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  1. thegreensurfer

    super hot flush . 500f hotter the better

    boiling water will cook the roots and swine fats will piss off vegans and Jews. Use kombucha to assist soil microbial health and coconut oil as a wetting agent.
  2. thegreensurfer

    Worm repellant advice

    These are the little fucks..... Little white eggs.
  3. thegreensurfer

    Worm repellant advice

    The holes on the leaves look like grasshopper damage that I used to get. Amazax is effective for anything that eats leaves. You definitely don't have thrips so you can rule that out. If you can afford the $30 for azamax that'll keep your girls bug free. They won't eat the leaves with that stuff...
  4. thegreensurfer

    Platinum Cookie Comrades? Perpetual droop...

    I'm not sure how many different PC there are...maybe it's a version some breeder made to get the strain in seed form......but mine has typical indica leaves with a sativa growth structure. Big fat very dark green leaves, almost blue looking, your leaves seem long and skinny especially towards...
  5. thegreensurfer

    flowering already??

    It looks like you put it outside during the very last moments of spring flowering season. In California it will flower up until early June if you get them outside by early April. It's revegging, give it a month and it'll be looking much better.
  6. thegreensurfer

    Platinum Cookie Comrades? Perpetual droop...

    Where did you get the strain? It doesn't look like platinum cookies....PC is in my regular rotation and it looks nothing like that. Whatever it is it looks under watered and nitrogen deficient.
  7. thegreensurfer

    Why are outdoor buds leafier?

    Not me.
  8. thegreensurfer

    Why are outdoor buds leafier?

    Yeah, I would agree the temp-humidity sounds like the more likely variable. All those are plausible.
  9. thegreensurfer

    Why are outdoor buds leafier?

    I don't have any yield issues. My buds are dense and full. There are just more single-blade leafs within the bud and all the leaves are thicker overall than indoor.
  10. thegreensurfer

    Why are outdoor buds leafier?

    I never said that I removed the leaves. It appears as though you are confused.
  11. thegreensurfer

    Why are outdoor buds leafier?

    I do because that's what I've observed on my indoor strains that have been grown outside.
  12. thegreensurfer

    Why are outdoor buds leafier?

    They get more intense light outdoors so it would make sense to think they would need less leaves because of increased efficiency. But it's not the case...anyone know why?
  13. thegreensurfer

    Worm repellant advice

    Contain the grass if you can, either by removing or mowing.....tall grass can support more bad guys.
  14. thegreensurfer

    Brown spots on leaves

    Was the affected leaf close to your lights at some point?
  15. thegreensurfer

    Worm repellant advice

    It's unlikely you have any worms right now since they munch on the you currently have a pest problem? If not, I'd say leave it alone and focus on plant health. You will want to spray the whole plant, underside of leaves included. Anything that you want protected you'll have to spray...
  16. thegreensurfer

    Worm repellant advice

    Weedman, go ahead and use the Monterrey Garden Insect Spray. I start spraying every 2 weeks when August comes around...since it's so late in the season I usually only make 3-4 applications. Towards the end I spray lightly as to not allow it to soak into the buds. It breaks down in the presence...
  17. thegreensurfer

    Nutrient mixing order? Important?

    That's how I do it, I dilute all nutrients and additives a little bit before a cup or so.
  18. thegreensurfer

    Nutrient mixing order? Important?

    Why? I was told adding it first prevents calcium lockout.
  19. thegreensurfer

    growing older seeds

    How moist was this paper towel? And the temperature?
  20. thegreensurfer

    Topping your buds

    I've done this with strains that are known to mold on thick colas, it defintely helps prevent mold. The way I came across this method is I had an outdoor plant with a caterpillar and its shit all over a large top bud, I cut it off and the buds surrounding and below turned out bigger than the...