Specific Jibber Jabber Thread

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
What song doc? and what type of guitar are you slinging?
a fleetwood mac song :D I play a acoustic. Right now i just have a yamaha with me. My other guitars are back in oahu

Well it is NOT specific jibber jabber until you tell us the name of tune you learned to play. So share ;)
landslide, to be exact

Im going to say something Reggae, because Im going to assume he already knows all the Jack Johnson songs he cares to.
hahaha! It usually is reggae that i play lol but i got a friend that lives up here And she jams on the guitar. So I'm picking shit up off of her learning new shit. Pretty awesome

Maybe he learned some Ice Cube. :cool:


Well-Known Member
Nice, I have a Yahmaha FG-461S. The solid top makes it sound awesome. If you look at the model number and it has the S after it, that indicates a solid top which gives a fuller sound than a laminate top


Well-Known Member
a fleetwood mac song :D I play a acoustic. Right now i just have a yamaha with me. My other guitars are back in oahu

landslide, to be exact

hahaha! It usually is reggae that i play lol but i got a friend that lives up here And she jams on the guitar. So I'm picking shit up off of her learning new shit. Pretty awesome

Huge Lindsey Buckingham fan here. I just saw Fleetwood Mac last week. Christie McVie was not with them but they were still so good. They put out a new EP called "Extended Play". It's pretty good. It's classic Fleetwood Mac. Learn to play "Big Love" (live version) and you will be happy you did.

match box

Well-Known Member
Nice shirt dirtyho 1968.^^^^^ My enter key isn't letting me drop down to start a new sentence. I just made an offer on a house. Waiting to see if seller will go for it.


So, i know this is specific Jibber jabber and i am always random. I do not punctuate correctly and am a shitty ass speller.

I started a stupid fight for no real reason. (the bitch gene runs deep within my veins)
How do you become a stepford friend/girlfriend/wife when you are naturally a bitch?

i know the most obvious answer here is smoke more.

I hate smoke in general and can not stand the smell of fresh MJ or the smoke. I can cook with it and put it in my hookah, but now i am looking for a new job and am concerned with the testing.

If i do not talk at all and keep things to myself then i am not dealing with it and if i say something to bring it up in a light matter before i do it then i know i am just a bitch about it. I expect the best but i know better.

why can't i just keep my moth shut?

How do you suggest repressing the bitch gene. i can do it for a short time but then its like it is saying... Let me out of here or i am gonna explode.

I try hard to only seek out and look at the positive; that is just not working for me now and i do not know how to get a grasp back on it.. I just seem to do the passive aggressive thing so that it is not just pure aggression.

How do you do it?


Staff member
So, i know this is specific Jibber jabber and i am always random. I do not punctuate correctly and am a shitty ass speller.

I started a stupid fight for no real reason. (the bitch gene runs deep within my veins)
How do you become a stepford friend/girlfriend/wife when you are naturally a bitch?

i know the most obvious answer here is smoke more.

I hate smoke in general and can not stand the smell of fresh MJ or the smoke. I can cook with it and put it in my hookah, but now i am looking for a new job and am concerned with the testing.

If i do not talk at all and keep things to myself then i am not dealing with it and if i say something to bring it up in a light matter before i do it then i know i am just a bitch about it. I expect the best but i know better.

why can't i just keep my moth shut?

How do you suggest repressing the bitch gene. i can do it for a short time but then its like it is saying... Let me out of here or i am gonna explode.

I try hard to only seek out and look at the positive; that is just not working for me now and i do not know how to get a grasp back on it.. I just seem to do the passive aggressive thing so that it is not just pure aggression.

How do you do it?

i had to learn to repress my bitch gene a lot. im naturally just a fucking bitch. LOL the only place i dont repress my bitch gene is on here, and even than i repress it ab it but sometimes youll see my bitchiness come out by accident.
I always think before i speak, even if im really angered by something you have to literally bite your tongue sometimes and think about the best choice of words to use. I also try to think of how my concerns, thoughts or words may affect someone else's life. will you become respected or thought of negatively from this person because of your actions?
and than i think would my thoughts words or actions be culturally appropriate in some other place in the world? western world has become very outspoken, and rude and abrasive. its just how we are . Ill ONLY speak of how women are and not men, but i find a lot of the times women come off really trashy (not specifically you lol) when they are angry and bitchy. its okay to voice concerns but do it in proper way , women need to know their place sometimes with how they act, it can be a real turn off friendship/relationship wise to watch women bitch about something. its always best to pick your battles.

I know this girl, i love her shes a good friend but sometimes when something pisses her off and she goes into "bitch mode" its like...seriously? i end up looking at her like "ew" because of how she acts , sometimes its best to control your emotions, especially in a work place environment


i normally handle things just as you do. I am finding it more difficult to chose my words wisely and to not pick fights with the people that mean the most to me. Sometimes like today i just had bitch flying out of me just to pick a fight, i did not really want to fight. I wanted to see that i was wrong and that the reaction that i would receive would be positive. Things get turned around and then i get defensive and then it just gets ugly. I can put it away but then i still do not feel like i am in the wrong even though i probably am. I can see both sides to an argument and i try to stay on the positive side of it. I know going to the dark side will not solve anything except make me feel a heck of a lot better. I do not have an outlet to release it. Working out does not do it anymore. cooking helps me forget and cleaning helps but then that just starts it back up because then i move shit around and no one knows where it is. LOL so then it is a new battle and the cycle repeats.
Thank goodness Minne can deal with me most of the time but i push buttons pretty bad sometimes.
Thank you for the advice..


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Staff member
Shoe and sunni that was the best expose of how women's minds work I have ever read. Thank you both of you for your bravery and honesty. I gotta tell you I embraced menopause with both arms. The dying of those embers has been nice. But they still light occasionally. If you look at a recent post or two you can tell I'm channeling bitch as well this errrrrrrrrr week (yeah week).

I know I was given a lot of advice over the years but honestly nothing really worked for me but saying sorry the next day. We all end up being the entertainment on occasion. Don't be to hard on yourself. Oh and occasionally I'd just excuse myself to the restroom and run water and stand there looking at it and putting my wrists under the cold water. Sometimes it would help and sometimes I'd go back loaded for bear.

God bless you two and I hope you find the answers I couldn't,


I know that everyone has thier way of dealing with things.
I am looking to see how other cope or deal with these issues since my way is no longer working.

Curious.. The change is approaching and i think it is why i have changed my ways, sadly they have not been good changes. Things just annoy me more now. The smallest things with play on my emotions and i no longer know how to express myself with out (excusing myself to the restroom then) either crying in anger like a baby or becoming numb in the "i don't give a fuck" way. This way of coping with things is not not so good when it affects your relationship.


Staff member
I know that everyone has thier way of dealing with things.
I am looking to see how other cope or deal with these issues since my way is no longer working.

Curious.. The change is approaching and i think it is why i have changed my ways, sadly they have not been good changes. Things just annoy me more now. The smallest things with play on my emotions and i no longer know how to express myself with out (excusing myself to the restroom then) either crying in anger like a baby or becoming numb in the "i don't give a fuck" way. This way of coping with things is not not so good when it affects your relationship.
well every woman is different .too like peoples personalities are soooooooo different hahaha i had to train myself not to be loud in public while talking to friends or something honestly. HAHAHA now im super quiet


Well-Known Mod
Staff member

Curious.. The change is approaching and i think it is why i have changed my ways, sadly they have not been good changes. Things just annoy me more now. The smallest things with play on my emotions and i no longer know how to express myself with out (excusing myself to the restroom then) either crying in anger like a baby or becoming numb in the "i don't give a fuck" way. This way of coping with things is not not so good when it affects your relationship.
I know I get VERY angry when I cry but sometimes I need to. Which usually leaves me feeling worse and confused because even though I'd managed to curb my tongue so I might not have made a fool of myself in front of others I felt the crying meant I lost. The numbness is the worst part. So I'd choose crying over numb. I mean at least you are feeling something? I don't think I handled this end of things all that well.

Frankly the women I saw on HRT were just as badly off as everyone else. So I still don't have an answer. I just try to apologize profusely and with gusto :)


^^^^ I would love to do that sometime.. I have thoughts like that on the daily!
That shit was JUSTIFIED...LOL


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
^^^^ I would love to do that sometime.. I have thoughts like that on the daily!
That shit was JUSTIFIED...LOL
Yeah PRECISELY! So when someone just shits on me I'm supposed to smile? Seriously you have mistaken me for the wrong smurf! So somehow my justified rage is wrong but men's is ok? Cause of the whole good girl mentality...........

Ok I don't think I'm helping here..........


soooo.... on a lighter note i packed a pipe and sat and relaxed... felling the stress fade away. i Like Scarlet in Gone with the wind am thinking "Tomorrow is another day".....
I am having some of the fruits of our (mostly Minnes) labor... and it is nice and relaxing.
I grabbed some banana liqueur for myself and some beer for Minne when he gets home.(my way of an apology for today's crap...
Now to think of dinner plans..


Well-Known Member
soooo.... on a lighter note i packed a pipe and sat and relaxed... felling the stress fade away. i Like Scarlet in Gone with the wind am thinking "Tomorrow is another day".....
I am having some of the fruits of our (mostly Minnes) labor... and it is nice and relaxing.
I grabbed some banana liqueur for myself and some beer for Minne when he gets home.(my way of an apology for today's crap...
Now to think of dinner plans..
Forgive the intrusion, but from what I've read here tonight and what I know of Minne from his posts is this, you're both intelligent and articulate, your words would carry more meaning then a case of beer {though this is a great addition} so sit down with him and allow him to read these latest posts and see where the conversation leads.