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  1. Gold medal bong hits

    Amazing look into other creatures work.

    This video I thought was just amazing. I felt it showed how alike we are with all the creatures on earth.Which are able to design structures . The work these ant's did was just insane.
  2. Gold medal bong hits

    51 hours left to live ...

    I also saw this on reddit today. I think that is why I really enjoy that website. They have a such amazing community not saying riu isnt. Which is why i believe this person shared the story with them knowing people would care . /trees love =)
  3. Gold medal bong hits

    Today I wanna tell you about wrist control, muggings and crack ...

    Love these guys! Wrist control and your good!
  4. Gold medal bong hits

    Shoot me a pm when you can my friend.

    Shoot me a pm when you can my friend.
  5. Gold medal bong hits

    Just to provoke some thought ...

    That was a great video.I had the tron Soundtrack going with it synced very well
  6. Gold medal bong hits

    Fluoride in Drinking Water Conspiracy?... Blocking Our 3rd Eye.

    Yeah same here. He makes everything 100% times more dramatic. I sorta looked at stuff over time and really thought all it is a bunch of rich bankers running a few monopolies that are able to control people with religion and goods that are needed. I had this talk the other day with my friend...
  7. Gold medal bong hits

    Fluoride in Drinking Water Conspiracy?... Blocking Our 3rd Eye.

    Have you guys seen these? I stopped looking at the conspiracies...
  8. Gold medal bong hits

    Trippy Music

    I would go see them live if they perhaps played smaller shows instead of festivals
  9. Gold medal bong hits

    I love 'Charlie'

    Man I'm pretty sure he is just tripping on some shrooms or acid if he came out clean.He looks so bugged out in interviews but i think thats why he is a badass
  10. Gold medal bong hits

    Black Light Mini Golf

    Haha I could just see that happening. Chilling in class acting like your sleeping but laughing non stop. Would be so hard to try and hide it. I get worried about people knowing I'm shrooms when I'm talking on the phone. I get very chatty and will want to talk about the most random topics...
  11. Gold medal bong hits

    Trippy Music

    Sorry about the funeral. Just really shows how much time we have on this earth. Anyway that is a really good dubstep remix. I been trying to get into more electronic music scene after hearing things like Ratatat. Anyway this is my post for now.
  12. Gold medal bong hits

    The Dreaded Overdose!

    The only time I have ever almost died. Was when I was new to drinking and really really underestimated everclear. I always had thought people lied about it because the first time I had it I drank 3 shots and didn't feel a thing. Anyways I was at a friends house a few minutes away walking. So...
  13. Gold medal bong hits

    Black Light Mini Golf

    Man darth I have never even heard of this before now. I really do hope they have one of these where I live. Looks like it would be a blast sober. Now add some shrooms and some other goodies talking about a night to remember!
  14. Gold medal bong hits

    want to try acid

    Man the good ole days when anything could keep you entertained for hours at a time. Damn do I miss that. Now we all we got is drugs =)
  15. Gold medal bong hits

    Needle Me This Eye Candy

    Wow these pictures are amazing. Makes me wish I still mesed around with computer graphics like I used to in Hs. I think next time I trip is the time I will start messing photoshop or illustrator again. Thank you for this post Puffer. I now have a few new wallpapers for use now =)
  16. Gold medal bong hits


    Yeah really I think the risk out way anything good that would come out of eating wild shrooms.I would just grow mine.Pretty much like baking a cake!!! Or maybe go to a mushroom club and talk to the hippies that pick.
  17. Gold medal bong hits

    Fluoride in Drinking Water Conspiracy?... Blocking Our 3rd Eye.

    Sounds crazy idk if it really does anything. I just don't like the whole idea of extras being put into my water but I know there isnt much I really can do.
  18. Gold medal bong hits

    Welcome To Gaza: The WoW Journey Uncut!

    This post really grew while. Have been really busy since i just got back into town. Good read! Sucks you couldn't go hiking. I'm trying to talk my buddy to take a weekend off and go camping with some goodies. He has yet tripped in the nature or evening go camping lol.
  19. Gold medal bong hits

    Trippy drug myths

    I'm going to cheat with this wikipedia link. Was posted on a website I enjoy.
  20. Gold medal bong hits


    Shrooms don't bother my stomach really. Have yet to puke from it. My other friends can't keep them down lol. I remember my friends first time eating shrooms him taking a hit of some schwag and then puking like there is no tomorrow. Had to be one of the funniest thing I had seen in a while. Then...