Three years after former Vice President Gore won a Nobel Prize for sounding the alarm on climate change and GE joined a coalition of companies pushing for a cap on greenhouse gases. Public concern is flagging, along with U.S. and global efforts to mount government responses. The UN panel, which shared the Nobel Peace Prize with Gore, has been faulted for exaggerating the pace at which Himalayan glaciers are melting and for using reports by environmental advocacy groups as a basis for some findings.
Polls find more Americans questioning whether human activity is leading to climate change, or whether the trend is so dire as to justify reshaping U.S. energy use during an economic slump. The consensus of anybody who studies American opinion has to be that there’s less concern, rather than more, on global warming.
But apparently we need highly centralized power given to the best and the brightest, a new class of experts, and more buearucrats. Not regarding everything that has ever happened on this earth results in the conditions of today. The question is whether man made global warming of late "caused" a noteworthy increase. Precursors are often sought out by the advocates of irresponsible management.