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  1. Illegal Smile

    The Official Dwc Cooler Club - Any Kind of Cooler Res

    I found my own solution. Since my coolers are rectangular, the bottles almost are a perfect fit the narrow way. So a piece of plastic as a shim makes a tight fit, and I can position the bottles anywhere.
  2. Illegal Smile

    Magnifier Question for Harvesting

    In checking trichs you should take a couple samples from different areas of each plant and then sort of average them for % cloudy.
  3. Illegal Smile

    How does DWC work?

    You just responded to a post that's almost three years old. If you have questions about your system, probably best to start a new thread.
  4. Illegal Smile

    The Official Dwc Cooler Club - Any Kind of Cooler Res

    I am starting my first grow with coolers. We have been having very unseasonably warm weather. I find that ice bottles help me keep the res at 65 when the room is at 72 or 73, which is really all I expected it to do. But if I let the room temp approach 80, the ice has a hard time keeping the res...
  5. Illegal Smile

    Magnifier Question for Harvesting

    Here's an example of a new 1973 Tasco for $18 shipped
  6. Illegal Smile

    Magnifier Question for Harvesting

    If you want to see whole forests of trichs pick up a vintage school microscope on ebay for like 20 or $30. Vastly superior to anything hand held.
  7. Illegal Smile

    The best drying/curing investment I ever made

    My caliber 3s are tracking exactly with a high end hygrometer I own. I can use one in an 8 oz jelly jar.
  8. Illegal Smile

    Nirvana Northern Lights - Verdict?

    I've been growing that strain almost exclusively for 2 years. Nothing but happy with it. FYI, you can harvest with a lower % cloudy and you will be happy too. Headier and not as body, but equally awesome.
  9. Illegal Smile

    My new set up!

    My cat would eat those plants in a heartbeat. I've devised all sorts of catproofing that allows air thru but not cats.
  10. Illegal Smile

    can somebody help me out?

    Good - I'd rather it be their fault than mine. BTW, where does one go to look at one's +reps? I've never even looked.
  11. Illegal Smile

    can somebody help me out?

    I know, "sure I'll help you out, where did you come in?" No seriously. Can somebody like this post? I think it isn't working. I mean, many of my posts suck, but I still get a few likes each day and haven't had one for a long time. So if someone (one's enough) could like this post then also post...
  12. Illegal Smile

    Tall Plants

    Sorry but I can't help conclude that anyone who is ready for 21,000 watts of grow lighting, shouldn't need any help from anyone on RIU.
  13. Illegal Smile

    The best drying/curing investment I ever made

    These things work great and this is the best price I've found. When buds are beginning to dry, just jar some and put one of these in for a few...
  14. Illegal Smile

    Tall Plants

    Can we back up and perhaps you can explain how you arrived at the conclusion that this would be an efficient configuration? How many 1000w lights total are you planning? Did I really count 21? 21,000 watts? What kind of electrical service and wiring do you have? Let's see... at a gram a watt...
  15. Illegal Smile

    would this light be ok for 2 plants?

    Find one like that with 4 bulbs instead of 2. 2 won't be enough. I have two of them in the closet I'd like to get rid of.
  16. Illegal Smile

    First Growroom Evaluation / Advice

    With only six sq ft you can only lst one plant. I don't mean to be negative, but it seems to me the gyrations one has to go through to make these little boxes viable is hardly worth it for the minimal yields. If I were growing in a space that small, I would either do an autoflower dwarf, or go...
  17. Illegal Smile

    what do you get more from sog or just growing big plants

    No. They veg for only 2 weeks and then they start 12/12 under 400w. The 400 penetrates enough while they are that size to produce budsites all the way down the plant. Then when they go to 600 they are bent over to and all those sites become pronounced colas. Bottom line, I think yield is a...
  18. Illegal Smile

    dwc buckets

    I would hate to see someone from twin cities saying the orange buckets are fine, and someone from Atlanta trying them. How well they work is a matter of how much heat you have, and/or how much you can control it. I don't worry about the light so much (just use h2o2) as I do the res temps which...
  19. Illegal Smile

    what do you get more from sog or just growing big plants

    My new setup has a propagation chamber where plants go from seed for two weeks. Then they go to flower in a 400w closet for 3 more weeks, then they go to a 600w flower room for 6 weeks where they get LST to maximize budsites. At least that's the plan, haven't done a full cycle yet.
  20. Illegal Smile

    Beginners growing question

    If they look healthy they probably are. If they are stretching you probably need more light, and perhaps a little closer.