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  1. Spliffer1

    Set my ass straight

    And are you flushing the N from mommy first? Where you take the cutting from can make dif, too. I've determined thru trial and error, that some breeds can be very difficult to clone.
  2. Spliffer1

    Help needed 400w dwc Leaves curling up

    Hey! I'm in Texas, too!
  3. Spliffer1

    Help needed 400w dwc Leaves curling up

    Are u using metal halide for veg, or hps? Either way, at this stage in growth, they don't need an intense light. They'll actually start out quicker if you keep it up at least 24", until it takes off, then gradually increase intensity. I REALLY want to grow some of that, please let me know how...
  4. Spliffer1

    Help needed 400w dwc Leaves curling up

    If you overdosed her with N, the damage is done. If they are burnt- even a little,THOSE leaves will never recover. From the looks of the size of your seedling and depending on what nutes you're using, I would say anything over 150ppm could be too much. Are you roots showing well? I keep my...
  5. Spliffer1

    DWC rookie mistske

    Right on with the root rot. I had a very similar incident, and fortunately, the roots wern't damaged, and she picked right up. But the stress (I'm pretty sure) caused her to hermie. Watch for that
  6. Spliffer1

    Help me quick please ppm question

    Sounds as though you're using tap water. MANY municipalities treat with a buffer that will try and return the ph to it's specified range- usually around 6.5-6.7, ever so slightly acidic to help kill and keep bacteria from growing. With that said, you can (a) keep treating it over and over, until...
  7. Spliffer1

    Dinafem Fruit Automatic HPS Grow

    Sweet! That sounds fun, I haven't had any shrooms in 20+ years. Don't know if you've already found a light at a good price. Just wanted to let you know I got one off ebay for around $125, 400w mh/hps digital ballast, adjustable wing reflector, and both hps and mh lamps. Thought it was a fair...
  8. Spliffer1

    Dinafem Fruit Automatic HPS Grow

    'Sup, man? Trying some autos, eh? You'll get a kick out of watching them go. I did some auto-berry and AK-47 autos earlier this year. The smoke from them was pretty impressive, I thought it was just as good as a photo plant. They were outside, in less than ideal soil, it was pretty early in the...
  9. Spliffer1

    Infared Photography different from Thermal imaging?

    IR imaging is used to detect pot in the mid- late stages of flowering. At night, the resinous buds hold heat longer than the rest of the lightweight foliage around it. The heat signature is unique in shape, and is a dead giveaway. I've been lead to believe that it's difficult to pick out just a...
  10. Spliffer1

    Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

    I've recently found a couple of budworms on one of my babies, now I'm worried. They're within a couple of weeks of finishing, so I don't feel comfortable spraying them with anything. I'm picking over the buds meticulously trying to find any others before they can do any more damage on a daily...
  11. Spliffer1

    Four Legged Security - Post Your Pics!!!

    Having grown up with german shepards, I believe you'd be hard-pressed to find a better watch dog. Incredibly intellegent. With a little obediece training, their capabilities are endless. Raised around children, they are as loyal and protective as they get. The females tend to have less...
  12. Spliffer1

    Milky Trichs?

    Yep, as Mr. BrownWater stated- ebay or amazon you can find loupes and mini scopes really cheap. Important if you plan to keep the good thing goin'!
  13. Spliffer1

    Huge plants up to 9ft not budding yet!! :S what should i do

    I'm in the good ol' south and most of my stuff is finishing right on time. BUT, I have an Afghan that is really just now beginning to bud out- a good 4-5 wks behind the others. Just the name Afghan Kush would go further to say that it is indica dominant. The weather here won't have as much...
  14. Spliffer1

    2012 outdoor bud pictures, who's got buds?

    NYC Diesel @ 5 wks Lemon Skunk @ 7wks Thai Stick @5 wks
  15. Spliffer1

    Texas Outdoor growing HELP

    A couple things I learned about growing here in TX are game changers- for sure. I'm from the midwest, and the conditions there are very different, so the last couple years here have been a learning curve. 1- As mentioned above, there are strains that handle this dry heat better than others 2-...
  16. Spliffer1

    2012 outdoor bud pictures, who's got buds?

    Judging from the pics, I would say cannibas. (Sorry, dude. Just could not help it.) The do look very nice and healthy!
  17. Spliffer1

    Help me price my bud!

    I suspect if you find a seed in (my) your bag, you'll accept it as a gift and STFU! Because the bag was a gift in the first place! I don't sell my shit.
  18. Spliffer1


    Indeed. I'm going to grab some more in the morning. It's our weekly trip to the grocery, best time is early in the morning. Thanks
  19. Spliffer1


    I tried some pole beans earlier on in the year, and they helped fill in the greenery. But, the Texas heat wasn't too kind to them, and they're actually beginning to grow again. Then there were the grasshoppers, by the droves- that's been a battle all it's self. Little fuckers. Had 2 lemon skunks...
  20. Spliffer1


    I REALLY like your rose bush And it looks natural!