A Newb Grow Journal

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New Member
Congrats Nugz. They are looking like they might make it. Nice to see the roots on the bottom. Shows that they are recovering and growing. I'd wait till they are all good and dry like you said. I would just water the tray and then get rid of the excess but mabe one of these guys has a better method.


Well-Known Member
haha! hey guys. i just went in the room to check on things and ALL of the 4" blocks have a bunch of roots poopping out the bottom. YES!!!! so excited. anyway, some of the blocks are getting really dry so i shifted the dry ones to the middle and the moist ones to the outside. figure tomorrow i might need to water. how wuld you guys water them? should i just mix up the solution and then dip each block in it? I don't have another tray to do the whole dunk thing. should i just pour the solution in the tray and then drain the excess afterward? hmmm!

so hellraizer, i only have a little thrive alive till this other order arrives. hopefully this week. since i have the clonex solution that is 1-.5-1 should i use some of that as well? how would you mix them together? what ppm do you think i should be at?

thanks scroglodyte. i'm getting good at bringing plants back to life. lol
congrats man, i never saw significant growth from my clones until i saw roots out of the" blocks then they would explode. i didnt even like taking pics of them for the whole week following transplant lol it was just a waiting game.


New Member
hey guys, got a couple questions and some update pics.

so, here are some pics of my moms after the flush yesterday. they are looking super healthy. the first two pictures in the second row are of one of the cheese plants (not sure cause i mixed up seeds) but it is looking great. this is actually the first time i have seen it without the claw. the last two pics are the other "not sure" plant. it's still go the claw going on but is looking healthy for the most part.

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here are some pics of my clones. they look alright to me but i'm not sure. anyone have an opinion on these? they still look green to me but seem to be real droopy if you ask me.

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here are some pics of the roots coming out of the 4" rockwool blocks. so exciting. the farthest i have been so far.

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so, here we have a slight problem. on one of the blocks it looks like spider webs or mildew. i don't know but it is only on 1 of the blocks. what should i do? i wiped it all off and put the block on a tray by itself. it was on top a little and on the bottom of the block. this was one of the dryer blocks too. i checked all of the other blocks and no signs of this stuff. i'm going to keep a watchfull eye on it. think i should spray with a little hydrogen peroxide?

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New Member
just a quick update. i mixed some solution for the plants in the 4" blocks today. when i went into the tent some of them had wilted and were really droopy. i think maybe i let them go a little too long without water. so i added 15ml of thrive alive to 1 gallon of water and then put in 2ml of my 2 part nutrient to get the ppm up to around 320. it was a little higher then i wanted but when i mixed the thrive alive the ppm was only 160 so i thought a little of my 2 part would move it just enough but it turned out to be a little too much. i ph'd the water to 5.8 and then let the cubes wick it up. we'll see how the recover. the other ones are still looking great.

the moms are looking fantastic. one of them has never looked so good. for the first time she has no claw and she is growing really quickly. super excited about this. all the leaves on the moms look really healthy and the plants are showing signs of new growth every day. the clones i took on saturday look really good today as well. no roots or anything but the leaves are showing signs of life and most of them are standing up.


New Member
Hey Nugz. That white stuff looks like the beginning of PM but if you wiped it off you shouldn't have too much of a problem. It's probably from all the moisture in those blocks plus you had them all lined up together on that tray. Always good to have some spacing between your rockwool.

Glad to hear things are looking better.


New Member
alright guys, back with some more questions and an update.

the moms are looking good. the leaves are drooping but i think this is from the flush on monday. besides that they look healthy and the yellowing seems to have calmed down. the only thing that i noticed strange was that one of the stems had some discoloration. not sure what that could be.

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the plants that are in the 4" blocks seem to be doing well. 2 didn't make it cause i think i waited too long to water. so i am down to 8. 2 of those 8 look like they are still struggling but the others seem to be getting their color back. there is a little drooping and i think it is from the watering as well. i have them nice and spread out on the tray and there is lots of air movement. every once and i while i move them to the mh light for 6-8 hours.

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the clones look good so far. can't see any signs of real growth or anything but they are all still very perky. i left the cover slightly ajar yesterday cause there were some sign of mold in the tray again. it has been 5 days and the cubes are still pretty moist so i am going to leave the dome ajar and start getting them to dry out. hopefully force some root production.


New Member
ok fellas, here's an update.

so, let's start with the vegging plants in the 4" blocks. These were watered 2 days ago. Some of the blocks are drying out quicker than the other one. A few of them are almost dry and there are a few that are still pretty wet. I moved them back under the MH light because over there they get more air movement. still a little confused as to what is going on. the blocks had all these white roots pooping out of the bottom a few days ago but now all of the roots are shriveled up and gone for the most part. is this normal? are they auto pruning themselves? also, the leaves seem to be getting a little yellowish again. i'm not sure what this could be from and it has me a little worried. it seems like it's from overwatering because if you notice there are some that are drooping a little as well. any ideas?

i am thinking of transplanting these to soil soon and try and slowly bring them back to life. that way i can play with them and flower them when i want. what do you guys think?

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here are some pics of the moms. they were doing great after the flush on monday but now they seem to be drooping as well and also yellowing a little. aren't these signs of overwatering? is this normal after a flush? the growth on them has been great since i took the last batch of clones. especially on the 2 that were stunted for a long time. the soil is still pretty moist and will be a few days before they need watering again.

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here are the clones that i took. i mean, i can't see anything as far as growth on them but they are all still standing up and look healthy. the yellowing on the leaves was there when i took them from the moms so i think that is just leftover. i'm not really sure what's going on. i am leaving the dome cracked now to try and get them to dry out. it's been 5 days since i took them and the cubes are still a little moist.

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New Member
ok fellas, here's an update.

so, let's start with the vegging plants in the 4" blocks. These were watered 2 days ago. Some of the blocks are drying out quicker than the other one. A few of them are almost dry and there are a few that are still pretty wet. I moved them back under the MH light because over there they get more air movement. still a little confused as to what is going on. the blocks had all these white roots pooping out of the bottom a few days ago but now all of the roots are shriveled up and gone for the most part. is this normal? are they auto pruning themselves? also, the leaves seem to be getting a little yellowish again. i'm not sure what this could be from and it has me a little worried. it seems like it's from overwatering because if you notice there are some that are drooping a little as well. any ideas?

i am thinking of transplanting these to soil soon and try and slowly bring them back to life. that way i can play with them and flower them when i want. what do you guys think?

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here are some pics of the moms. they were doing great after the flush on monday but now they seem to be drooping as well and also yellowing a little. aren't these signs of overwatering? is this normal after a flush? the growth on them has been great since i took the last batch of clones. especially on the 2 that were stunted for a long time. the soil is still pretty moist and will be a few days before they need watering again.

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here are the clones that i took. i mean, i can't see anything as far as growth on them but they are all still standing up and look healthy. the yellowing on the leaves was there when i took them from the moms so i think that is just leftover. i'm not really sure what's going on. i am leaving the dome cracked now to try and get them to dry out. it's been 5 days since i took them and the cubes are still a little moist.

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i usually cut back fan leaves on clones alot more like whack 50% of leaf off
but thats just how i do it


Rebel From The North
Hey nug i think the droopy leaves and lack of plant growth and over all look is due to this yellowing!
My first though is there hungry! It cant be a lockout cause you already flushed them. Whats the ppm
Level ?

Fabs right its good to that


New Member
thanks FAB for the advice. i'll try that next time. would it help to do it now?

hell, when i fed the ones in the block last time the ppm was 300 and for the moms i just flushed them. the soil is still wet so i can't water them yet. i was planning on going with 500ppm of my 2 part like i think you suggested using after the flush. what do you think i should do about the ones in the block?


Rebel From The North
I think there hungry nug im thinking use your 2 part and add a cal mag sup of some sort a hit them with 400 to 5
On those in the cubes, if your sketched about it? Just hit x2 of them and add lower dose on the rest.


New Member
I think there hungry nug im thinking use your 2 part and add a cal mag sup of some sort a hit them with 400 to 5
On those in the cubes, if your sketched about it? Just hit x2 of them and add lower dose on the rest.
so even though the soil is still moist below the surface you think i should water those moms? not a lot though; we don't want water coming out the bottom? maybe 2 liters per plant?

on the ones in the cubes you think i should hit 2 of them up with that 400-500ppm solution and then dilute it to 250ppm for the others?


New Member
thanks FAB for the advice. i'll try that next time. would it help to do it now?

hell, when i fed the ones in the block last time the ppm was 300 and for the moms i just flushed them. the soil is still wet so i can't water them yet. i was planning on going with 500ppm of my 2 part like i think you suggested using after the flush. what do you think i should do about the ones in the block?
yes it will help even now they are struggling trying to keep all that leaf mass alive
trim them back and they can focus more on roots then saving leaves

i usualy dont trim top most leaf unless it is huge


Rebel From The North
Yah nug get them moms some food and do a good watering till water comes out the bottom.
And for the clones do it just like you said


New Member
yes it will help even now they are struggling trying to keep all that leaf mass alive
trim them back and they can focus more on roots then saving leaves

i usualy dont trim top most leaf unless it is huge
thanks FAB. i'm gonna get on it.

Yah nug get them moms some food and do a good watering till water comes out the bottom.
And for the clones do it just like you said
perfect. look like i'm headed to the cave for a little work today. LOL

thanks again guys for all the help. couldn't do this without you guys and all the help and info from riu. much love!


New Member
hey guys. so just gonna give you an update as to what i did.

for the moms i fed them a 500ppm solution of sensi 2 part with some voodoo juice. i don't have cal/mag till tomorrow or saturday so i added some bud candy (magnesium) and tarantula (calcium) to the solution, 6.6 ph. each plant took about 2 liters before they started to drain excess out the bottom. i also gave them a foliar spray with some b-1 supplement i had lying around called b-52. i let them sit out from under the lights for an hour or two and when i went back it looked like they were already picking up. i guess we'll see over the next 2 days how they handle the solution.

i just gave my clones a foliar spray with a really light (90ppm) b-52 solution. i still have the dome slightly ajar.

for the vegging plants i gave them the same solution as the moms but adjusted the ph to 5.8 for them. when i went back they too looked liek theyr were picking up. excited to see how they react tomorrow.

wish me luck.


New Member
hey guys. so just gonna give you an update as to what i did.

for the moms i fed them a 500ppm solution of sensi 2 part with some voodoo juice. i don't have cal/mag till tomorrow or saturday so i added some bud candy (magnesium) and tarantula (calcium) to the solution, 6.6 ph. each plant took about 2 liters before they started to drain excess out the bottom. i also gave them a foliar spray with some b-1 supplement i had lying around called b-52. i let them sit out from under the lights for an hour or two and when i went back it looked like they were already picking up. i guess we'll see over the next 2 days how they handle the solution.

i just gave my clones a foliar spray with a really light (90ppm) b-52 solution. i still have the dome slightly ajar.

for the vegging plants i gave them the same solution as the moms but adjusted the ph to 5.8 for them. when i went back they too looked liek theyr were picking up. excited to see how they react tomorrow.

wish me luck.
sounds like you ontop of the situation bro
me wishing u all the luck


New Member
Sounds good nug
sounds like you ontop of the situation bro
me wishing u all the luck
thanks alot guys. still battling a little pm or mold on the 4" rockwool plants. been wiping it off every day. might spray the blocks with a little neem oil. what do you guys think? got my first signs of roots this morning on a few of the clones. some of the cubes were really dry so i gave them all a light watering with a 190ppm thrive alive solution. i didn't want to get them too wet. i also pooped the dome off a little more then i had it. hoping that will dry them out quicker. also started seeing new growth on the roots of some of the 4" rockwool plants. a few of them are stll struggling but 3-4 of them look really great. still have the yellowing problem on them as well as the moms but growth wise and everything else looks fantastic. wish i could figure out this yellowing issue. maybe it's from all the water i have been putting into them in the last week. this go round i'm gonna let them get good and dry and see if that helps.

will get pics up tomorrow. left my camera at a friends house.
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