Too little, too late


Well-Known Member
It's too fucking late now to stop the economic disaster awaiting this Country.
In 2 weeks the supplementary assistance for unemployment/moratorium on evictions is over.
McConnell, another motherfucking Son-of-Satan along with Trump, stated today that the Senate will not leave Washington until an agreement is made on a new Aid package
Wow, thanks Mitch for your diligence, you POS, but this should have happened 6 weeks ago.
Now, even if they agree & pass a funding Bill by the weeks end, it will still take at least 2 weeks before the funds are received or issued.
Unfortunately, that will be way too late for millions upon millions upon millions of desperate Americans
What a perfect storm of shit.
Mitch McConnell/Trump/COVID-19
Is it the End of America?
It could quite possibly be.

oh yeah? and what are you doing about it? posting on a weed forum? hahahahahaha
good job :clap: your a credit to your nation
Exactly. What in the ever living fuck is the point of arguing anything political on this forum. Other than maybe legalization of weed. Seriously. Politics section should be removed or only allow "marijuana politics"
The dude is 118 years old. He's just a grumpy, unhappy old man.
Joe shits out everyday, better than Trump ever was, or any of the 74 million moral failures that voted for treason and national suicide. Every one of Trumps voters had their chains jerked so hard by racism and fear that their heads popped off, every fool in the nation was in Trump's pocket and still is.
Joe shits out everyday, better than Trump ever was, or any of the 74 million moral failures that voted for treason and national suicide. Every one of Trumps voters had their chains jerked so hard by racism and fear that their heads popped off, every fool in the nation was in Trump's pocket and still is.
Man. You should hear how dumb you sound when you say shit like that.
You could be a credit to your nation too! Let everyone know, 15th place is for losers.
Im a combat vet bud (infantry) i could care less what anyones opinion is of me. My quality of life is #1 the rest of u can eat shit for all i care hahahaha i love yall but if ur not in my circle i dont have the capacity to gaf about you.

our nation IS going down the pooper...but we have our ups and downs and I still have faith in this country.
and part of what makes us so great is lettin people make dumbass decisions haha as long as it doesnt impede on my freedoms beleive whatever tf u want IDC
Man. You should hear how dumb you sound when you say shit like that.
What I've been saying here for awhile now is tame compared to what respectable media is saying in America. They use words like treason, sedition and fascism regularly to describe Trump, the republicans AND those who voted for him. I call them moral failures and a few percent are beginning to realize they were fools and more will come to that realization over time. Only a few percent of them are required to marginalize the republican party and their supporters nationally and by 2022 they are gonna feel the pain bigly. If they lose Georgia they will be finished off in a most spectacular way.
Im a combat vet bud (infantry) i could care less what anyones opinion is of me. My quality of life is #1 the rest of u can eat shit for all i care hahahaha i love yall but if ur not in my circle i dont have the capacity to gaf about you.

our nation IS going down the pooper...but we have our ups and downs and I still have faith in this country.
and part of what makes us so great is lettin people make dumbass decisions haha as long as it doesnt impede on my freedoms beleive whatever tf u want IDC
Yeah it definitely will go down the toilet, if it has enough citizens like you. Being a vet cuts ya no slack or consideration if ya support treason. Being a patriot means putting others before yourself, it is the essence of being a soldier, heroes put others first. The guys in your squad depended on you to come through for them and you them, you fight for your buddies. Others first is for patriots, me first is for losers and suckers, Trump puts himself first and I can think of no better example of a pathetic loser than him. He even won the presidency by failing to lose it as he planned, not even he though so many would be so fucking stupid as to vote for a miscreant like himself, his surprise and shock was plan to see on election night.

Recently 74 million moral failures couldn't get enough of treason, covid and catastrophe, getting the brown folks was more important. In war sacrifices have to be made and they've been fucking themselves and the country for decades.
oh! and you werent very popular in high school and people generally dont enjoy your company except for the 3 weirdos you keep close that echo your very.....ecclectic?...niche?.....ALT views on society. who are also virgins that live in mammas basement
Im a combat vet bud (infantry) i could care less what anyones opinion is of me. My quality of life is #1 the rest of u can eat shit for all i care hahahaha i love yall but if ur not in my circle i dont have the capacity to gaf about you.

our nation IS going down the pooper...but we have our ups and downs and I still have faith in this country.
and part of what makes us so great is lettin people make dumbass decisions haha as long as it doesnt impede on my freedoms beleive whatever tf u want IDC
I'm a veteran too. That doesn't make you any less of an ignorant asshole.
yeah well hey... whatve you done with your life? probably not a whole lot. go fuck yahself hahaha
i can almost guarantee your... mmmm... overweight....... over 25...... have a small dick..... and are white right? dont lie!
I'm 65 have a full happy life and why would you be concerned about another man's dick?
You are a Trumper and ya don't sound like a vet to me, more like a selfish asshole and a Trumper. With your attitude I'm surprised you survived combat, provided you've ever seen any. I seen one old racist fool give his purple heart to Trump on TV, Donald pocketed it without thinking twice, did you give him your vote too? How long do you figure the good life you crow about would last with 4 more years of Trump? I'll tell you, you wouldn't have a pot to piss in and suspect you don't anyway. I served as a young man then moved on to a corporate job with a good pension and freedom 55. Along the way I've done a few other things that few of my peers have attempted and you could not even imagine. You are a selfish and greedy man, not a wise one, or a particularly smart one either.

So why do you think the sun shines out of Trump's asshole?
oh! and you werent very popular in high school and people generally dont enjoy your company except for the 3 weirdos you keep close that echo your very.....ecclectic?...niche?.....ALT views on society. who are also virgins that live in mammas basement
Also I wouldn't buy your bag seeds either, I have to trust the people I do business with and a greedy bastard like you is untrustworthy.