ok fellas, here's an update.
so, let's start with the vegging plants in the 4" blocks. These were watered 2 days ago. Some of the blocks are drying out quicker than the other one. A few of them are almost dry and there are a few that are still pretty wet. I moved them back under the MH light because over there they get more air movement. still a little confused as to what is going on. the blocks had all these white roots pooping out of the bottom a few days ago but now all of the roots are shriveled up and gone for the most part. is this normal? are they auto pruning themselves? also, the leaves seem to be getting a little yellowish again. i'm not sure what this could be from and it has me a little worried. it seems like it's from overwatering because if you notice there are some that are drooping a little as well. any ideas?
i am thinking of transplanting these to soil soon and try and slowly bring them back to life. that way i can play with them and flower them when i want. what do you guys think?
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here are some pics of the moms. they were doing great after the flush on monday but now they seem to be drooping as well and also yellowing a little. aren't these signs of overwatering? is this normal after a flush? the growth on them has been great since i took the last batch of clones. especially on the 2 that were stunted for a long time. the soil is still pretty moist and will be a few days before they need watering again.
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here are the clones that i took. i mean, i can't see anything as far as growth on them but they are all still standing up and look healthy. the yellowing on the leaves was there when i took them from the moms so i think that is just leftover. i'm not really sure what's going on. i am leaving the dome cracked now to try and get them to dry out. it's been 5 days since i took them and the cubes are still a little moist.
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