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  1. FaCultGen

    nosey neighbors

    lol i am totaly in agreement about the not cheeting thing... but hot neighbors still get the special treatment, you should have invited her in and smoked her down...then if she tries to get some dick say no, and you'd be the better man to deny it... pluss you would have her in your pocket so if...
  2. FaCultGen

    Im a cop

    i love how it says potato chips twice...
  3. FaCultGen

    Masta's Ghetto Buds 2

    those plants are pertty. how do you post without saying anything?
  4. FaCultGen

    Good Shroom Question

    lol if you ate 3 oz... you would never be the same...
  5. FaCultGen

    LSD chemicals ?

    lol it's true... i try to not mix drugs... but acid is one drug that i will do with any other drug, mostly nowadays i mainly drink on acid (and of course pot) but i have taken a shit load of other drugs with my acid.
  6. FaCultGen

    LSD chemicals ?

    lol... it's not that people add chemicals to just all depends on the method that was used to make it... i mean people "could" dilute it with even water... but generally not, arsinic is commly found in lsd but only because it occurs naturaly in the synthasis prosses, you can tell when...
  7. FaCultGen

    LSA, Synthetic acid

    lol it could easily compare to lsd if you were to extract and prepare it corectly... how ever to call it synthetic is false... look up the definition of synthetic...
  8. FaCultGen

    Good drugs / Bad drugs

    all drugs are great in moderation... "i don't advocate drugs sex and violence to anyone...they've just always worked good for me"...
  9. FaCultGen

    Some cacti questions

    san pedro is the best in my oppinion... easy to get and cheep, plus the alkaloid content is greatly depending on the health and biological state the cactus is in.
  10. FaCultGen

    Good Shroom Question

    no you can an extent... no death has ever been recorded do to psilisybe mushroom "poisoning", however you can OD on water so... and also if you take them you could possibly go crazy and have perminent effects... but i'm fine and i've taken alot of mushrooms...
  11. FaCultGen

    How to tell if shrooms are Magic.

    get "the field guide to mushrooms" and "the mushroom cultivator" i own both and they are both great, pluss you should check out shroomery, i'm a long time member and i love it there... you should be growing your own anyway, picking them wild is a waste of time "shoot and miss" kinda shit unless...
  12. FaCultGen

    Rollitup Compassion Club News!!!

    thank you very much for putting the effort in lacy. very informative, you should keep a hard copy of all the "articles" you write. keep it up, and if you need help in research let me know, i'm a strong supporter of the news letter. i never was much for writing but i like to do research. good...
  13. FaCultGen

    Sex during that time of the month..

    lol... i will have sex durring period anytime... i little blood never hurt a dick as long as you trust that your partner is clean... but you do have to put a towel on the bed...unless you like blood stain all over your white sheets... lol i got perioud in my mouth once... or twice... i could...
  14. FaCultGen

    FaCultGen's Grow:White Russian,bag seed, and soon MK-Ultra

    lol it's long over buddy lol but ok.
  15. FaCultGen

    --tech209'z 400w hps 8sq'z closet SOG hindu kush log--

    damn nice, are those smaller ones gonna be as large as the large ones are? how much you yielding from 1 plant?
  16. FaCultGen

    Top44 clones from an awesome MUTHA-biatch!

    lol taho that pic on the far left is fucking a beauty, nice job where is it harvest time outdoor now... it's like the opposite...what hemisphere you live in?
  17. FaCultGen

    Cali's Kush Journal..19 Clones/2000 Watts.

    lol i like how you can see the firing pin. the bud looks great cali
  18. FaCultGen

    Rollitup Party

    lol it wouldn't be hard to set up... i could do it, but i would need a small amount of funding... i'd prolly do it for some seeds... lol but anyway... are we still gonna do this thing in may?
  19. FaCultGen

    I wanna know what is "420"

    lol ya dude it was police code 420= "marijuana party" so if you every hear "chchchchc....we got a 420 on south main and industrial" means "we got some kids smoking weed on the corner" lol
  20. FaCultGen

    Anyone heard about America, Canada & Mexico forming a union?

    chip?... just one step closer to a globle nation... could be good...could be bad... i guess it all depends on whos in charge...