I may never ask!!!!!! Lol.

You know what I got out of all this? The idea to start a blog and already 15 talking points noted to start at. Thanks.. I guess? I For pointing out all the communication problems we have in society that I was NOT even fucking aware of, much less the ones I am. I really didn't need any more added to my workload but I guess I will be writing now too. Communicating properly is important to me. It's the only "real" route I see to "real change."

Thats all I got for ya. Everything said with a smile. Peace.
OK I hope this is your last effort to jack this thread
GOOD BYE and good day

Bye! I have made no such efforts. I am simply responding to replies that were posted at midnight, 2am, and 5am....while I was asleep.

I suggest you read back too before making any more ignorant statements based in assumption. I will continue to defend my facts, beliefs, and character so gtfo with that nonsense talk. Or use your ignore button.

Seems yall can't handle the truth.

Good day! (:
1. Fack checked & proven false. There are many conservative republicans who do not support trump. Do your research. I have done mine.

2. Pretty sure I start out with one reply to something random. Then I'm trolled or broken down in 15 replies while i'm still responding to the first. Yea - shit gets long while I'm trying to debate all the gaslighting and bullshitting that somehow occurs during communication with you folks. IT is astonishing to me as well...

3. I have given you many different examples of "objective evidence" through out this debate. I didn't realize that until I read back through it all last night. LOL. I suggest you read. Start at the beginning. Also keep this in mind and make sure you understand what you keep requesting..

I will provide for you the legal definition: "Objective evidence refers to information based on facts that can be proved by means of search like analysis, measurement, and observation.

While my points and opinions are based in fact, many of yours are not. I'm not going to research for you, you are not reading most of what I say. The evidence I do provide for my theories, you intentionally overlooked.. You have indicated over and over that you do not value my opinion, or evidence.

4. I have. Go find it. Accountability. Knowledge is Power.

5. In communication... You have the "objective evidence" to disprove it, so try communicating without referring to "all republicans" as right wing radicals. You'll soon find that some will listen. Which is a foundation to creating change. Simple.

6. You can't even finish 2 paragraphs without referring to "republicans" as right wing radicals. Again, there is a huge difference between the conservative republicans who are currently disgusted with trump (and other republican polititions) and the right wing radicals that are perpetrating acts of terrorism in our streets and policy. You keep lumping them together as one.

That is your communication problem - right there. It's you!
I just read the first sentence. You blew it right there. Republicans are not conservative. The Reagan conservative movement died in 2008 when it became clear that the ideology was false. Today's Tea Party and Trump Republicans are radical right wing authoritarian, racist and fascist.

Do you understand the difference between anecdotes and objective evidence?
I have a new method of communicating with you both, to avoid confusion. I hope you don't mind.

1. Yw. It is crazy important, you're absolutely right.

2. Obviously not. Inflammatory much with your wording? Is that intentional? Why not be apart of the solution instead of just trolling with repetative drama???

There is plenty of ways that we can stop that from happening going forward, and also protect ourselves from these content invasions and "popups" that you were referring to pages back.

Yea - I don't have those problems. Accountability. Protect yourself and your online privacy. This is common sense knowledge since the BIRTH of the internet.

Keep spreading the word - nothing wrong with that - but I also suggest bringing solutions, instead of fear. You seem obsessed with convincing everyone to listen, but not to promote solutions to the problems you are raising awareness for.

Why raise awareness without solution or the intent to brainstorm solutions?
*Problem solving 101*

3. Really.. Lol. Please do re-read. Start at page 1. You need context.

4. I'm aware
5. I'm aware thanks for the info on all 3.. others may need it.
6. I'm aware

I really do pay attention. I really am quite educated. If I come across as rude right now, or have at any other time... it was not intended.

I am blunt
I curse like a sailor - (science says that's a sign of intelligence)
I mean no disrespect, I'm here for casual discourse .. communication
I care too much about everyone... apparently
I am Independent
I am not a troll, nor have I ever acted like or came across as one
I like to debate assumptions and fake news because we (the US) are a hot mess.
I do get passionate (bat-shit crazy) in my debates when I see gaslighting, falsities, assumptions, and half facts running wild. Sorry not Sorry.

I do my best to stay respectful until shit just gets ridiculous. Then I say exactly what is on my mind - no fucking filter... seriously. Some folks can't handle that - it's ok... (It's cool - no biggie) and some folks respect me for it.

Some folks prefer to "keep it real." Those are "my folks." Doesn't matter which freaking political party they belong too. If they keep it cool enough - I may never ask!!!!!! Lol.

You know what I got out of all this? The idea to start a blog and already 15 talking points noted to start at. Thanks.. I guess? I For pointing out all the communication problems we have in society that I was NOT even fucking aware of, much less the ones I am. I really didn't need any more added to my workload but I guess I will be writing now too. Communicating properly is important to me. It's the only "real" route I see to "real change."

Thats all I got for ya. Everything said with a smile. Peace.
lol @#2,

'Unfortunately though there is no way to get back all the information that the Russians have already collected on us.'

is inflammatory to you?

You remind me of this one guy a while back, Communist Dreamer I think was the name.

You really think that there is no data on you that has been collected?

I just read the first sentence. You blew it right there. Republicans are not conservative. The Reagan conservative movement died in 2008 when it became clear that the ideology was false. Today's Tea Party and Trump Republicans are radical right wing authoritarian, racist and fascist.

Do you understand the difference between anecdotes and objective evidence?
I got to #2.

Edit: Different posts, sorry about that.
LOL @ all this gaslit shit.. from a man who STILL hasn't read back and realized he started this conversation with ignorance. I just ended it with logic aka common fucking sense..

I'm literally gonna continue to critique your mistatements. Maybe if I keep doing that you will finally get a fucking clue on what your talking about concerning me and my intentions for chatting... you seem to be confused.

1. I just read the first sentence.
2. You blew it right there.
3. Republicans are not conservative.
4. The Reagan conservative movement died in 2008 when it became clear that the ideology was false. Today's Tea Party and Trump Republicans are radical right wing authoritarian, racist and fascist.
5. Do you understand the difference between anecdotes and objective evidence?
1. Thank you for proving that "some" people on the left side are not anymore capable of communication than the "republicans" you refer to.

2. You "blew it" days ago, yet here I am here still "respectively" reading your entire posts and bluntly responding to your continued gaslighting bullshit.

That ends here though.. You are both intentionally wasting my time - because you are not speaking in context to the original discussion and now we are wayyy in left fucking field. Another reason why "democrats struggle" to accomplish shit - appears to be that they can't stay focused long enough on an objective - to do so!! Such as yourself... lost in left field right now.

3. Bahahahaha - which USA do you live in??? Gtfo with your "consipiracy theories"

4. Another "half-fact" there is just fucking tons of people who still identify as "conservative republicans."
Let me help you here - Kinda like the same way gay people said they existed before anyone would admit it was possible and not just an "affliction."
GTFO of my notifications with your biased, closed-minded nonsense!

5. I absolutely 100% do. Do you?

1. lol @#2,
2. 'Unfortunately though there is no way to get back all the information that the Russians have already collected on us.'
is inflammatory to you?
3. You remind me of this one guy a while back, Communist Dreamer I think was the name.
4. You really think that there is no data on you that has been collected?
5. I got to #2.
6. Edit: Different posts, sorry about that.

1. thats the problem - you're so close minded you find #2 amusing instead of alarming. I find it inflammatory (and alarming) that your delivery method is just to scare, rather than inform folks how they can protect themselves. Notice how even when I posted a solution for that, you continued to be a smart ass? With a data expert? Lol. Are you an idiot? I mean.. I didn't think so, but I am starting to seriouly wonder based on our discourse..

Focus more on solutions than problems - it's easy.

2. No shit sherlock but again, there is definitely ways to protect ourselves from those sorts of invasions. Educate folks on that instead of your partial truths that are not un-biased, and some of which are conspiracies theories inho.

3. Lol. You're telling me I remind you of some guy that I couldn't possibly know, without context other than "communist dreamer." Ok... you are a leftie, incapable of communication without gaslighting people, who also appears to lack common sense. Great. Why am I still replying to your non-sense? I am unsure. For those watching your ignorance I suppose (don't be like these guys, guys - cuz I will snap back on your ass too.)

4. Where did I say that? LOLOLOLOLOL. Obviously there is. I am here talking to you. DUH. I can guarantee however, that the only "data" being collected on me is the content I CHOOSE to release. Accountability. Try it. You'll have less problems WITHOUT change. Imagine that. LOL. None of this you speak of is new.. all old shit. History man, learn from it.

5. And that is exactly why I am done with both you trolls. Literally. You don't read to digest or understand. You are just a fucking troll. I have literally lost ALL respect for both of you. I start out with mad respect for everyone... then it forms into whatever shape THEY mold it.. First he proved he has no common sense or basic respect concerning others - now you clearly have as well. LOL.

6. You can't keep a discussion in general or even 2 posts straight and "on track." Yet, expect me to come back at 15 replies for each one of mine.

Definition of insanity here folks. Look around.
LOL @ all this gaslit shit.. from a man who STILL hasn't read back and realized he started this conversation with ignorance. I just ended it with logic aka common fucking sense..

I'm literally gonna continue to critique your mistatements. Maybe if I keep doing that you will finally get a fucking clue on what your talking about concerning me and my intentions for chatting... you seem to be confused.

1. Thank you for proving that "some" people on the left side are not anymore capable of communication than the "republicans" you refer to.

2. You "blew it" days ago, yet here I am here still "respectively" reading your entire posts and bluntly responding to your continued gaslighting bullshit.

That ends here though.. You are both intentionally wasting my time - because you are not speaking in context to the original discussion and now we are wayyy in left fucking field. Another reason why "democrats struggle" to accomplish shit - appears to be that they can't stay focused long enough on an objective - to do so!! Such as yourself... lost in left field right now.

3. Bahahahaha - which USA do you live in??? Gtfo with your "consipiracy theories"

4. Another "half-fact" there is just fucking tons of people who still identify as "conservative republicans."
Let me help you here - Kinda like the same way gay people said they existed before anyone would admit it was possible and not just an "affliction."
GTFO of my notifications with your biased, closed-minded nonsense!

5. I absolutely 100% do. Do you?

1. thats the problem - you're so close minded you find #2 amusing instead of alarming. I find it inflammatory (and alarming) that your delivery method is just to scare, rather than inform folks how they can protect themselves. Notice how even when I posted a solution for that, you continued to be a smart ass? With a data expert? Lol. Are you an idiot? I mean.. I didn't think so, but I am starting to seriouly wonder based on our discourse..

Focus more on solutions than problems - it's easy.

2. No shit sherlock but again, there is definitely ways to protect ourselves from those sorts of invasions. Educate folks on that instead of your partial truths that are not un-biased, and some of which are conspiracies theories inho.

3. Lol. You're telling me I remind you of some guy that I couldn't possibly know, without context other than "communist dreamer." Ok... you are a leftie, incapable of communication without gaslighting people, who also appears to lack common sense. Great. Why am I still replying to your non-sense? I am unsure. For those watching your ignorance I suppose (don't be like these guys, guys - cuz I will snap back on your ass too.)

4. Where did I say that? LOLOLOLOLOL. Obviously there is. I am here talking to you. DUH. I can guarantee however, that the only "data" being collected on me is the content I CHOOSE to release. Accountability. Try it. You'll have less problems WITHOUT change. Imagine that. LOL. None of this you speak of is new.. all old shit. History man, learn from it.

5. And that is exactly why I am done with both you trolls. Literally. You don't read to digest or understand. You are just a fucking troll. I have literally lost ALL respect for both of you. I start out with mad respect for everyone... then it forms into whatever shape THEY mold it.. First he proved he has no common sense or basic respect concerning others - now you clearly have as well. LOL.

6. You can't keep a discussion in general or even 2 posts straight and "on track." Yet, expect me to come back at 15 replies for each one of mine.

Definition of insanity here folks. Look around.
The Republican Party is fascist. Anybody who votes for fascists are fascists. Why is that so hard for you to understand?
LOL @ all this gaslit shit.. from a man who STILL hasn't read back and realized he started this conversation with ignorance. I just ended it with logic aka common fucking sense..

I'm literally gonna continue to critique your mistatements. Maybe if I keep doing that you will finally get a fucking clue on what your talking about concerning me and my intentions for chatting... you seem to be confused.

1. Thank you for proving that "some" people on the left side are not anymore capable of communication than the "republicans" you refer to.

2. You "blew it" days ago, yet here I am here still "respectively" reading your entire posts and bluntly responding to your continued gaslighting bullshit.

That ends here though.. You are both intentionally wasting my time - because you are not speaking in context to the original discussion and now we are wayyy in left fucking field. Another reason why "democrats struggle" to accomplish shit - appears to be that they can't stay focused long enough on an objective - to do so!! Such as yourself... lost in left field right now.

3. Bahahahaha - which USA do you live in??? Gtfo with your "consipiracy theories"

4. Another "half-fact" there is just fucking tons of people who still identify as "conservative republicans."
Let me help you here - Kinda like the same way gay people said they existed before anyone would admit it was possible and not just an "affliction."
GTFO of my notifications with your biased, closed-minded nonsense!

5. I absolutely 100% do. Do you?

1. thats the problem - you're so close minded you find #2 amusing instead of alarming. I find it inflammatory (and alarming) that your delivery method is just to scare, rather than inform folks how they can protect themselves. Notice how even when I posted a solution for that, you continued to be a smart ass? With a data expert? Lol. Are you an idiot? I mean.. I didn't think so, but I am starting to seriouly wonder based on our discourse..

Focus more on solutions than problems - it's easy.

2. No shit sherlock but again, there is definitely ways to protect ourselves from those sorts of invasions. Educate folks on that instead of your partial truths that are not un-biased, and some of which are conspiracies theories inho.

3. Lol. You're telling me I remind you of some guy that I couldn't possibly know, without context other than "communist dreamer." Ok... you are a leftie, incapable of communication without gaslighting people, who also appears to lack common sense. Great. Why am I still replying to your non-sense? I am unsure. For those watching your ignorance I suppose (don't be like these guys, guys - cuz I will snap back on your ass too.)

4. Where did I say that? LOLOLOLOLOL. Obviously there is. I am here talking to you. DUH. I can guarantee however, that the only "data" being collected on me is the content I CHOOSE to release. Accountability. Try it. You'll have less problems WITHOUT change. Imagine that. LOL. None of this you speak of is new.. all old shit. History man, learn from it.

5. And that is exactly why I am done with both you trolls. Literally. You don't read to digest or understand. You are just a fucking troll. I have literally lost ALL respect for both of you. I start out with mad respect for everyone... then it forms into whatever shape THEY mold it.. First he proved he has no common sense or basic respect concerning others - now you clearly have as well. LOL.

6. You can't keep a discussion in general or even 2 posts straight and "on track." Yet, expect me to come back at 15 replies for each one of mine.

Definition of insanity here folks. Look around.
I thought you have been here for 10 years watching this forum? Its getting hard to not troll back at you with how hard you are not trying to be conversational. But I guess that is the point.
I thought you have been here for 10 years watching this forum? Its getting hard to not troll back at you with how hard you are not trying to be conversational. But I guess that is the point.
I'm not going to troll somebody who says they are recovering from cancer and obviously isn't thinking straight. It might be a ploy by a troll and if so, it's on them, not me. I see the mood swings and think perhaps we are in fact dealing with a person who is not all there.

I might put it on ignore. But I'm not going to troll it.
I thought you have been here for 10 years watching this forum? Its getting hard to not troll back at you with how hard you are not trying to be conversational. But I guess that is the point.

Ahem.... AHEM. (yeah I did re-read your smartass comment page back)

Gaslighting... again. Incase you all are unfamiliar with the term defining what you are trying to do to me, it means this: "manipulate (someone) by psychological means into questioning their own sanity."

I did NOT say that. AGAIN, you have manipulated what I said to suit your own purpose or plight of making excuses to why you have been an ingnorant asshole to me with your "taken what I say out of context " and irrelevant replies.

To give you context without you reading back through forums (cuz I'm nice) I have implied yes that I have been around these forums for years. I have also specifically stated (at the same time) that I don't discuss politics and had not been in this forum. This was my go to site to learn info (and then research that info) back when growing.

I'm tired of repeating myself. Either pay attention, read back, or please for the love of all that's holy stop quoting me with gaslighting nonsense. Capitalization doesn't seem to work with you, so we will try bold lettering next. I'm a troubleshooter. LOL.

Yea - that is exactly the point. I am no longer trying to be conversational so seriously stop quoting me and leave me the fuck alone.

Let me remind you again - I did not invite any of this bullshit. I am simply replying and calling you both out on your bullshit. I will continue to do so until you quit or I get tired. Your choice (shrugs) Sunday is lazy day, so I have time to battle with trolls.

I actually find it quite amusing - if you don't - I "heard" there is a "report" button.
Last edited:
Fuck you buddy. Don't get personal with me. I have put the work and effort into going back, re-reading, and making sure EVERYTHING I say makes perfect fucking sense and is accurate. If it didn't - I have edited.

Fuck you seriously. Pretty low - life shit to bring someones personal history in to "prove" your point. Funny part is ... you still sound more fucking foolish than me. So what is your excuse?

Please do put me on "ignore" PLEASE. If I see one more notification from you I may throw my fucking tablet out the window.

You are quite simply an amazing example of whats wrong with this world.
Both of you.
I'm not going to troll you.

But I will say you haven't shown that you know what objective evidence is. I will also say that the conservative movement died in 2008 after a long lingering sickness due to the effects of Shrub that they had taken. What replaced it is right wing authoritarian, racist, fascist and not anything that could be called conservative. If somebody votes for fascists, then they are fascist.
I'm not going to troll somebody who says they are recovering from cancer and obviously isn't thinking straight. It might be a ploy by a troll and if so, it's on them, not me. I see the mood swings and think perhaps we are in fact dealing with a person who is not all there.

I might put it on ignore. But I'm not going to troll it.
Good perspective, thanks man.

Fuck you buddy. Don't get personal with me. I have put the work and effort into going back, re-reading, and making sure EVERYTHING I say makes perfect fucking sense and is accurate. If it didn't - I have edited.

Fuck you seriously. Pretty low - life shit to bring someones personal history in to "prove" your point. Funny part is ... you still sound more fucking foolish than me. So what is your excuse?

Please do put me on "ignore" PLEASE. If I see one more notification from you I may throw my fucking tablet out the window.

You are quite simply an amazing example of whats wrong with this world.
Both of you.
Braving the wilderness: whatever the quote is about assuming the best and not jumping to thinking the worst.
I'm not going to troll you.

1.But I will say you haven't shown that you know what objective evidence is.
2. I will also say that the conservative movement died in 2008 after a long lingering sickness due to the effects of Shrub that they had taken. What replaced it is right wing authoritarian, racist, fascist and not anything that could be called conservative.
3. If somebody votes for fascists, then they are fascist.

Are you kidding me? Then when are you going to stop trolling me?

1. I don't care what you "say" or "think" anymore. I'm also not going to point out where I have, because I find you quite fucking rude, and selfish. So do your homework - it's there... I read back and checked.(:

I have asked you more than once to leave me alone yet my notifications keep going off with your quotes of my replies to your gaslighting of me here in this thread. You don't get to gaslight me anymore I'm done. Now I'm trolling you. Who is the better "troll" so far - do you think? I'd place all bets on me... I've been debating folks as foolish as you for years.. lol.

2. Blah blah blah - you are so out of touch with reality that I've concluded there is no hope for you. I gave up pages ago trying to talk sense with you - the gaslighting and insensible discourse, along with straight up ignorance, was too much. I gave up man.

Then you threw my medical history in my face even though everything I have said makes perfect fucking sense. I tested that theory of yours "dealing with a person who is not all there" even though my paycheck/position indicates to me that I must be somewhat sensible.. I humored you anyways by calling the smartest, most objective person I know, and wasting some of his time. (yea...fucking brilliant people influence me.. trendsetters.. who influences you?)

He's fucking amazingly grounded in reality, and the best ever at dishing out constuctive criticism. He read this shit and couldn't stop laughing. Btw.. He is an Independent too. A majority of the educated and planted in reality folks are - cuz both dem/rep sides truly do fucking suck and America needs something different. What we have been doing for 100's of years.. clearly is not working.

You both are making the left side look fucking foolish right now... keep it up... it's out there now.. for all the world to see! Great job yall!

3. Do you know the meaning of fascism? Haven't I said over and over that communication with registered republicans is possible? Registered is the key word I think you are not comprehending.

You have to read all the words, not just the ones you want to pick. Where have I said that someone who "votes for fascists" is in any way worth communicating with??? You really need to work on comprehension skills. It starts with reading.. thoroughly prior to having an emotional response.

Try it - please. Or stop quoting me. Again...your choice.

1.Good perspective, thanks man.

2.Braving the wilderness: whatever the quote is about assuming the best and not jumping to thinking the worst.

1. He says "maybe we are dealing with someone who is not all there" while gaslighting a decent human being.
You come back with "Good perspective, thanks man"

Lol... you two are just so much fun... I can't stop trolling you back at this point. You are both trolls, who use tactics and gaslighting methods against anyone who thinks differently than you. The problem with that is - your thoughts are seriously demented and based in bias and discrimination rather than facts.

2. Ok, now you are just being hypocritical. LOL. I most definitely began my journey in this "politics forum" by "braving the wilderness" and "not jumping to thinking the worst."

I tried real hard - with both of you. I breezed past lots of BS without saying a word - trying to understand and respect your opinions and mind-frame. You gaslit me - both of you - for days now. Again - Sorry NOT Sorry - I have had enough - I will continue to call you out on your nonsense, until you quit.

You should both check yourselves. You sound like radical right wing terrorists. You're using all the same tactics and techniques they do.
I'm not crazy - or out of my head - and neither are "all" republicans.

Get real or stfu:leaf:
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1. He says "maybe we are dealing with someone who is not all there" while gaslighting a decent human being.
You come back with "Good perspective, thanks man"
I swear in one of your long posts somewhere you said something about that, I really wasn't reading into what he was saying in the way you are, I took it as a reminder from him not an attack on you.

Lol... you two are just so much fun... I can't stop trolling you back at this point. You are both trolls, who use tactics and gaslighting methods against anyone who thinks differently than you. The problem with that is - your thoughts are seriously demented and based in bias and discrimination rather than facts.
You are mistaken. I have been nothing but honest in trying to talk with you but you have continuously dialed up your angst towards everything being posted towards you and are (like I said prior) just trolling yourself at this point by reading in negativity.

2. Ok, now you are just being hypocritical. LOL. I most definitely began my journey in this "politics forum" by "braving the wilderness" and "not jumping to thinking the worst." I tried real hard - with both of you. I breezed past lots of BS without saying a word - trying to understand and respect your opinions and mind-frame. You gaslit me - both of you - for days now. Again - Sorry NOT Sorry - I have had enough - I will continue to call you out on your nonsense, until you quit.

You should both check yourselves. You sound like radical right wing terrorists. You're using all the same tactics and techniques they do.
I'm not crazy - or out of my head - and neither are "all" republicans.
I meant that to be a reminder that we should slow down and try to not think the worst about everything being written.

Maybe that was where you should look to start over (if you want), the 'lots of BS' you never said a word about. Maybe that would actually be a conversation worth having.

But you have just gone full troll, which is your call.
Seems as tho our shy newcomer is just another sock.

Sure.. if "sock" stands for common fucking sense (:

when necessary
Caring for others
Kind until gaslit

sock? LOL.. sure (shrugs)

along came another troll... welcome to the party.

Atleast get creative. Think of something more discriminatory. That one is kinda boring and not offensive at all.
Are you kidding me? Then when are you going to stop trolling me?

1. I don't care what you "say" or "think" anymore. I'm also not going to point out where I have, because I find you quite fucking rude, and selfish. So do your homework - it's there... I read back and checked.(:

I have asked you more than once to leave me alone yet my notifications keep going off with your quotes of my replies to your gaslighting of me here in this thread. You don't get to gaslight me anymore I'm done. Now I'm trolling you. Who is the better "troll" so far - do you think? I'd place all bets on me... I've been debating folks as foolish as you for years.. lol.

2. Blah blah blah - you are so out of touch with reality that I've concluded there is no hope for you. I gave up pages ago trying to talk sense with you - the gaslighting and insensible discourse, along with straight up ignorance, was too much. I gave up man.

Then you threw my medical history in my face even though everything I have said makes perfect fucking sense. I tested that theory of yours "dealing with a person who is not all there" even though my paycheck/position indicates to me that I must be somewhat sensible.. I humored you anyways by calling the smartest, most objective person I know, and wasting some of his time. (yea...fucking brilliant people influence me.. trendsetters.. who influences you?)

He's fucking amazingly grounded in reality, and the best ever at dishing out constuctive criticism. He read this shit and couldn't stop laughing. Btw.. He is an Independent too. A majority of the educated and planted in reality folks are - cuz both dem/rep sides truly do fucking suck and America needs something different. What we have been doing for 100's of years.. clearly is not working.

You both are making the left side look fucking foolish right now... keep it up... it's out there now.. for all the world to see! Great job yall!

3. Do you know the meaning of fascism? Haven't I said over and over that communication with registered republicans is possible? Registered is the key word I think you are not comprehending.

You have to read all the words, not just the ones you want to pick. Where have I said that someone who "votes for fascists" is in any way worth communicating with??? You really need to work on comprehension skills. It starts with reading.. thoroughly prior to having an emotional response. Try it - please.

1. He says "maybe we are dealing with someone who is not all there" while gaslighting a decent human being.
You come back with "Good perspective, thanks man"
Lol... you two are just so much fun... I can't stop trolling you back at this point. You are both trolls, who use tactics and gaslighting methods against anyone who thinks differently than you. The problem with that is - your thoughts are seriously demented and based in bias and discrimination rather than facts.
2. Ok, now you are just being hypocritical. LOL. I most definitely began my journey in this "politics forum" by "braving the wilderness" and "not jumping to thinking the worst." I tried real hard - with both of you. I breezed past lots of BS without saying a word - trying to understand and respect your opinions and mind-frame. You gaslit me - both of you - for days now. Again - Sorry NOT Sorry - I have had enough - I will continue to call you out on your nonsense, until you quit.

You should both check yourselves. You sound like radical right wing terrorists. You're using all the same tactics and techniques they do.
I'm not crazy - or out of my head - and neither are "all" republicans.

Get real or stfu:leaf:
Isn't it you who says the answer to our problems is to find common ground and communicate? That's what you keep saying we should do. As in this post:

I stand firm in my views based on my life experiences and I understand that you stand firm in yours. I am not saying to go out seeking republicans or become a republican. I am saying in order to beat covid (and trump) we ALL - the human race - need to communicate better.. The common ground is survival.

I never said to give up per se or "barter" anything. I implied compromise is necessary and the context in which I intended was compromise on behalf of the republicans. They need to compromise. The only thing we need to do is be kind, and informative. Communicate with our communities. Not make assumptions, and be cruel.. Isn't that what this side of the parties represents anyways?

I'm still looking for objective evidence that those who support Trump --members of the Republican Fascist Party -- are willing to listen to liberals. I can't find it. Do me a solid and post something that is from a reliable media source to show me I'm wrong.

The party of Trump are serial abusers who can't be convinced of anything. They are fascists and not conservatives. What is conservative about borrowing trillions to pay for tax cuts that go mostly to the wealthy? What is conservative about shunting funds intended to help people through the economic crisis to large corporations? What is conservative about refusing to wear masks while shopping? What is conservative about supporting police brutality? (OK, so I might be convinced that supporting brutal police is a typical status quo conservative stance)

If this isn't true then try to convince me otherwise using objective sources of information. Your opinion is valid only if as it applies to yourself.
1.Maybe that was where you should look to start over (if you want), the 'lots of BS' you never said a word about. Maybe that would actually be a conversation worth having.

2.But you have just gone full troll, which is your call.

1. Maybe you should read from the beginning like I have - several time. To make sure that you are not mispeaking.
Not only have I probably read this stupid thread 50 times (to make sure my brain stays in context with what's happening throughout) but I also made the extra effort of bothering a collegue to do the same. To see where the fuck I am misunderstanding..

You see, last night I took the time to read it all through twice, back to back, thinking "I must be crazy or forgetting shit." Because that is how gaslighters make people feel.

If you actually take the time to read everything that has been said in order, consecutively, like I have, then perhaps you wouldn't be so far off base or confused and misdirected in your statements.

I pretty much stay on track, when I am trying to discuss something. I don't gaslight folks. I don't slam them with 15 posts when they are still responding. I wait for their response because that is what respecful discourse is. I dealt with it - I struggled and got frustrated - but I dealt with it all respectfully.

I got mad after I re-read everything and realized just how far off course of discussion you both took my replies. I realized you were gaslighting me. Both of you.

Not to mention the other random assumptions and induendo. So you see... I don't have to go back and read. I have already done so, so many times that I have this shit basically memorized. Seriously! Only things I look back for now is I want to put an "exact quote." I would hate to be like yall and mis-state what someone says - therefore taking it out of context. I don't gaslight folks.

2. sometimes one must become a troll - to put trolls in their place
On to the next notification - yall are a whole road trip, whew.
1. Maybe you should read from the beginning like I have - several time. To make sure that you are not mispeaking.
Not only have I probably read this stupid thread 50 times (to make sure my brain stays in context with what's happening throughout) but I also made the extra effort of bothering a collegue to do the same. To see where the fuck I am misunderstanding..

You see, last night I took the time to read it all through twice, back to back, thinking "I must be crazy or forgetting shit." Because that is how gaslighters make people feel.

If you actually take the time to read everything that has been said in order, consecutively, like I have, then perhaps you wouldn't be so far off base or confused and misdirected in your statements.

I pretty much stay on track, when I am trying to discuss something. I don't gaslight folks. I don't slam them with 15 posts when they are still responding. I wait for their response because that is what respecful discourse is. I dealt with it - I struggled and got frustrated - but I dealt with it all respectfully.

I got mad after I re-read everything and realized just how far off course of discussion you both took my replies. I realized you were gaslighting me. Both of you.

Not to mention the other random assumptions and induendo. So you see... I don't have to go back and read. I have already done so, so many times that I have this shit basically memorized. Seriously! Only things I look back for now is I want to put an "exact quote." I would hate to be like yall and mis-state what someone says - therefore taking it out of context. I don't gaslight folks.

2. sometimes one must become a troll - to put trolls in their place
On to the next notification - yall are a whole road trip, whew.
Or you could point to something that you are saying I said wrong.

I do think there is defiantly some cross thread action going though, so do think just by sticking to this one thread might not actually mean too much.