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  1. thegreensurfer

    Black Stuff On Leaves

    Yea get some powdered dolomite lime or the CalMag. If you had a good amount of rain it can leach ca and mg from the soil.
  2. thegreensurfer

    How much do you think it will wield

    No, hairy triangles are awesome.
  3. thegreensurfer

    RO water problems? Please help

    You have a potassium deficiency. Most likely caused by the ro water. Heat stress can mimick potassium deficiency as well since it causes the rate of transpiration to surpass with what the plant can keep up with. Thus causing cell death starting at the leaf margins.
  4. thegreensurfer

    Help please, leaves brown dry spots!!!!

    It was probably the heat. Have you sprayed them with the lights on?
  5. thegreensurfer

    Black Stuff On Leaves

    Have you supplied calcium and magnesium to the soil? Has it rained a lot lately?
  6. thegreensurfer

    vitamins for plants

    Increase your bush size today!
  7. thegreensurfer

    What's up with attitude?

    Vote Gary Johnson because he wants a regulated legal cannabis market.
  8. thegreensurfer

    How much do you think it will wield

    It's Chicago style, there is supposed to be lots of relish. Mustard is supposed to be on the opposite side of the wiener as the relish because the mustard makes the relish too sour.
  9. thegreensurfer

    Where to buy iranian autoflower seeds?

    You can't. There is an embargo.
  10. thegreensurfer

    Platnium GSC outdoors

    We all learn the behavior of new strains when we first grow them, the first couple PGSC I grew awhile back kept getting leaf rust blotches and dropping. I have since determined it was either Ca, Mg, or both. Now I double the CaMg as well as mix powdered dolomite into the soil to prevent this...
  11. thegreensurfer

    Platnium GSC outdoors

    If you read what I wrote, you will see that I do in fact increase the amount.
  12. thegreensurfer

    Platnium GSC outdoors

    This strain is a calcium and magnesium hog.... I have to double dose with CalMag to keep it from dropping all its leaves. This deficiency on this plant totally affects the bud quality.
  13. thegreensurfer

    Platnium GSC outdoors

    I would guess that maybe it's the cold nights? Platinum cookies is in my regular rotation, I know the plant pretty well. It tends to get some dark purple if night time gets below 60.
  14. thegreensurfer

    Calcium Deficiency? Very Sudden

    Are you in coco?
  15. thegreensurfer

    unhealthy leaves problem

    On that flowering pic it is most likely heat stress. But on the seedlings in the first post I would have to stand by my previous comment, especially considering the OP ruled out heat.
  16. thegreensurfer

    Help eagle claw?

    Just switch to your bloom ferts and ride it out,'ll be better off doing that rather than flushing.
  17. thegreensurfer

    Help eagle claw?

    Monterrey is good stuff, do another application about 10-14 days after the first. Make sure you wet them good and give the plants a shake afterwards. The clawing can be too much N, too hot / too much light at the tops.
  18. thegreensurfer

    unhealthy leaves problem

    I'd bet on the soil....either too wet or too hot for that size plant. Seedlings that small do better when you don't fully saturate the soil because they don't have a full root system yet.
  19. thegreensurfer

    Calcium Deficiency? Very Sudden

    You flushed right when nutrient uptake is near its peak. It may be too late for CaMg to be of any benefit. Mix in some dolomite in your next run and don't flush. When I was a beginner grower I would be chasing my tail with flushing trying to figure out the problem, it turns out I was creating...
  20. thegreensurfer

    How to prevent fungus nats?

    If you need a quick effective solution then a drench with azamax would be a good choice.