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  1. DoeEyed

    Compacted Soil and its too late

    I tried nightcrawlers in my very first grow, they didn't work so well - died and smelled to high heaven. lol Make sure to use the smaller, earthworm. In the future, add extra perlite to your soil - roughly one cup per three huge handfuls of soil. (Really scientific there, I know, but it's how I...
  2. DoeEyed

    Need Advice -- Stringy Buds

    Might just be the strains you're growing. I don't grow outdoors, so I can't say for sure, but one test would be - grow something that typically has heavy buds, this time around, and see what happens. Maybe some white widow? If they still come out "stringy" then you know it's something you're doing.
  3. DoeEyed

    is this supose to happen o.0

    A node is the place where each set of leaves, joins the main stem. If you're talking about little triangular looking growths on the nodes, those are stipules.
  4. DoeEyed

    2x 600w HPS 20 Pot Wilma WHAT YIELD?

    I agree. Unless you plan to cut them early, your plants won't be done flowering , at six weeks. Most strains take a minimum of eight weeks, to finish. Keep that in mind, when planning your planting times.
  5. DoeEyed

    Topping or FIM... have pictures

    If you are after four tops, the best bet, is to top using Uncle Ben's method. Wait until the plant has four to five nodes, then top an inch or so above the second true node (you don't count the single bladed leaf set that came first). Gaurenteed four tops, every time. The thread is stickied in...
  6. DoeEyed

    Topping or FIM... have pictures

    I believe it'll be two.
  7. DoeEyed

    DNA Genetics Lemon Skunk Grow

    lol I don't know if you ever really get over the excitement, once you catch the "grow" bug, so to speak.
  8. DoeEyed

    upgrade.....or not an upgrade.

    You know, plants benefit from mixed spectrums in both veg, and flower - there's no reason you can't use both, and get even more benefit out of your lights.
  9. DoeEyed

    Good 400 watt hps?

    Yep, I got my lights from them...Shipping was a tad cheaper going through the company rather than through them on ebay, though, if you wanted to look.
  10. DoeEyed

    DNA Genetics Lemon Skunk Grow

    Woohoo, a front row seat for me! Be patient, is my advice. If you put ungerminated seeds in there, expect to see your girls in roughly four days. Longer, if they aren't quite warm enough.
  11. DoeEyed

    DoeEyed's Perpetual Grow Log

    So these are your first real strains huh? Exciting stuff, good luck! I've got an LA Woman going too, and GHS WW - but then you probably saw that, lol. The TW is my first real strain. First two grows, I did bagseed - first grow I got one female out of three, and had to kill off the two beautiful...
  12. DoeEyed

    DoeEyed's Perpetual Grow Log

    Sorry, I almost forgot your LS question. I soaked mine for 24 hours, set them in paper napkins to germ, and then into little jiffy cups. From soak to sprout, took three days.
  13. DoeEyed

    DoeEyed's Perpetual Grow Log

    Hi and welcome! My "grow treasures" - cute, I like it. The well water - I think it's kind of a case by case basis, honestly. I've read some folks that have problems with it, and some that do fine. How hard is your water? PH wise, my well water is perfect - but there is so much mineral deposit in...
  14. DoeEyed

    Frist time grow, Trainwreck and bag seed, please help

    Looking good! Yeah most of my TW with four colas, have differing cola hieghts - it's weird.
  15. DoeEyed

    Just how badly does it stink?

    Some of mine smell so strongly, I can taste it. Some not so much. But until you know, you're better off planning for it to smell like high heaven, and dealing with it accordingly, to hoping you get one that isn't so bad, and getting caught by the scent.
  16. DoeEyed

    Can I take my clones and then flower right away??

    You should be fine flowering those now.
  17. DoeEyed

    DoeEyed's Perpetual Grow Log

    Glad to have you guys here with me! Wonder, I can't really see any spaces to stick a twisty tie - the top say - eight inches or so for sure on every bud, more on some, is solid - no spaces that I can tell.
  18. DoeEyed

    Wonders Medical Grow: Round 2

    Yeah that Kandy Kush sounds yummy, definately gonna watch that one grow.
  19. DoeEyed

    Round Three: GHS Trainwreck

    I mix it at half strength to start, move to full strength after a couple of weeks. I've created one journal for all three grows, it's getting to be a pain to keep three at once. Hope to see ya there!
  20. DoeEyed

    The GHS White Grow

    Hey guys, I've created one journal for all three grows, it's getting to be a pain to keep three. Hope to see you there!