Won't Anything Satisfy The Right?...

The fact you deemed mulatto a "racial slur" is retarded and creates something that isn't there.....that's called a race bait dummy, for further assistance in the matter see your avatar "race quote".

Obama is half white half black; he "wrote" a book that included this information. Just fact not racism.

So go ahead eat the meat off your bone or what ever the fuck you are talking about. Hard to have a problem with a black man in power if he's not even black its just silly.......do continue getting you panties in a bunch though it's funny.

Had I used the word "mixed" instead maybe your PC brainwashing wouldn't kick in but I simply don't care to tiptoe around your opinion of the matter.....a white guy, living in a white part of the state, inventing racial slurs from every letter of every word on every post on this forum.

it's most likely a generation thing, i had an interwebz friend who would refer to himself as a mulatto
i recall saying to him that this word is now regarded by some as a racist term, he genuinely seemed surprised

during the 1970-1990s the term half caste was used and considered non racist during this period
this was replaced with the term mixed race

99% of those folk using the term half caste had no idea of the original Indian caste system from which the term originated
and was considered a slur during the 1950s

USA quite recently
some black folk asked if the term "negro" could be added as a descriptor for race/ethnicity

My oldtimer mulatto buddy was from NY he would always say

"California land of fruits nuts and flakes"

i do not think this is very politically correct.
25% white, 30% asian, 30% hispanic, and 15% black where i'm at.

i could go 2 miles and be in a de facto segregated neighborhood of any color or variety you want.

i like it better here than oregon so far.

Source?? Fuck dude it aint shit without a wiki link right?

Fuck bro that means 75% of the time you surely receive gifts of gratitude at your doorstep for giving voice to the voiceless....obama is mulatto and probably uses Heinz......neither are racial slurs unless you are picking a racial slur argument which you were....but everyone here already knows that.
i'm not a rich tech person living in the smallest 2 million dollar home outside of LA. i'm in a tiny apartment across the street from 7/11 in south san jose.

You clearly lied about the % of minorities... 3.2% isn't 15% by any stretch of the imagination. More evidence you're as bigoted as ever... 15% LMFAO
Source?? Fuck dude it aint shit without a wiki link right?

Fuck bro that means 75% of the time you surely receive gifts of gratitude at your doorstep for giving voice to the voiceless....obama is mulatto and probably uses Heinz......neither are racial slurs unless you are picking a racial slur argument which you were....but everyone here already knows that.

so you called obama a mulatto, and it is me picking the racial slur fight?
Source?? Fuck dude it aint shit without a wiki link right?

Fuck bro that means 75% of the time you surely receive gifts of gratitude at your doorstep for giving voice to the voiceless....obama is mulatto and probably uses Heinz......neither are racial slurs unless you are picking a racial slur argument which you were....but everyone here already knows that.

SAN JOSE - http://quickfacts.census.gov/qfd/states/06/0668000.html
it's most likely a generation thing, i had an interwebz friend who would refer to himself as a mulatto
i recall saying to him that this word is now regarded by some as a racist term, he genuinely seemed surprised

during the 1970-1990s the term half caste was used and considered non racist during this period
this was replaced with the term mixed race

99% of those folk using the term half caste had no idea of the original Indian caste system from which the term originated
and was considered a slur during the 1950s

USA quite recently
some black folk asked if the term "negro" could be added as a descriptor for race/ethnicity


Right. Forbid context to be defined by the one who said it. Pretty silly but hey we're in the bureaucracy.
I recall Mulatto was the term my buddy felt best described him being decedent from Native American X white folk
as opposed to African American X white folk

so you called obama a mulatto, and it is me picking the racial slur fight?

Obama, factually is mulatto.....and you a white guy takes it as a racial slur....go figure....have a lovely day maybe think of the glass is half full once in a while let go of the white guilt a little I forgive you for oppressing my people you didn't do it.
I know 3.2% isn't 15% like you claimed. You just help but lie...

do you know how big san jose is? the census counts a lot of outlying areas as well.

i provided a demographic map that will allow you to see what the demographics look like in my area south of san jose.
Obama, factually is mulatto.....and you a white guy takes it as a racial slur....go figure....have a lovely day maybe think of the glass is half full once in a while let go of the white guilt a little I forgive you for oppressing my people you didn't do it.

no, obama is biracial. mulatto is a racial slur you used.

and "white guilt" is a term that white supremacists and racists love to bandy about.
So it would serve to boost the numbers if anything... Just admit you lied or you think the census is incorrect... Which is it?

boost the numbers?

so a whole bunch of highly white outlier areas are increasing the percentage of black people in my area?

you are all butthurt and stupid now. go abuse some more prescription pills.

so, do you cut your victims bellies so their bodies do not swell and disclose their secret graves?

Doer was talking about Tantric, not Thugee cult. In relation to Tantric, Kali is the mother goddess, representing fertility, who keeps Lord Shiva happy while he smokes ganja. Not the goddess of anihilation the Thugee in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom worship.
no, obama is biracial. mulatto is a racial slur you used.

and "white guilt" is a term that white supremacists and racists love to bandy about.

And comedians.....and authors.......you have tunnel vision.......keep your eye on the prize, which is jack shit.
And comedians.....and authors.......you have tunnel vision.......keep your eye on the prize, which is jack shit.

sure, some authors do use that term in the same way you used it.

http://preservingwesternciv.com/purpose.html[h=3]Statement of Purpose:[/h] We believe that America’s Judeo-Christian heritage and European identity must be defended. Today, our glorious Western civilization is under assault from many directions. Three such threats will be discussed at this conference. First, the massive influx to the United States and Europe of Third-World immigrants who do not share our fundamental political and cultural values. Second, the threat from Islam, a militant ideology that is hostile to our society and, in principle, committed to destroying it. Third, because of the persistent disappointing performance of blacks (which many whites mistakenly blame on themselves) many whites have guilt feelings that undermine Western morale and deter us from dealing sensibly with the other threats.